Bibliography All years 20242023202220212019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751973197219711970196919681967196619651964196319621960195919581957195619551954195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341932193119301929192719261924192319221921192019181916191519131912191119100000 All types Journal ArticlesBooksBook ChaptersBook SectionsMiscellaneousOnlinePhD Theses All tags Africaalpine anthropologyapplied anthropologyAustraliaAustriabibliographybibliography about Malinowskibiographybook reviewbook review by MalinowskiChinacolonialismcorrespondenceeconomicsethnographyFeminismfunctionalismgenderhistoryhistory of anthropologyintroduced by MalinowskikinshipkulaLatin Americalinguisticsmagic and religionMalinowskiMassonmaterial cultureMelanesiaMexicomovie reviewNew GuineaOceaniaphilosophyPolandPolynesiapost mortempsychologyPsychology / Human Sexualityrebellionreview of Malinowski's bookreview of Masson's bookRites and ceremonies--Macedonia.Social anthropologySocial Science / Anthropology / GeneralSocial workSouth Tyrolstory of familyTrobriand IslandsTrobriandswork about Malinowskiwork about Massonwork by Malinowskiwork by Masson All authors (translation), Francesca Bettocchi (translation), Justin Izzo (translation), Maria Lord Abrahamian, L H Adams, Julie Aldrich, Charles Roberts Alvarez, Oscar Fernández Angioni, Giulio Ardener, Edwin Austen, Leo Baker, Richard St Barbe Baker, Stuart Baker, Victoria J Barlow, Kathleen Barth, Fredrik Bartmanski, Dominik Barton, F R Bascom, William Bashkow, Ira Battaglia, Debbora Bauer, Janet Beattie, J H M Bell, Joshua A Benedict, Burton Bennett, Tony Benson, Vincent Beran, Harry Berman, Bruce Birkalan-Gedik, Hande Bodemann, Michal Y Bolton, Lissant Bonshek, Elizabeth Boon, James Borš, Vanja Bradfield, R M Brown, Hannah Brozi, Krzysztof J Bruffault, Robert Brunton, Ron Buckley, Peter Burkard, Franz-Peterdatl Burke, Patrick Burrowes, Carl Patrick Burt, Ben Burton, John W Burton, Orsolya Arva Cadzow, Allisoni Camps, Joan Bestard Canby, Joel S Clifford, James Cochrane, Susan Cocks, Paul Colajanni, Antonino Cole, John W Coleman, Leo Comaroff, Jean Comaroff, John L Conley, John M Cook, Scott Cooley, Timothy J Corriveau, Louis Crain, Jay B Creedy, (Frederick) F Cunnison, Ian Cuscoy, Luis Diego Damon, Frederick H Darrah, Allan C Dauber, Kenneth Davis, John Debaene, Vincent Dehouve, Daniele Della Rocca, Marina Drucker-Brown, Susan Durham, Eunice Ribeiro Edge-Partington, J Egloff, Brian J Ellen, Roy Engelking, Anna Fardon, Richard Fei, Xiaotong Firth, John Rupert Firth, Raymond Fisher, Donald Foks, Freddy Forge, Anthony Fortune, Reo Frederiksen, Bodil Folkede la Fuente, Julio Galli, Matilde Callari Gallus, Alexander Gaona, Héctor Tejera Gay y Blasco, Paloma Geertz, Clifford Geismar, Haidy Gell, Alfred Gellner, Ernest Gifford, Edward W Gijswijt-Hofstra, M Gingrich, Andre Ginsberg, Morris Ginzburg, Carlo Gluckman, Max Gluckman, Max Gnecchi-Ruscone, Anna Paini Elisabetta Goldenweiser, Alexander Goldstein, Leon J Gonzalez, Roberto J Goode, William J Goody, Jack Gordon, Robert J. Gosden, Chris Greenfield, Sidney M Gregg, Dorothy Gross, Feliks Guala, Chito Guldin, Gregory Eliyu Haberland, Hartmut Hage, Per Hammond, Melinda Harary, Frank Harding, Thomas G Harrison, Simon Harwood, Frances Hasan, Ruqaiya Hays, H R Hirsch, Eric Hoebel, Adamson E Hogbin, Ian (Herbert Ian) H Holdsworth, Chris Homans, George C Hosp, Inga Hsu, Francis L K Hutnyk, John Jacorzynski, Witold James, Brent Jarvie, I C Jarvie, Ian Charles Jean, Guiart Jolly, Margaret Kaberry, Phyllis Kaesler, Dirk Kapolka, Gerard T Kasmani, Omar Keck, Frédéric Keesing, Roger Kenyatta, Jomo Kiepe, Juliane Kilani, Mondher Kluckhohn, Clyde Knoll, Eva-Maria Kolankiewicz-Lundberg, Marta Konishi, Shino Korta, Kepa Krzyżanowski, Ludwik Kubica, Grażyna Kuklick, Henrika Kuper, Adam Kurtz, Stanley Nde L'Estoile, Benoît Langendoen, Terence D Lanzinger, Margareth Laracy, Hugh Larson, Frances Leach, Edmund Leach, Jerry Lee, Demetracopoulou D Lepani, Katherine Lewis, Herbert S Liebersohn, Harry Liep, John Lips, Julius (Julius Ernst) E Lipset, David Livolsi, Marino Lombard, Jacques Longo, Gioia Di Cristofaro Lorentz, Friedrich Lowrie, Claire Luckmann, Thomas Luhmann, Niklas Lydon, Jane Lydon, Jane Lyons, Andrew P Lyons, Harriet MacAulay, Stewart MacCarthy, Michelle Macintyre, Martha Mair, Lucy Malinowski, Bronislaw Manderson, Lenore Mannheim, KarlValeria Ribeiro Corossacz Marco Bassi, Antonio De Lauri Martínez, Julia Martiny, Federica Marwedel, Peter Maryanski, Alexandra R Masson, Elsie Matera, Marc Mathur, Chandana Mathur, K S Mauss, Marcel May, (Ronald James) R J Meeker, Michael E Meger, Zbigniew Métraux, A Mey, Jacob Milenković, Miloš Mills, David Mohia-Navet, Montagu, Ashley M F Montagu, Ashley Montague, Susan Morgain, Rachel Morton, Christopher Mosko, Mark S Mucha, Janusz Munn, Nancy D Murdock, George Peter Nadel, Sigfried Nader, Laura Niehaus, Isak Noss, Philip A Nugent, Maria O'Barr, William M O'Hanlon, Michael Obrebski, Joseph Olszewska-Dyoniziak, Barbara Ortiz, Fernando Ou, Jay C Paluch, Andrzej Panoff, Michel Papanek, Hanna Parisi, Rosa Parkin, Robert Payne, Harry C Pels, Peter Persson, Johnny Pickles, Anthony J Piddington, Ralph Pipatti, Otto Polanyi, Karl Posern-Zieliński, Aleksander Powdermaker, Hortense Powell, H A Pulman, Bertrand Quanchi, Max Radcliffe-Brown, A R Raison, Timothy Rapport, Nigel Rapport, Nigel Reed, Adam Reich, Wilhelm Rentoul, Alex Rex, Richards, Audrey I Richards, David Richardson, Shelley Rivera, Patrick S Roldán, Arturo Alvarez Rosengren, Karl Erik Rubel, Paula GAnna; Jasionowicz Saignes, Stanislaw Salvucci, DanielaDaniela; Tauber Salvucci, Elisabeth; Zinn Satriani, Luigi Lombardi M Saville, William James Viritahitemauvai Schapera, Isaac Scheper-Hughes, Nancy Schmidt, Bernd Schneider, Arnd Schneider, Jane Schöttler, Peter Schwaiger, Holger Schwiedland, Eugene Scott, Michael W Seagle, William Selleck, R J W Senft, Gunter Shack, William A Shellam, Tiffany Shepherd, William C Shweder, Richard A Sider, Karen Blu Sillitoe, Paul Silverman, Sydel Siniscalchi, Valeria Skalník, Peter Smith, Grafton Elliot Smith, Nathaniel Sobrero, Alberto Mde Souza, Mauricio Rodrigues Spencer, Baldwin Spinden, Herbert Joseph Spiro, Melford E Sprenger, Guido Średniawa, Bronisław Stacul, Jaro Stade, Ronald Stewart, Charles Stewart, Michael Stocking, Jr George W Stone, Dan Strathern, Marilyn Street, Alice Strenski, Ivan Stuart, Rebecca M. Studiecentrum, Afrika Suolinna, Kirsti Swiderski, Richard M Sylvain, Renée Symmons-Symonolewicz, Konstantin Symonolewicz, Konstantin Szymanski, Al Tambiah, Stanley Jeyaraja Tauber, Elisabeth Taylor, John P Thomas, Nicholas Thompson, Caitlin W Thompson, Christina A Thompson, Laura Thornton, Robert Jde la Torre, Sergio Jarillo Troy, Timothy Turner, Jonathan H Tuzin, Donald Uberoi, Singh J P Ulrich, Lucy Urry, James Valdés, María Varga, Lucie Varga, Lucy Vermeulen, Han F Viazzo, Pier Paolo Vila, Anna Piella Vonarx, Nicolas Wax, Murray L Wayne, Helena Weber, Charles W Weiner, Annette B Weiss, Gerald Welsch, Robert Louis Werblowsky, Zwi R J Werbner, Pninavon Wiese, Leopold Wilkis, Ariel Williams, Elgin Wilson-Haffenden, Wincławski, Włodzimierz Winzeler, Robert L Witkiewicz, Wolf, Eric R Wright, Terence V Yarrow, Thomas Young, Michael W Zerilli, Filippo M Ziegler, Rolf Zinn, Dorothy All users dsalvucci Show all2022Daniela; Tauber Salvucci, Elisabeth; ZinnVon Ozeanien nach Südtirol. Bronislaw Malinowski, der Vater der modernen Ethnographie, in Oberbozen Journal Article In: Geschichte und Region/Storia e Regione , vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 159-166, 2022.Links | BibTeX | Tags: South Tyrol, work about Malinowski, work by Malinowski@article{Salvucci2022b, title = {Von Ozeanien nach Südtirol. Bronislaw Malinowski, der Vater der modernen Ethnographie, in Oberbozen}, author = {Salvucci, Daniela; Tauber, Elisabeth; Zinn, Dorothy L. }, url = {}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-07-01}, journal = {Geschichte und Region/Storia e Regione }, volume = {31}, number = {1}, pages = {159-166}, keywords = {South Tyrol, work about Malinowski, work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close[...]Close1982 Malinowski, Bronislaw; de la Fuente, JulioMalinowski in Mexico: the economics of a Mexican market system Book Routledge & K. Paul, 1982, ISBN: 978-0-7100-9197-0.BibTeX | Tags: Latin America, post mortem, work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_malinowski_1982, title = {Malinowski in Mexico: the economics of a Mexican market system}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski and Julio de la Fuente}, editor = {Susan Drucker-Brown}, isbn = {978-0-7100-9197-0}, year = {1982}, date = {1982-01-01}, publisher = {Routledge & K. Paul}, keywords = {Latin America, post mortem, work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close1967 Malinowski, BronislawA Diary In The Strict Sense Of The Term Book 1967.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: post mortem, work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_diary_1967, title = {A Diary In The Strict Sense Of The Term}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1967}, date = {1967-01-01}, abstract = {Personal Diary of Bronislaw Malinowski in the Trobriand Islands}, keywords = {post mortem, work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } ClosePersonal Diary of Bronislaw Malinowski in the Trobriand IslandsClose Malinowski, BronislawSex, culture, and myth [electronic resource] Book New York : Harcourt, Brace & World, 1962.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_sex_1962, title = {Sex, culture, and myth [electronic resource]}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1962}, date = {1962-01-01}, publisher = {New York : Harcourt, Brace & World}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Malinowski, Bronislaw; la Fuente, Julio DeLa economía de un sistema de mercados en México Book Escuela Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Sociedad de Alumnos, Mexico, 1957.BibTeX | Tags: post mortem, work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_economisistema_1957, title = {La economía de un sistema de mercados en México}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski and Julio De la Fuente}, year = {1957}, date = {1957-01-01}, publisher = {Escuela Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Sociedad de Alumnos}, address = {Mexico}, series = {Acta anthropologica época 2, v. 1}, keywords = {post mortem, work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close1956 Bruffault, Robert; Malinowski, BronislawMarriage, past and present: a debate between Robert Bruffault and Bronislaw Malinowski Book Boston,: P. Sargent, 1956.Links | BibTeX | Tags: post mortem, work by Malinowski@book{bruffault_marriage_1956, title = {Marriage, past and present: a debate between Robert Bruffault and Bronislaw Malinowski}, author = {Robert Bruffault and Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1956}, date = {1956-01-01}, publisher = {Boston,: P. Sargent}, keywords = {post mortem, work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Malinowski, BronislawFreedom And Civilization Book 1947.Links | BibTeX | Tags: post mortem, work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_freedom_1947, title = {Freedom And Civilization}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1947}, date = {1947-01-01}, keywords = {post mortem, work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Malinowski, BronislawMagic, Science and Religion and Other Essays. Introduction by Robert Redfield Book Doubleday, Garden City, New York, 1945.BibTeX | Tags: post mortem, work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_magic_1945, title = {Magic, Science and Religion and Other Essays. Introduction by Robert Redfield}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, year = {1945}, date = {1945-01-01}, publisher = {Doubleday}, address = {Garden City, New York}, keywords = {post mortem, work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Malinowski, BronislawDynamics Of Culture Change Book 1945.Links | BibTeX | Tags: post mortem, work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_dynamics_1945, title = {Dynamics Of Culture Change}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1945}, date = {1945-01-01}, keywords = {post mortem, work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Malinowski, BronislawA Scientific Theory of Culture and Other Essays Book University of North Carolina Press, Durham, 1944.Links | BibTeX | Tags: post mortem, work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_scientific_1944, title = {A Scientific Theory of Culture and Other Essays}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1944}, date = {1944-01-01}, publisher = {University of North Carolina Press}, address = {Durham}, keywords = {post mortem, work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close[...]Close1943 Malinowski, BronislawThe Pan-African Problem of Culture Contact Journal Article In: American Journal of Sociology, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 649–665, 1943, ISSN: 0002-9602.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: post mortem, work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_pan-african_1943, title = {The Pan-African Problem of Culture Contact}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.2307/2770222}, issn = {0002-9602}, year = {1943}, date = {1943-01-01}, journal = {American Journal of Sociology}, volume = {48}, number = {6}, pages = {649--665}, abstract = {The young African of today lives in two worlds and belongs fully and completely to neither. European education has alienated him from native traditions and imbued him with the values and expectations of European culture. At the same time European interests exclude him from the white community and deny him the material basis for the style of life he has been taught to aspire to. Education must be transformed to close rather than perpetuate this vicious gap between expectation and reality. African schools should train their pupils for adaptation to the African environment. Respect for native values should be maintained along with the equipment for co-operation with the European community. European wealth should be used to provide the basis for fulfilling the claims and needs which Western education has developed.}, keywords = {post mortem, work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThe young African of today lives in two worlds and belongs fully and completely to neither. European education has alienated him from native traditions and imbued him with the values and expectations of European culture. At the same time European interests exclude him from the white community and deny him the material basis for the style of life he has been taught to aspire to. Education must be transformed to close rather than perpetuate this vicious gap between expectation and reality. African schools should train their pupils for adaptation to the African environment. Respect for native values should be maintained along with the equipment for co-operation with the European community. European wealth should be used to provide the basis for fulfilling the claims and needs which Western education has developed.Closedoi:10.2307/2770222Close1942 Malinowski, BronislawA New Instrument for the Interpretation of Law. Especially Primitive Journal Article In: The Yale Law Journal, vol. 51, no. 8, pp. 1237–1254, 1942, ISSN: 0044-0094.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_new_1942, title = {A New Instrument for the Interpretation of Law. Especially Primitive}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.2307/792596}, issn = {0044-0094}, year = {1942}, date = {1942-01-01}, journal = {The Yale Law Journal}, volume = {51}, number = {8}, pages = {1237--1254}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/792596Close1941 Malinowski, BronislawAn Anthropological Analysis of War Journal Article In: American Journal of Sociology, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 521–550, 1941, ISSN: 0002-9602.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_anthropological_1941, title = {An Anthropological Analysis of War}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.2307/2769922}, issn = {0002-9602}, year = {1941}, date = {1941-01-01}, journal = {American Journal of Sociology}, volume = {46}, number = {4}, pages = {521--550}, abstract = {It is confusing to regard individual acts of violence and primitive feuds as general antecedents of modern warfare and fallacious to regard war as a necessary result of man's biological nature. In human societies the impulse of anger is usually tranformed into attitudes of hostility or into acts of violence which are culturally determiden. Within an institution conflicts are subject to the norms of custom, technique, ethics, and law. Werfare is culturally productive when it creates a new institution, a notion-state. The economic motive is not present in warfare until there has developed a body of portable wealth; until food can be preserved and transported and until the productive arts have advanced so that one man can produce more than he consumes. The most important cultural effect of conquest is an enrichment in national life through a division of function between conquerors and conquered and through the development of new institutions in which the conquerors provide the political element and the conquered, the economic efficiency. The note of totalitarianism, in so far as it saps the resources of culture and destroys its structure, is incompatible with the constitution of human societies for the normal business of producing, maintaining, and transmitting wealth, solidarity, reason, and conscience, all of which are the real indices and values of civilization.}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseIt is confusing to regard individual acts of violence and primitive feuds as general antecedents of modern warfare and fallacious to regard war as a necessary result of man's biological nature. In human societies the impulse of anger is usually tranformed into attitudes of hostility or into acts of violence which are culturally determiden. Within an institution conflicts are subject to the norms of custom, technique, ethics, and law. Werfare is culturally productive when it creates a new institution, a notion-state. The economic motive is not present in warfare until there has developed a body of portable wealth; until food can be preserved and transported and until the productive arts have advanced so that one man can produce more than he consumes. The most important cultural effect of conquest is an enrichment in national life through a division of function between conquerors and conquered and through the development of new institutions in which the conquerors provide the political element and the conquered, the economic efficiency. The note of totalitarianism, in so far as it saps the resources of culture and destroys its structure, is incompatible with the constitution of human societies for the normal business of producing, maintaining, and transmitting wealth, solidarity, reason, and conscience, all of which are the real indices and values of civilization.Closedoi:10.2307/2769922Close Malinowski, BronislawMANŚ CULTURE AND MANŚ BEHAVIOR Journal Article In: Sigma Xi Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 3/4, pp. 182–196, 1941, ISSN: 0096-977X.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_mans_1941, title = {MANŚ CULTURE AND MANŚ BEHAVIOR}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.2307/27824758}, issn = {0096-977X}, year = {1941}, date = {1941-01-01}, journal = {Sigma Xi Quarterly}, volume = {29}, number = {3/4}, pages = {182--196}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/27824758Close1939 Malinowski, BronislawThe Group and the Individual in Functional Analysis Journal Article In: American Journal of Sociology, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 938–964, 1939, ISSN: 0002-9602.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_group_1939, title = {The Group and the Individual in Functional Analysis}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.2307/2769422}, issn = {0002-9602}, year = {1939}, date = {1939-01-01}, journal = {American Journal of Sociology}, volume = {44}, number = {6}, pages = {938--964}, abstract = {The leitmotiv of sociological theory and research is "individual, group, and their mutual dependence." Since functional sociology includes not merely the emotional and the biological aspects of mental processes but also man's biological relity, the bodily needs, the environmental influences, and the cultural reactions to them must be studied side by side. Not only does the individual depend upon the group in whatever he achieves, but the group in all its individual members depends upon the development of a material outfit which, in its essence, is an addition to the human anatomy and which entails corresponding modifications of human physiology. The relation is not of the individual to society or the group but to a plurality of groups. Analisis of a society into aspects and into institutions must be carried out simultaneously if a complete understanding of that society is desired. The analysis of such aspects as economics, education or social control, and political organization defines the type and level of the characteristic activities in a culture, discloses the totality of motives, interests, and values of the individual, and gives insight into the whole process by which the individual is conditioned or culturally formed, and of the group mechanism of this process. The analysis into institutions gives the concrete picture of the social organization within the culture. The twofold approach through the study of the individual with his innate tendencies and their cultural transformation and the study of the group as the relation and coordination of individuals with reference to space, environment, and material equipment is necessary. Symbolism, which is in essence that modification of the human organism which allows it to transform the physiological drive into a cultural value, must make its appearance with the earliest appearance of human culture. Symbols are necessary for communication, for the incorporation of an effective element into a culture, for its transmission, and for the recognition of its value.}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThe leitmotiv of sociological theory and research is "individual, group, and their mutual dependence." Since functional sociology includes not merely the emotional and the biological aspects of mental processes but also man's biological relity, the bodily needs, the environmental influences, and the cultural reactions to them must be studied side by side. Not only does the individual depend upon the group in whatever he achieves, but the group in all its individual members depends upon the development of a material outfit which, in its essence, is an addition to the human anatomy and which entails corresponding modifications of human physiology. The relation is not of the individual to society or the group but to a plurality of groups. Analisis of a society into aspects and into institutions must be carried out simultaneously if a complete understanding of that society is desired. The analysis of such aspects as economics, education or social control, and political organization defines the type and level of the characteristic activities in a culture, discloses the totality of motives, interests, and values of the individual, and gives insight into the whole process by which the individual is conditioned or culturally formed, and of the group mechanism of this process. The analysis into institutions gives the concrete picture of the social organization within the culture. The twofold approach through the study of the individual with his innate tendencies and their cultural transformation and the study of the group as the relation and coordination of individuals with reference to space, environment, and material equipment is necessary. Symbolism, which is in essence that modification of the human organism which allows it to transform the physiological drive into a cultural value, must make its appearance with the earliest appearance of human culture. Symbols are necessary for communication, for the incorporation of an effective element into a culture, for its transmission, and for the recognition of its value.Closedoi:10.2307/2769422Close1938 Malinowski, BronislawMethods of study of culture contact in Africa Book Oxford Univ. Pr. for the International African Institute, London, 1938.BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_methods_1938, title = {Methods of study of culture contact in Africa}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, year = {1938}, date = {1938-01-01}, number = {15}, publisher = {Oxford Univ. Pr. for the International African Institute}, address = {London}, series = {Memorandum. International Institute of African Languages and Cultures (reprinted from Africa}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close1937 Malinowski, BronislawAnthropology is the science of the sense of humour: An introduction to Julius Lips’ The savage hits back, or the white man through native eyes Journal Article In: HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 301–303, 1937, ISSN: 2049-1115.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_anthropology_1937, title = {Anthropology is the science of the sense of humour: An introduction to Julius Lips’ The savage hits back, or the white man through native eyes}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.14318/hau5.3.020}, issn = {2049-1115}, year = {1937}, date = {1937-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-14}, journal = {HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory}, volume = {5}, number = {3}, pages = {301--303}, abstract = {This article is a reprint of Malinowski, Bronislaw. 1937. “Introduction.” In The savage hits back, or the white man through native eyes, by Julius E. Lips, vii–ix. London: Lovat Dickinson.}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThis article is a reprint of Malinowski, Bronislaw. 1937. “Introduction.” In The savage hits back, or the white man through native eyes, by Julius E. Lips, vii–ix. London: Lovat Dickinson.Closedoi:10.14318/hau5.3.020Close1936 Malinowski, BronislawPrimitive Law (letter) Journal Article In: Man, vol. 36, pp. 55–56, 1936, ISSN: 0025-1496.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_primitive_1936, title = {Primitive Law (letter)}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.2307/2790752}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1936}, date = {1936-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {36}, pages = {55--56}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2790752Close1935 Malinowski, BronislawCoral Gardens And Their Magic Vol I-II Book George Allen And Unwin Limited, 1935.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_coral_1935, title = {Coral Gardens And Their Magic Vol I-II}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1935}, date = {1935-01-01}, volume = {II}, publisher = {George Allen And Unwin Limited}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Malinowski, BronislawPigs, Papuans, and Police Court Perspective. Journal Article In: Man, vol. 32, pp. 33–38, 1932, ISSN: 0025-1496.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_pigs_1932, title = {Pigs, Papuans, and Police Court Perspective.}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.2307/2789606}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1932}, date = {1932-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {32}, pages = {33--38}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2789606Close1930 Malinowski, BronislawThe Rationalization of Anthropology and Administration Journal Article In: Africa: Journal of the International African Institute, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 405–430, 1930, ISSN: 0001-9720.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_rationalization_1930, title = {The Rationalization of Anthropology and Administration}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.2307/1155193}, issn = {0001-9720}, year = {1930}, date = {1930-01-01}, journal = {Africa: Journal of the International African Institute}, volume = {3}, number = {4}, pages = {405--430}, abstract = {La 'Rationalisation' de l'Anthropologie et de l'Administration. Un changement se manifeste actuellement dans l'étude de l'anthropologie, changement qui serait peut-être mieux caractérisé en disant qu'il s'agit d'une infusion de l'esprit scientifique. Le résultat a été de créer non seulement une nouvelle anthropologie mais encore des relations utiles entre celle-ci et le domaine pratique. La science est essentiellement pratique et ne s'accommode point de désordre ni de confusion. Prétendre en conséquence que la science anthropologique doit servir l'administration coloniale comme la physique et la chimie servent l'art de l'ingénieur, ce n'est pas simplement accorder un tribut aimable à l'anthropologue, c'est prévoir l'avenir. Dans son article M. Mitchell critique et considère comme tout à fait impraticable un genre d'anthropologie qui est l'antithèse exacte de celle défendue par l'école administrative. Dans un seul cas M. Mitchell choisit un exemple réel, celui des droits fonciers; encore brouille-t-il les termes de 'tribu' et de 'communauté' et confond-il les buts et les méthodes de la topographie avec ceux de l'anthropologie. Il assigne à l'anthropologue une tâche inutile et ridicule et le renvoie, le jugeant dépourvu d'utilité. De même la méthode des questions et réponses appliquée aux droits fonciers par des hommes ayant la pratique de ces questions lui paraît la meilleure, sa foi n'est aucunement amoindrie par les expériences passées. Or, cette méthode qui n'est pas fondée sur une solide connaissance théorique n'a jamais abouti à aucune politique constructive en ce qui touche la tenure du sol, bien plus elle a provoqué en cette matière une confusion sans égale. Ayant écarté le spécialiste, M. Mitchell considère que le plus grand service à attendre de l'Institut serait de donner une formation générale aux administrateurs, planteurs, missionnaires. Mais là encore il se trompe dans les prémices, le développement et les conditions de son raisonnement. En médecine, le savant de laboratoire et le praticien reçoivent exactement la même instruction théorique et pratique. C'est cette éducation qui permet au second de remplir son rôle et d'appliquer dans sa tâche quotidienne les connaissances acquises par le premier dans son laboratoire. Dans son article le Professeur Malinowski s'efforçait de montrer la nécessité d'une éducation similaire en anthropologie pour les personnes qui ont à réaliser des applications pratiques en Afrique, il insistait sur l'utilité d'une étroite coopération entre celles-ci et les spécialistes. Il tentait aussi de montrer que le genre d'anthropologie dont le besoin se fait actuellement sentir est précisément le genre d'étude que le spécialiste devrait entreprendre. Mais englober planteurs, commerçants et missionnaires dans la catégorie du 'general practitioner' comme le fait M. Mitchell, c'est pousser l'analogie trop loin. Ils sont parties intéressées dans le drame de la colonisation africaine, et pour reprendre l'exemple de la médecine, ils font partie de l'élément pathogène auquel ont affaire à la fois le spécialiste et le praticien. Seul l'administrateur peut être comparé vraiment au médecin, car dans sa sphère particulière il a à maintenir la balance égale, tout en aidant l'adaptation nécessaire qui doit intervenir entre la pénétration européenne et la civilisation indigène.}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseLa 'Rationalisation' de l'Anthropologie et de l'Administration. Un changement se manifeste actuellement dans l'étude de l'anthropologie, changement qui serait peut-être mieux caractérisé en disant qu'il s'agit d'une infusion de l'esprit scientifique. Le résultat a été de créer non seulement une nouvelle anthropologie mais encore des relations utiles entre celle-ci et le domaine pratique. La science est essentiellement pratique et ne s'accommode point de désordre ni de confusion. Prétendre en conséquence que la science anthropologique doit servir l'administration coloniale comme la physique et la chimie servent l'art de l'ingénieur, ce n'est pas simplement accorder un tribut aimable à l'anthropologue, c'est prévoir l'avenir. Dans son article M. Mitchell critique et considère comme tout à fait impraticable un genre d'anthropologie qui est l'antithèse exacte de celle défendue par l'école administrative. Dans un seul cas M. Mitchell choisit un exemple réel, celui des droits fonciers; encore brouille-t-il les termes de 'tribu' et de 'communauté' et confond-il les buts et les méthodes de la topographie avec ceux de l'anthropologie. Il assigne à l'anthropologue une tâche inutile et ridicule et le renvoie, le jugeant dépourvu d'utilité. De même la méthode des questions et réponses appliquée aux droits fonciers par des hommes ayant la pratique de ces questions lui paraît la meilleure, sa foi n'est aucunement amoindrie par les expériences passées. Or, cette méthode qui n'est pas fondée sur une solide connaissance théorique n'a jamais abouti à aucune politique constructive en ce qui touche la tenure du sol, bien plus elle a provoqué en cette matière une confusion sans égale. Ayant écarté le spécialiste, M. Mitchell considère que le plus grand service à attendre de l'Institut serait de donner une formation générale aux administrateurs, planteurs, missionnaires. Mais là encore il se trompe dans les prémices, le développement et les conditions de son raisonnement. En médecine, le savant de laboratoire et le praticien reçoivent exactement la même instruction théorique et pratique. C'est cette éducation qui permet au second de remplir son rôle et d'appliquer dans sa tâche quotidienne les connaissances acquises par le premier dans son laboratoire. Dans son article le Professeur Malinowski s'efforçait de montrer la nécessité d'une éducation similaire en anthropologie pour les personnes qui ont à réaliser des applications pratiques en Afrique, il insistait sur l'utilité d'une étroite coopération entre celles-ci et les spécialistes. Il tentait aussi de montrer que le genre d'anthropologie dont le besoin se fait actuellement sentir est précisément le genre d'étude que le spécialiste devrait entreprendre. Mais englober planteurs, commerçants et missionnaires dans la catégorie du 'general practitioner' comme le fait M. Mitchell, c'est pousser l'analogie trop loin. Ils sont parties intéressées dans le drame de la colonisation africaine, et pour reprendre l'exemple de la médecine, ils font partie de l'élément pathogène auquel ont affaire à la fois le spécialiste et le praticien. Seul l'administrateur peut être comparé vraiment au médecin, car dans sa sphère particulière il a à maintenir la balance égale, tout en aidant l'adaptation nécessaire qui doit intervenir entre la pénétration européenne et la civilisation indigène.Closedoi:10.2307/1155193Close Malinowski, BronislawKinship Journal Article In: Man, vol. 30, pp. 19–29, 1930, ISSN: 0025-1496.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_kinship_1930, title = {Kinship}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.2307/2789869}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1930}, date = {1930-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {30}, pages = {19--29}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2789869Close1929 Malinowski, BronislawPractical Anthropology Journal Article In: Africa, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 22–38, 1929, ISSN: 1750-0184, 0001-9720.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_practical_1929, title = {Practical Anthropology}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.2307/1155162}, issn = {1750-0184, 0001-9720}, year = {1929}, date = {1929-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-13}, journal = {Africa}, volume = {2}, number = {1}, pages = {22--38}, abstract = {I am starting from the question: is there any specific task for the Institute so that it shall not duplicate the work of scientific societies or political and educational organizations already existing? The Institute stands in the first place for the practical application of scientific knowledge. It can reach on the one hand various Colonial interests in their practical activities, while at the same time it has at its disposal the knowledge of theoretically trained specialists.}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseI am starting from the question: is there any specific task for the Institute so that it shall not duplicate the work of scientific societies or political and educational organizations already existing? The Institute stands in the first place for the practical application of scientific knowledge. It can reach on the one hand various Colonial interests in their practical activities, while at the same time it has at its disposal the knowledge of theoretically trained specialists.Closedoi:10.2307/1155162Close Malinowski, BronislawThe Sexual Life Of Savages Book 1929.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_sexual_1929, title = {The Sexual Life Of Savages}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1929}, date = {1929-01-01}, abstract = {Book Source: Digital Library of India Item Malinowski, Bronislaw 2015-07-01T17:23:49Z 2015-07-01T17:23:49Z 2012-03-29 1952 dc.identifier: V B Librarian dc.identifier.barcode: 4990010060462 dc.identifier.origpath: /data8/upload/0257/745 dc.identifier.copyno: 1 dc.identifier.uri: dc.description.scanningcentre: C-DAK, Kolkata dc.description.main: 1 dc.description.tagged: 0 dc.description.totalpages: 662 dc.format.mimetype: application/pdf dc.language.iso: English dc.publisher.digitalrepublisher: Digital Library Of India dc.publisher: The Standard Literature Co. Ltd., Calcutta dc.rights: In Public Domain dc.source.library: Central Library, Visva-bharati dc.subject.classification: Social Sciences dc.subject.classification: Culture dc.subject.keywords: Woman In Native Society dc.subject.keywords: Avenues To Marriage dc.subject.keywords: Customary Forms Of Licence dc.subject.keywords: Magic Of Love dc.subject.keywords: Pregnancy And Childbirth dc.title: The Sexual Life Of Savages}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseBook Source: Digital Library of India Item Malinowski, Bronislaw 2015-07-01T17:23:49Z 2015-07-01T17:23:49Z 2012-03-29 1952 dc.identifier: V B Librarian dc.identifier.barcode: 4990010060462 dc.identifier.origpath: /data8/upload/0257/745 dc.identifier.copyno: 1 dc.identifier.uri: dc.description.scanningcentre: C-DAK, Kolkata dc.description.main: 1 dc.description.tagged: 0 dc.description.totalpages: 662 dc.format.mimetype: application/pdf dc.language.iso: English dc.publisher.digitalrepublisher: Digital Library Of India dc.publisher: The Standard Literature Co. Ltd., Calcutta dc.rights: In Public Domain dc.source.library: Central Library, Visva-bharati dc.subject.classification: Social Sciences dc.subject.classification: Culture dc.subject.keywords: Woman In Native Society dc.subject.keywords: Avenues To Marriage dc.subject.keywords: Customary Forms Of Licence dc.subject.keywords: Magic Of Love dc.subject.keywords: Pregnancy And Childbirth dc.title: The Sexual Life Of SavagesClose Smith, Grafton Elliot; Malinowski, Bronislaw; Spinden, Herbert Joseph; Goldenweiser, AlexanderCulture, the diffusion controversy Book New York, W.W. Norton & Co, 1927.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@book{smith_culture_1927, title = {Culture, the diffusion controversy}, author = {Grafton Elliot Smith and Bronislaw Malinowski and Herbert Joseph Spinden and Alexander Goldenweiser}, url = {}, year = {1927}, date = {1927-01-01}, publisher = {New York, W.W. Norton & Co}, abstract = {The diffusion of culture, by G.E. Smith.–The life of culture, by B. Malinowski.–The prosaic vs. the romantic school in anthropology, by H.J. Spinden, –The diffusion controversy, by A. Goldenweiser}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseThe diffusion of culture, by G.E. Smith.–The life of culture, by B. Malinowski.–The prosaic vs. the romantic school in anthropology, by H.J. Spinden, –The diffusion controversy, by A. GoldenweiserClose Malinowski, BronislawSex and repression in savage society Book London : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1927.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_sex_1927, title = {Sex and repression in savage society}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1927}, date = {1927-01-01}, publisher = {London : Routledge & Kegan Paul}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Malinowski, BronislawThe father in primitive psychology / by Bronislaw Malinowski Book Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, London, 1927.BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_father_1927, title = {The father in primitive psychology / by Bronislaw Malinowski}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, year = {1927}, date = {1927-01-01}, publisher = {Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner}, address = {London}, series = {Psyche miniatures. General series ; no. 8}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close1926 Malinowski, BronislawCrime and custom in savage society Book London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co., ltd.; New York, Harcourt, Brace & company, inc, 1926.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_crime_1926, title = {Crime and custom in savage society}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1926}, date = {1926-01-01}, publisher = {London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co., ltd.; New York, Harcourt, Brace & company, inc}, abstract = {Imprint date varies}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseImprint date variesClose Malinowski, BronislawMyth in primitive psychology / by Bronislaw Malinowski Book Keagan Paul, Trench, Trubner, London, 1926.BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_myth_1926, title = {Myth in primitive psychology / by Bronislaw Malinowski}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, year = {1926}, date = {1926-01-01}, publisher = {Keagan Paul, Trench, Trubner}, address = {London}, series = {Psyche miniatures : general series no. 6.}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close1923 Malinowski, BronislawThe Psychology of Sex and the Foundations of Kinship in Primitive Societies Journal Article In: Psyche, vol. IV, pp. 98–128, 1923.BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_psychology_1923, title = {The Psychology of Sex and the Foundations of Kinship in Primitive Societies}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, year = {1923}, date = {1923-01-01}, journal = {Psyche}, volume = {IV}, pages = {98--128}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close Malinowski, BronislawThe Problem of Meaning in Primitive Languages Book Section In: The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism. Eds. C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards, pp. 296–336, Harcourt, Brace and World, New York, 1923.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@incollection{malinowski_problem_1923, title = {The Problem of Meaning in Primitive Languages}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1923}, date = {1923-01-01}, booktitle = {The Meaning of Meaning: A Study of Influence of Language upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism. Eds. C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards}, pages = {296--336}, publisher = {Harcourt, Brace and World}, address = {New York}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {incollection} } Close Malinowski, BronislawPsycho-Analysis and Anthropology : Abstract : Nature Journal Article In: Nature, vol. 112, pp. 650–651, 1923.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_psycho-analysis_1923, title = {Psycho-Analysis and Anthropology : Abstract : Nature}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1923}, date = {1923-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-13}, journal = {Nature}, volume = {112}, pages = {650--651}, abstract = {Nature is the international weekly journal of science: a magazine style journal that publishes full-length research papers in all disciplines of science, as well as News and Views, reviews, news, features, commentaries, web focuses and more, covering all branches of science and how science impacts upon all aspects of society and life.}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseNature is the international weekly journal of science: a magazine style journal that publishes full-length research papers in all disciplines of science, as well as News and Views, reviews, news, features, commentaries, web focuses and more, covering all branches of science and how science impacts upon all aspects of society and life.Close Malinowski, BronislawEthnology and the Study of Society Journal Article In: Economica, no. 6, pp. 208–219, 1922, ISSN: 0013-0427.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_ethnology_1922, title = {Ethnology and the Study of Society}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.2307/2548314}, issn = {0013-0427}, year = {1922}, date = {1922-01-01}, journal = {Economica}, number = {6}, pages = {208--219}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2548314Close1921 Malinowski, BronislawThe Primitive Economics of the Trobriand Islanders Journal Article In: The Economic Journal, vol. 31, no. 121, pp. 1–16, 1921, ISSN: 0013-0133.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_primitive_1921, title = {The Primitive Economics of the Trobriand Islanders}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.2307/2223283}, issn = {0013-0133}, year = {1921}, date = {1921-01-01}, journal = {The Economic Journal}, volume = {31}, number = {121}, pages = {1--16}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2223283Close1920 Malinowski, BronislawKula; the Circulating Exchange of Valuables in the Archipelagoes of Eastern New Guinea. Journal Article In: Man, vol. 20, pp. 97–105, 1920, ISSN: 0025-1496.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_kula;_1920, title = {Kula; the Circulating Exchange of Valuables in the Archipelagoes of Eastern New Guinea.}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.2307/2840430}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1920}, date = {1920-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {20}, pages = {97--105}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2840430Close1915 Malinowski, BronislawThe Natives of Mailu: Preliminary Results of the Robert Mond Research Work in British New Guinea Journal Article In: Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia, vol. 39, pp. 494–706, 1915.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@article{malinowski_natives_1915, title = {The Natives of Mailu: Preliminary Results of the Robert Mond Research Work in British New Guinea}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1915}, date = {1915-01-01}, journal = {Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia}, volume = {39}, pages = {494--706}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close Malinowski, BronislawThe family among the Australian aborigines : a sociological study Book London : University of London Press, 1913.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Australia, work by Malinowski@book{malinowski_family_1913, title = {The family among the Australian aborigines : a sociological study}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1913}, date = {1913-01-01}, publisher = {London : University of London Press}, abstract = {Bibliography: p. 310-316; Includes index}, keywords = {Australia, work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseBibliography: p. 310-316; Includes indexClose Malinowski, BronislawThe Economic Aspect of the Intichiuma Ceremonies. In Festskrift tillegnad Edvard Westermarck; i anledning av hans femtioårsdag, den 20 november 1912, pp. 88-108. Helsingfors. Reprinted as Los aspectos económicos de las ceremonias intichiuma, Boletín de Antropología, 01 January 2014, Vol.29(47), pp.212-231 Book Section In: Festskrift tillegnad Edvard Westermarck; i anledning av hans femtioårsdag, pp. 88–108, Helsinki, 1912.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work by Malinowski@incollection{malinowski_economic_1912, title = {The Economic Aspect of the Intichiuma Ceremonies. In Festskrift tillegnad Edvard Westermarck; i anledning av hans femtioårsdag, den 20 november 1912, pp. 88-108. Helsingfors. Reprinted as Los aspectos económicos de las ceremonias intichiuma, Boletín de Antropología, 01 January 2014, Vol.29(47), pp.212-231}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1912}, date = {1912-01-01}, booktitle = {Festskrift tillegnad Edvard Westermarck; i anledning av hans femtioårsdag}, pages = {88--108}, address = {Helsinki}, keywords = {work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {incollection} } Close[...]Close