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Schapera, Isaac

Married life in an African tribe / by I. Schapera ; with an introduction by Bronislaw Malinowski Book

Sheridan House, New York, 1941.

BibTeX | Tags: Africa, introduced by Malinowski


Ortiz, Fernando

Contrapunteo cubano del tabaco y el azucar / Prologo de Brosnilaw Malinowski Book

Editorial Ariel, Barcelona, 1940, ISBN: 978-84-344-0732-9.

BibTeX | Tags: introduced by Malinowski, Latin America

Thompson, Laura

Fijian frontier by L. Thompson. Introduction by B. Malinowski Book

San Francisco,, 1940.

Links | BibTeX | Tags: introduced by Malinowski, Melanesia


Fei, Xiaotong

Peasant life in China : a field study of country life in the Yangtze Valley, with a preface by Bronislaw Malinowski Book

London : George Routledge and Sons, 1939.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: China, introduced by Malinowski

Creedy, (Frederick) F

Human nature writ large : a social psychologic survey and western anthropology / by F. Creedy ; with a foreword by Bronislaw Malinowski Book

Allen & Unwin, London, 1939.

BibTeX | Tags: introduced by Malinowski


Kenyatta, Jomo; Malinowski, Bronislaw

Facing Mount Kenya : the tribal life of the Gikuyu / by Jomo Kenyatta ; with an introduction by B. Malinowski Book

Secker and Warburg, London, 1938.

BibTeX | Tags: Africa, introduced by Malinowski


Montagu, Ashley

Coming into being among the Australian aborigines : a study of the procreative beliefs of the native tribes of Australia Book

New York : AMS Press, 1937, ISBN: 978-0-404-14573-6.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Australia, introduced by Malinowski

Lips, Julius (Julius Ernst) E; Benson, Vincent

The savage hits back, by Julius E. Lips ... with an introduction by Bronislaw Malinowski; translated from the German [by Vincent Benson] Book

Yale University Press, New Haven, 1937.

BibTeX | Tags: introduced by Malinowski


Firth, Raymond

We, the tikopia : a sociological study of kinship in primitive Polynesia / by Raymond Firth ; with a preface by Bronislaw Malinowski Book

Allen & Unwin, London, 1936.

BibTeX | Tags: introduced by Malinowski, Polynesia


Lorentz, Friedrich

The Cassubian civilization / by Fr. Lorentz, Adam Fischer and Tadeusz Lehr-Splawinski ; with a preface by Bronislaw Malinowski Book

Faber & Faber, Lond, 1935.

BibTeX | Tags: introduced by Malinowski


Hogbin, Ian (Herbert Ian) H; Malinowski, Bronislaw

Law and order in Polynesia : a study of primitive legal institutions ; with an introduction by B. Malinowski Book

Shoe String Press, Hamden, Conn, 1934.

BibTeX | Tags: introduced by Malinowski, Polynesia


Fortune, Reo

Sorcerer of Dobu : the social anthropology of the Dobu islanders of the wester Pacific / Introduction by Bronislaw Malinowski Book

Dutton, New York, 1932.

BibTeX | Tags: introduced by Malinowski

Richards, Audrey I

Hunger and work in a savage tribe : a functional study of nutrition among the southern Bantu / Audrey I. Richards ; preface by B. Malinowski Book

George Routledge, London, 1932.

BibTeX | Tags: Africa, introduced by Malinowski

Baker, Richard St Barbe

Men of the trees : in the mahogany forests of Kenya and Nigeria. With a foreword by Bronislaw Malinowski ; and an introduction by Lowell Thomas. Book

G. Allen & Unwin, London, 1932.

BibTeX | Tags: Africa, introduced by Malinowski


Aldrich, Charles Roberts

The primitive mind and modern civilization. With an introd. by Bronislaw Malinowski and a foreword by C. G. Jung Book

Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn, 1931, ISBN: 978-0-8371-3240-2.

BibTeX | Tags: introduced by Malinowski



Red men of Nigeria. Forwords by Malinowski Book

Seeley Service, London, 1930.

BibTeX | Tags: introduced by Malinowski


Saville, William James Viritahitemauvai

In unknown New Guinea Book

AMS Press, New York, 1926, ISBN: 978-0-404-14172-1.

BibTeX | Tags: introduced by Malinowski, New Guinea