Bibliography All years 20242023202220212019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751973197219711970196919681967196619651964196319621960195919581957195619551954195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341932193119301929192719261924192319221921192019181916191519131912191119100000 All types Journal ArticlesBooksBook ChaptersBook SectionsMiscellaneousOnlinePhD Theses All tags Africaalpine anthropologyapplied anthropologyAustraliaAustriabibliographybibliography about Malinowskibiographybook reviewbook review by MalinowskiChinacolonialismcorrespondenceeconomicsethnographyFeminismfunctionalismgenderhistoryhistory of anthropologyintroduced by MalinowskikinshipkulaLatin Americalinguisticsmagic and religionMalinowskiMassonmaterial cultureMelanesiaMexicomovie reviewNew GuineaOceaniaphilosophyPolandPolynesiapost mortempsychologyPsychology / Human Sexualityrebellionreview of Malinowski's bookreview of Masson's bookRites and ceremonies--Macedonia.Social anthropologySocial Science / Anthropology / GeneralSocial workSouth Tyrolstory of familyTrobriand IslandsTrobriandswork about Malinowskiwork about Massonwork by Malinowskiwork by Masson All authors (translation), Francesca Bettocchi (translation), Justin Izzo (translation), Maria Lord Abrahamian, L H Adams, Julie Aldrich, Charles Roberts Alvarez, Oscar Fernández Angioni, Giulio Ardener, Edwin Austen, Leo Baker, Richard St Barbe Baker, Stuart Baker, Victoria J Barlow, Kathleen Barth, Fredrik Bartmanski, Dominik Barton, F R Bascom, William Bashkow, Ira Battaglia, Debbora Bauer, Janet Beattie, J H M Bell, Joshua A Benedict, Burton Bennett, Tony Benson, Vincent Beran, Harry Berman, Bruce Birkalan-Gedik, Hande Bodemann, Michal Y Bolton, Lissant Bonshek, Elizabeth Boon, James Borš, Vanja Bradfield, R M Brown, Hannah Brozi, Krzysztof J Bruffault, Robert Brunton, Ron Buckley, Peter Burkard, Franz-Peterdatl Burke, Patrick Burrowes, Carl Patrick Burt, Ben Burton, John W Burton, Orsolya Arva Cadzow, Allisoni Camps, Joan Bestard Canby, Joel S Clifford, James Cochrane, Susan Cocks, Paul Colajanni, Antonino Cole, John W Coleman, Leo Comaroff, Jean Comaroff, John L Conley, John M Cook, Scott Cooley, Timothy J Corriveau, Louis Crain, Jay B Creedy, (Frederick) F Cunnison, Ian Cuscoy, Luis Diego Damon, Frederick H Darrah, Allan C Dauber, Kenneth Davis, John Debaene, Vincent Dehouve, Daniele Della Rocca, Marina Drucker-Brown, Susan Durham, Eunice Ribeiro Edge-Partington, J Egloff, Brian J Ellen, Roy Engelking, Anna Fardon, Richard Fei, Xiaotong Firth, John Rupert Firth, Raymond Fisher, Donald Foks, Freddy Forge, Anthony Fortune, Reo Frederiksen, Bodil Folkede la Fuente, Julio Galli, Matilde Callari Gallus, Alexander Gaona, Héctor Tejera Gay y Blasco, Paloma Geertz, Clifford Geismar, Haidy Gell, Alfred Gellner, Ernest Gifford, Edward W Gijswijt-Hofstra, M Gingrich, Andre Ginsberg, Morris Ginzburg, Carlo Gluckman, Max Gluckman, Max Gnecchi-Ruscone, Anna Paini Elisabetta Goldenweiser, Alexander Goldstein, Leon J Gonzalez, Roberto J Goode, William J Goody, Jack Gordon, Robert J. Gosden, Chris Greenfield, Sidney M Gregg, Dorothy Gross, Feliks Guala, Chito Guldin, Gregory Eliyu Haberland, Hartmut Hage, Per Hammond, Melinda Harary, Frank Harding, Thomas G Harrison, Simon Harwood, Frances Hasan, Ruqaiya Hays, H R Hirsch, Eric Hoebel, Adamson E Hogbin, Ian (Herbert Ian) H Holdsworth, Chris Homans, George C Hosp, Inga Hsu, Francis L K Hutnyk, John Jacorzynski, Witold James, Brent Jarvie, I C Jarvie, Ian Charles Jean, Guiart Jolly, Margaret Kaberry, Phyllis Kaesler, Dirk Kapolka, Gerard T Kasmani, Omar Keck, Frédéric Keesing, Roger Kenyatta, Jomo Kiepe, Juliane Kilani, Mondher Kluckhohn, Clyde Knoll, Eva-Maria Kolankiewicz-Lundberg, Marta Konishi, Shino Korta, Kepa Krzyżanowski, Ludwik Kubica, Grażyna Kuklick, Henrika Kuper, Adam Kurtz, Stanley Nde L'Estoile, Benoît Langendoen, Terence D Lanzinger, Margareth Laracy, Hugh Larson, Frances Leach, Edmund Leach, Jerry Lee, Demetracopoulou D Lepani, Katherine Lewis, Herbert S Liebersohn, Harry Liep, John Lips, Julius (Julius Ernst) E Lipset, David Livolsi, Marino Lombard, Jacques Longo, Gioia Di Cristofaro Lorentz, Friedrich Lowrie, Claire Luckmann, Thomas Luhmann, Niklas Lydon, Jane Lydon, Jane Lyons, Andrew P Lyons, Harriet MacAulay, Stewart MacCarthy, Michelle Macintyre, Martha Mair, Lucy Malinowski, Bronislaw Manderson, Lenore Mannheim, KarlValeria Ribeiro Corossacz Marco Bassi, Antonio De Lauri Martínez, Julia Martiny, Federica Marwedel, Peter Maryanski, Alexandra R Masson, Elsie Matera, Marc Mathur, Chandana Mathur, K S Mauss, Marcel May, (Ronald James) R J Meeker, Michael E Meger, Zbigniew Métraux, A Mey, Jacob Milenković, Miloš Mills, David Mohia-Navet, Montagu, Ashley M F Montagu, Ashley Montague, Susan Morgain, Rachel Morton, Christopher Mosko, Mark S Mucha, Janusz Munn, Nancy D Murdock, George Peter Nadel, Sigfried Nader, Laura Niehaus, Isak Noss, Philip A Nugent, Maria O'Barr, William M O'Hanlon, Michael Obrebski, Joseph Olszewska-Dyoniziak, Barbara Ortiz, Fernando Ou, Jay C Paluch, Andrzej Panoff, Michel Papanek, Hanna Parisi, Rosa Parkin, Robert Payne, Harry C Pels, Peter Persson, Johnny Pickles, Anthony J Piddington, Ralph Pipatti, Otto Polanyi, Karl Posern-Zieliński, Aleksander Powdermaker, Hortense Powell, H A Pulman, Bertrand Quanchi, Max Radcliffe-Brown, A R Raison, Timothy Rapport, Nigel Rapport, Nigel Reed, Adam Reich, Wilhelm Rentoul, Alex Rex, Richards, Audrey I Richards, David Richardson, Shelley Rivera, Patrick S Roldán, Arturo Alvarez Rosengren, Karl Erik Rubel, Paula GAnna; Jasionowicz Saignes, Stanislaw Salvucci, DanielaDaniela; Tauber Salvucci, Elisabeth; Zinn Satriani, Luigi Lombardi M Saville, William James Viritahitemauvai Schapera, Isaac Scheper-Hughes, Nancy Schmidt, Bernd Schneider, Arnd Schneider, Jane Schöttler, Peter Schwaiger, Holger Schwiedland, Eugene Scott, Michael W Seagle, William Selleck, R J W Senft, Gunter Shack, William A Shellam, Tiffany Shepherd, William C Shweder, Richard A Sider, Karen Blu Sillitoe, Paul Silverman, Sydel Siniscalchi, Valeria Skalník, Peter Smith, Grafton Elliot Smith, Nathaniel Sobrero, Alberto Mde Souza, Mauricio Rodrigues Spencer, Baldwin Spinden, Herbert Joseph Spiro, Melford E Sprenger, Guido Średniawa, Bronisław Stacul, Jaro Stade, Ronald Stewart, Charles Stewart, Michael Stocking, Jr George W Stone, Dan Strathern, Marilyn Street, Alice Strenski, Ivan Stuart, Rebecca M. Studiecentrum, Afrika Suolinna, Kirsti Swiderski, Richard M Sylvain, Renée Symmons-Symonolewicz, Konstantin Symonolewicz, Konstantin Szymanski, Al Tambiah, Stanley Jeyaraja Tauber, Elisabeth Taylor, John P Thomas, Nicholas Thompson, Caitlin W Thompson, Christina A Thompson, Laura Thornton, Robert Jde la Torre, Sergio Jarillo Troy, Timothy Turner, Jonathan H Tuzin, Donald Uberoi, Singh J P Ulrich, Lucy Urry, James Valdés, María Varga, Lucie Varga, Lucy Vermeulen, Han F Viazzo, Pier Paolo Vila, Anna Piella Vonarx, Nicolas Wax, Murray L Wayne, Helena Weber, Charles W Weiner, Annette B Weiss, Gerald Welsch, Robert Louis Werblowsky, Zwi R J Werbner, Pninavon Wiese, Leopold Wilkis, Ariel Williams, Elgin Wilson-Haffenden, Wincławski, Włodzimierz Winzeler, Robert L Witkiewicz, Wolf, Eric R Wright, Terence V Yarrow, Thomas Young, Michael W Zerilli, Filippo M Ziegler, Rolf Zinn, Dorothy All users dsalvucci Show all288 entries « ‹ 1 of 6 › » 2022 Colajanni, AntoninoBronislaw Malinowski, practical anthropology, politics and colonialism Journal Article In: ANUAC, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 3-66, 2022, ISSN: 2239-625X.Links | BibTeX | Tags: colonialism, work about Malinowski@article{Colajanni2022, title = {Bronislaw Malinowski, practical anthropology, politics and colonialism}, author = {Antonino Colajanni}, url = {}, doi = {}, issn = {2239-625X}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-12-23}, journal = {ANUAC}, volume = {11}, number = {2}, pages = {3-66}, keywords = {colonialism, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close Ribeiro Corossacz Marco Bassi, Antonio De LauriComments on “Bronislaw Malinowski, l’antropologia pratica, la politica e il colonialismo” by Antonino Colajanni, with a response from the author Journal Article In: ANUAC, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 67-112, 2022, ISBN: 2239-625X.Links | BibTeX | Tags: colonialism, work about Malinowski@article{Bassi2022, title = {Comments on “Bronislaw Malinowski, l’antropologia pratica, la politica e il colonialismo” by Antonino Colajanni, with a response from the author}, author = {Marco Bassi, Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz, Antonio De Lauri, Frederico Delgado Rosa, Andrea E. Pia, Leonardo Piasere, Daniela Salvucci, Ivan Severi, Barbara Sorgoni, Jaro Stacul, Giuseppe Tateo, Elisabeth Tauber, Dorothy L. Zinn, Pier Paolo Viazzo, Antonino Colajanni}, url = {}, doi = {}, isbn = {2239-625X}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-12-23}, journal = {ANUAC}, volume = {11}, number = {2}, pages = {67-112}, keywords = {colonialism, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close; Tauber Salvucci, Elisabeth; ZinnVon Ozeanien nach Südtirol. Bronislaw Malinowski, der Vater der modernen Ethnographie, in Oberbozen Journal Article In: Geschichte und Region/Storia e Regione , vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 159-166, 2022.Links | BibTeX | Tags: South Tyrol, work about Malinowski, work by Malinowski@article{Salvucci2022b, title = {Von Ozeanien nach Südtirol. Bronislaw Malinowski, der Vater der modernen Ethnographie, in Oberbozen}, author = {Salvucci, Daniela; Tauber, Elisabeth; Zinn, Dorothy L. }, url = {}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-07-01}, journal = {Geschichte und Region/Storia e Regione }, volume = {31}, number = {1}, pages = {159-166}, keywords = {South Tyrol, work about Malinowski, work by Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close[...]Close Salvucci, DanielaAmbiti di relazionalità, storie di famiglia e rappresentazioni grafiche: i Malinowski in Alto Adige/Südtirol Journal Article In: Antropologia, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 163-183, 2022.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work about Malinowski, work about Masson@article{Salvucci2022, title = {Ambiti di relazionalità, storie di famiglia e rappresentazioni grafiche: i Malinowski in Alto Adige/Südtirol}, author = {Daniela Salvucci }, url = { }, year = {2022}, date = {2022-06-01}, journal = {Antropologia}, volume = {9}, number = {2}, pages = {163-183}, keywords = {work about Malinowski, work about Masson}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close Rosa, Frederico Delgado; Vermeulen, Han F. (Ed.)Ethnographers before Malinowski. Pioneers of Anthropological Fieldwork, 1870-1922 Book Berghahn, 2022.Links | BibTeX | Tags: history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@book{Rosa2022, title = {Ethnographers before Malinowski. Pioneers of Anthropological Fieldwork, 1870-1922}, editor = {Frederico Delgado Rosa and Han F. Vermeulen}, url = {}, year = {2022}, date = {2022-06-01}, publisher = {Berghahn}, keywords = {history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Cook, ScottExploring Commodities An Anthropologist on the Trails of Malinowski and Traven in Mexico Book Peter Lang, 2021.Links | BibTeX | Tags: Mexico, work about Malinowski@book{Cook2021, title = {Exploring Commodities An Anthropologist on the Trails of Malinowski and Traven in Mexico}, author = {Scott Cook}, url = {}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-01-01}, publisher = {Peter Lang}, keywords = {Mexico, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Zinn, Dorothy; Tauber, Elisabeth; Salvucci, DanielaHelena Malinowska Wayne textbar Anthropology-News Miscellaneous 2018.Links | BibTeX | Tags: biography, work about Malinowski, work about Masson@misc{zinn_helena_2018, title = {Helena Malinowska Wayne textbar Anthropology-News}, author = {Dorothy Zinn and Elisabeth Tauber and Daniela Salvucci}, url = {}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-01-01}, urldate = {2018-11-19}, journal = {Anthropology News}, keywords = {biography, work about Malinowski, work about Masson}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {misc} } Close Young, Michael WHelena Paula Wayne Malinowska (1925–2018) Journal Article In: Anthropology Today, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 26–27, 2018, ISSN: 1467-8322.Links | BibTeX | Tags: biography, work about Malinowski, work about Masson@article{young_helena_2018, title = {Helena Paula Wayne Malinowska (1925–2018)}, author = {Michael W Young}, url = {}, doi = {10.1111/1467-8322.12451}, issn = {1467-8322}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-01-01}, journal = {Anthropology Today}, volume = {34}, number = {4}, pages = {26--27}, keywords = {biography, work about Malinowski, work about Masson}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close Gordon, Robert J.The Enigma of Max Gluckman The Ethnographic Life of a "Luckyman" in Africa Book Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology Series, University of Nebraska Press, 2018.Links | BibTeX | Tags: history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@book{Gordon2018, title = {The Enigma of Max Gluckman The Ethnographic Life of a "Luckyman" in Africa}, author = {Robert J. Gordon}, url = {}, year = {2018}, date = {2018-01-01}, publisher = {Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology Series, University of Nebraska Press}, keywords = {history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Cook, ScottMalinowski in Oaxaca: Implications of an unfinished project in economic anthropology, part I Journal Article In: Critique of Anthropology, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 132–159, 2017, ISSN: 0308-275X.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: economics, Latin America, work about Malinowski@article{cook_malinowski_2017, title = {Malinowski in Oaxaca: Implications of an unfinished project in economic anthropology, part I}, author = {Scott Cook}, doi = {10.1177/0308275X15615926}, issn = {0308-275X}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-01-01}, journal = {Critique of Anthropology}, volume = {37}, number = {2}, pages = {132--159}, abstract = {Malinowski’s unpublished and long unavailable field notebooks from 1940 are examined to show how his fieldwork influenced the organization and content of the co-authored preliminary report (with Julio de la Fuente) of his unfinished Oaxaca Valley, Mexico project. The personal and diplomatic background of Malinowski’s Oaxaca project is reviewed, together with the origins and development of his views on economics before, during, and after his fieldwork in Melanesia. The reasons for the fitful nature of the handling of Malinowski’s Oaxaca project materials following his death in 1942 are explored, and the themes and content of his work on Trobriand economics are systematically compared with those of his work in Oaxaca. Implications of his incomplete Oaxaca project, and of other late-career writings, for his place in the history of economic anthropology are considered.}, keywords = {economics, Latin America, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseMalinowski’s unpublished and long unavailable field notebooks from 1940 are examined to show how his fieldwork influenced the organization and content of the co-authored preliminary report (with Julio de la Fuente) of his unfinished Oaxaca Valley, Mexico project. The personal and diplomatic background of Malinowski’s Oaxaca project is reviewed, together with the origins and development of his views on economics before, during, and after his fieldwork in Melanesia. The reasons for the fitful nature of the handling of Malinowski’s Oaxaca project materials following his death in 1942 are explored, and the themes and content of his work on Trobriand economics are systematically compared with those of his work in Oaxaca. Implications of his incomplete Oaxaca project, and of other late-career writings, for his place in the history of economic anthropology are considered.Closedoi:10.1177/0308275X15615926Close Rex,Bronislaw Malinowski: Don’t Let The Cosplay Fool You Book 2017.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: work about Malinowski@book{rex_bronislaw_2017, title = {Bronislaw Malinowski: Don’t Let The Cosplay Fool You}, author = {Rex}, url = {}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-01-01}, urldate = {2017-09-05}, abstract = {If there’s one picture that epitomizes White Guys Doing Research, it’s this one: The canonical author of the canonical book, naked black people, white guy in white clothes being White …}, keywords = {work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseIf there’s one picture that epitomizes White Guys Doing Research, it’s this one: The canonical author of the canonical book, naked black people, white guy in white clothes being White …Close[...]Close Niehaus, IsakAnthropology at the dawn of apartheid: Radcliffe-Brown and Malinowski’s South African engagements, 1919–1934 Journal Article In: Focaal, vol. 2017, no. 77, pp. 103–117, 2017, ISSN: 15585263.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Africa, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@article{niehaus_anthropology_2017, title = {Anthropology at the dawn of apartheid: Radcliffe-Brown and Malinowski’s South African engagements, 1919–1934}, author = {Isak Niehaus}, doi = {10.3167/fcl.2017.770109}, issn = {15585263}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-01-01}, urldate = {2017-06-19}, journal = {Focaal}, volume = {2017}, number = {77}, pages = {103--117}, abstract = {In this article, I focus on different strategies of anthropological engagement with government and potential funders. I do so by considering the diverse nature of Alfred Radcliffe-Brown and Bronislaw Malinowski’s encounters with South African authorities, between 1919 and 1934. I suggest that Radcliffe-Brown saw South Africa as an integrated society in which segregation was impossible, and advocated the sympathetic scientific understanding of cultural difference within this context. By contrast, Malinowski was committed to a romantic vision of holistic cultures, collaborated directly with colonial authorities, and argued for a policy of effective cultural and territorial segregation. The strategies had important longterm consequences and costs, calculable only from the privileged vantage point of history.}, keywords = {Africa, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseIn this article, I focus on different strategies of anthropological engagement with government and potential funders. I do so by considering the diverse nature of Alfred Radcliffe-Brown and Bronislaw Malinowski’s encounters with South African authorities, between 1919 and 1934. I suggest that Radcliffe-Brown saw South Africa as an integrated society in which segregation was impossible, and advocated the sympathetic scientific understanding of cultural difference within this context. By contrast, Malinowski was committed to a romantic vision of holistic cultures, collaborated directly with colonial authorities, and argued for a policy of effective cultural and territorial segregation. The strategies had important longterm consequences and costs, calculable only from the privileged vantage point of history.Closedoi:10.3167/fcl.2017.770109Close Salvucci, DanielaSegnalazioni. MFEA – Il progetto Malinowski Forum per l’Etnografia e l’Antropologia Journal Article In: Ethnorêma, vol. 13, pp. 163–165, 2017, ISSN: 1826-8803.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work about Malinowski, work about Masson@article{salvucci_segnalazioni._2017, title = {Segnalazioni. MFEA – Il progetto Malinowski Forum per l’Etnografia e l’Antropologia}, author = {Daniela Salvucci}, url = {}, issn = {1826-8803}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-01-01}, journal = {Ethnorêma}, volume = {13}, pages = {163--165}, keywords = {work about Malinowski, work about Masson}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close Cook, ScottMalinowski in Oaxaca: Implications of an Unfinished Project in Economic Anthropology, Part II Journal Article In: Critique of Anthropology, 2016, ISSN: 0308-275X.Links | BibTeX | Tags: economics, Latin America, work about Malinowski@article{cook_malinowski_2016, title = {Malinowski in Oaxaca: Implications of an Unfinished Project in Economic Anthropology, Part II}, author = {Scott Cook}, doi = {10.1177/0308275X16648750}, issn = {0308-275X}, year = {2016}, date = {2016-01-01}, journal = {Critique of Anthropology}, keywords = {economics, Latin America, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1177/0308275X16648750Close Suolinna, KirstiFocusing on fieldwork: Edvard Westermarck and Hilma Granqvist – before and after Bronislaw Malinowski Journal Article In: Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 263–278, 2016, ISSN: 0582-3226, 0582-3226.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@article{suolinna_focusing_2016, title = {Focusing on fieldwork: Edvard Westermarck and Hilma Granqvist – before and after Bronislaw Malinowski}, author = {Kirsti Suolinna}, url = {}, issn = {0582-3226, 0582-3226}, year = {2016}, date = {2016-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-14}, journal = {Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis}, volume = {17}, number = {2}, pages = {263--278}, abstract = {DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.}, keywords = {ethnography, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseDOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.Close Milenković, MilošJames Clifford's Influence on Bronislaw Malinowski: The Moral Implications of Intertemporal Heterarchy Journal Article In: Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 17–29, 2016, ISSN: 2334-8801.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@article{milenkovic_james_2016, title = {James Clifford's Influence on Bronislaw Malinowski: The Moral Implications of Intertemporal Heterarchy}, author = {Miloš Milenković}, url = {}, issn = {2334-8801}, year = {2016}, date = {2016-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-14}, journal = {Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology}, volume = {4}, number = {3}, pages = {17--29}, abstract = {Drawing on the explanation already offered for the confusion of positivism with realism in the epistemological imagination of the author and founder of postmodern anthropology, the paper analyzes the moral implications of dealing with problems characteristic of the philosophy of science by literary-theoretical means. The transdisciplinary migration of "realism" from literary theory to social science methodology has produced a whole new history of anthropology. The history of pre-postmodern anthropology constructed in this manner can be said to fit the register of some sort of comparative-cultural theory of retroactive moral judgement, complementing postmodern anthropology as a general theory of writing by political subjects, so that the theoretical-methodological dilemmas of postmodern anthropology do not constitute proof of the legitimacy of a holistic interpretation of the discipline’s founders’ intentions, but rather lead to neo-pyrrhonic, formalistic endeavours to uphold, by respecting academic trappings, the academic authority of the discipline whose subject, method and purpose, as a rule, even colleagues from adjacent departments for various reasons fail to understand. In the paper, evidence for this is derived from Clifford's writing of Malinowski, and the moral implications of the unfortunate analogy between the writing of political subjects and the writing of disciplinary founders are followed through. The paper then goes on to explain that the critique of the possibilities of misuse, particularly through political instrumentalization, of anthropological fictions as evidence of Others did not have to come at the cost of sacrificing the semblance of continuity in the establishment of anthropology as a proper academic discipline.}, keywords = {history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseDrawing on the explanation already offered for the confusion of positivism with realism in the epistemological imagination of the author and founder of postmodern anthropology, the paper analyzes the moral implications of dealing with problems characteristic of the philosophy of science by literary-theoretical means. The transdisciplinary migration of "realism" from literary theory to social science methodology has produced a whole new history of anthropology. The history of pre-postmodern anthropology constructed in this manner can be said to fit the register of some sort of comparative-cultural theory of retroactive moral judgement, complementing postmodern anthropology as a general theory of writing by political subjects, so that the theoretical-methodological dilemmas of postmodern anthropology do not constitute proof of the legitimacy of a holistic interpretation of the discipline’s founders’ intentions, but rather lead to neo-pyrrhonic, formalistic endeavours to uphold, by respecting academic trappings, the academic authority of the discipline whose subject, method and purpose, as a rule, even colleagues from adjacent departments for various reasons fail to understand. In the paper, evidence for this is derived from Clifford's writing of Malinowski, and the moral implications of the unfortunate analogy between the writing of political subjects and the writing of disciplinary founders are followed through. The paper then goes on to explain that the critique of the possibilities of misuse, particularly through political instrumentalization, of anthropological fictions as evidence of Others did not have to come at the cost of sacrificing the semblance of continuity in the establishment of anthropology as a proper academic discipline.Close Cook, Scott; Young, Michael WMalinowski, Herskovits, and the Controversy over Economics in Anthropology Journal Article In: History of Political Economy, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 657–679, 2016, ISSN: 0018-2702, 1527-1919.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: economics, ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{cook_malinowski_2016-1, title = {Malinowski, Herskovits, and the Controversy over Economics in Anthropology}, author = {Scott Cook and Michael W Young}, doi = {10.1215/00182702-3687295}, issn = {0018-2702, 1527-1919}, year = {2016}, date = {2016-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-22}, journal = {History of Political Economy}, volume = {48}, number = {4}, pages = {657--679}, abstract = {Bronislaw Malinowski and Melville Herskovits were founding contributors to the anthropological study of economic life—Malinowski as a pioneering ethnographer in Melanesia and a late-career ethnographer in Oaxaca, Mexico, and Herskovits as the leading exponent of comparative studies. The definition of their respective approaches to the study of economic life began in the 1940s with Karl Polanyi and in the 1950s with Raymond Firth, culminating in the formalist-substantivist debate of the 1960s–1970s. Malinowski's contribution was defined as emphasizing the institutional matrix of the economy while denying the universal applicability of classical/neoclassical economics; Herskovits's was defined as promoting the applicability of economics in comparative studies. A reconsideration of Herskovits's writings shows that his advocacy of the application of economics by anthropologists had qualifications and caveats. New documentary information about Malinowski's approach reinforces his commitment to the study of economic life as an ethnographic pursuit rather than a comparative one. It further reveals his late-career openness to the use of classical/neoclassical economic principles and concepts, his familiarity with market economics, and his views on the role of theory in ethnographic economics.}, keywords = {economics, ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseBronislaw Malinowski and Melville Herskovits were founding contributors to the anthropological study of economic life—Malinowski as a pioneering ethnographer in Melanesia and a late-career ethnographer in Oaxaca, Mexico, and Herskovits as the leading exponent of comparative studies. The definition of their respective approaches to the study of economic life began in the 1940s with Karl Polanyi and in the 1950s with Raymond Firth, culminating in the formalist-substantivist debate of the 1960s–1970s. Malinowski's contribution was defined as emphasizing the institutional matrix of the economy while denying the universal applicability of classical/neoclassical economics; Herskovits's was defined as promoting the applicability of economics in comparative studies. A reconsideration of Herskovits's writings shows that his advocacy of the application of economics by anthropologists had qualifications and caveats. New documentary information about Malinowski's approach reinforces his commitment to the study of economic life as an ethnographic pursuit rather than a comparative one. It further reveals his late-career openness to the use of classical/neoclassical economic principles and concepts, his familiarity with market economics, and his views on the role of theory in ethnographic economics.Closedoi:10.1215/00182702-3687295Close2015 Schneider, ArndAn anthropology of the sea voyage - Prolegomena to an epistemology of transoceanic travel Journal Article In: Mobile Culture Studies. The Journal, vol. 1, pp. 31–52, 2015, ISSN: 2413-9181, 2413-9181.Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: history, work about Malinowski@article{schneider_anthropology_2015, title = {An anthropology of the sea voyage - Prolegomena to an epistemology of transoceanic travel}, author = {Arnd Schneider}, issn = {2413-9181, 2413-9181}, year = {2015}, date = {2015-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-14}, journal = {Mobile Culture Studies. The Journal}, volume = {1}, pages = {31--52}, abstract = {DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.}, keywords = {history, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseDOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.Close Kubica, GrażynaA flâneur and ethnographer in their home city: the Krakow of Bronisław Malinowski and Feliks Gross : remarks of a historian of anthropology Book Section In: Rytíř z Komárova : k 70. narozeninám Petra Skalníka = Knight from Komárov : to Petr Skalník for his 70th birthday, pp. 81–92, AntropoWeb, Praha, 2015, ISBN: 978-80-905098-7-0.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: work about Malinowski@incollection{kubica_flaneur_2015, title = {A flâneur and ethnographer in their home city: the Krakow of Bronisław Malinowski and Feliks Gross : remarks of a historian of anthropology}, author = {Grażyna Kubica}, url = {}, isbn = {978-80-905098-7-0}, year = {2015}, date = {2015-01-01}, booktitle = {Rytíř z Komárova : k 70. narozeninám Petra Skalníka = Knight from Komárov : to Petr Skalník for his 70th birthday}, pages = {81--92}, publisher = {AntropoWeb}, address = {Praha}, abstract = {The paper discusses the beginnings of anthropologists' interest in the city on the examples of Bronisław Malinowski, and his student and colaborator, Feliks Gross, who both came from Krakow. Malinowski's entries in his diaries suggest a modernist figure of a flâneur, an urban spectator, as depicted by Walter Benjamin. The figure has very much in common with ethnographer, and they are both two versions of male adventurous explorer. Gross can be seen a pioneer of urban anthropology because of his fieldwork in the Jewish district of Krakow, which he sstarted in the late 1930s, but could not complete because of the outbreak of the II WW. He later used the experiences and knowledge he got from it in his theoretical writings. Malinowski's and Gross' home city, walked through a flâneurian way, had thus been a testing ground for their future ethnographies and theories.}, keywords = {work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {incollection} } CloseThe paper discusses the beginnings of anthropologists' interest in the city on the examples of Bronisław Malinowski, and his student and colaborator, Feliks Gross, who both came from Krakow. Malinowski's entries in his diaries suggest a modernist figure of a flâneur, an urban spectator, as depicted by Walter Benjamin. The figure has very much in common with ethnographer, and they are both two versions of male adventurous explorer. Gross can be seen a pioneer of urban anthropology because of his fieldwork in the Jewish district of Krakow, which he sstarted in the late 1930s, but could not complete because of the outbreak of the II WW. He later used the experiences and knowledge he got from it in his theoretical writings. Malinowski's and Gross' home city, walked through a flâneurian way, had thus been a testing ground for their future ethnographies and theories.Close Young, Michael WWhat Did Malinowski Eat in Papua? Journal Article In: Anthropology Now, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 37–46, 2015, ISSN: 1942-8200.Links | BibTeX | Tags: work about Malinowski@article{young_what_2015, title = {What Did Malinowski Eat in Papua?}, author = {Michael W Young}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/19428200.2015.1058122}, issn = {1942-8200}, year = {2015}, date = {2015-01-01}, journal = {Anthropology Now}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {37--46}, keywords = {work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close Young, Michael WWriting his Life through the Other: The Anthropology of Malinowski Book 2014.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: biography, work about Malinowski@book{young_writing_2014, title = {Writing his Life through the Other: The Anthropology of Malinowski}, author = {Michael W Young}, url = {/2014/01/22/writing-his-life-through-the-other-the-anthropology-of-malinowski/}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-27}, abstract = {Last year saw the works of Bronislaw Malinowski – father of modern anthropology – enter the public domain in many countries around the world. Michael W. Young explores the personal crisis plaguing the Polish-born anthropologist at the end of his first major stint of ethnographic immersion in the Trobriand Islands, a period of self-doubt glimpsed through entries in his diary – the most infamous, most nakedly honest document in the annals of social anthropology.}, keywords = {biography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseLast year saw the works of Bronislaw Malinowski – father of modern anthropology – enter the public domain in many countries around the world. Michael W. Young explores the personal crisis plaguing the Polish-born anthropologist at the end of his first major stint of ethnographic immersion in the Trobriand Islands, a period of self-doubt glimpsed through entries in his diary – the most infamous, most nakedly honest document in the annals of social anthropology.Close/2014/01/22/writing-his-life-through-the-other-the-anthropology-of-malinowski/Close Liep, JohnThe Trobriandization of the Western World: Bronislaw Malinowski and the sexual revolution Journal Article In: 2014.Links | BibTeX | Tags: history, work about Malinowski@article{liep_trobriandization_2014, title = {The Trobriandization of the Western World: Bronislaw Malinowski and the sexual revolution}, author = {John Liep}, url = {}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-11}, keywords = {history, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close[...]Close Mosko, Mark SMalinowski magical puzzles: Towards a new theory of magic and procreation in Trobriand society Journal Article In: HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1–47, 2014, ISSN: 2049-1115.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: kinship, magic and religion, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{mosko_malinowski_2014, title = {Malinowski magical puzzles: Towards a new theory of magic and procreation in Trobriand society}, author = {Mark S Mosko}, doi = {10.14318/hau4.1.001}, issn = {2049-1115}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-13}, journal = {HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {1--47}, abstract = {Malinowski’s classic accounts of Trobriand sociality have left anthropology with many lasting conundrums. This two-part article examines two such puzzles revolving around contradictory reports over the agencies involved in magical chants (megwa). On the one hand, consistent with his pragmatic and functionalist theories of language and culture, Malinowski claimed that, although ancestral baloma and other spirits are typically invoked in most spells, those incantations’ efficaciousness derived instead from the power of the enunciated words. On the other, as part of his evidence in support of Islanders’ “ignorance of physiological paternity,” he conceded that spells intended to produce pregnancy in village women were instead expressly aimed at eliciting appropriate ritual actions from baloma spirits as agents of conception and birth. On the basis of ethnographic data recently gathered at Omarakana village interpreted through specific adaptations of the “New Melanesian Ethnography” and Tambiah’s earlier “participation” theory of ritual practice, I argue that for Trobrianders the magical power of words is the power of spirits, and vice versa. This insight has important implications for classic and contemporary debates over the nature of “magic,” controversies over paternity and so-called “virgin birth,” theories of personhood and agency, and the character of dala “matrilineage” relations.}, keywords = {kinship, magic and religion, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseMalinowski’s classic accounts of Trobriand sociality have left anthropology with many lasting conundrums. This two-part article examines two such puzzles revolving around contradictory reports over the agencies involved in magical chants (megwa). On the one hand, consistent with his pragmatic and functionalist theories of language and culture, Malinowski claimed that, although ancestral baloma and other spirits are typically invoked in most spells, those incantations’ efficaciousness derived instead from the power of the enunciated words. On the other, as part of his evidence in support of Islanders’ “ignorance of physiological paternity,” he conceded that spells intended to produce pregnancy in village women were instead expressly aimed at eliciting appropriate ritual actions from baloma spirits as agents of conception and birth. On the basis of ethnographic data recently gathered at Omarakana village interpreted through specific adaptations of the “New Melanesian Ethnography” and Tambiah’s earlier “participation” theory of ritual practice, I argue that for Trobrianders the magical power of words is the power of spirits, and vice versa. This insight has important implications for classic and contemporary debates over the nature of “magic,” controversies over paternity and so-called “virgin birth,” theories of personhood and agency, and the character of dala “matrilineage” relations.Closedoi:10.14318/hau4.1.001Close Lipset, DavidSavage Memory: How Do We Remember Our Dead? Directed by Zachary Stuart and Kelly Thomson (review) Journal Article In: The Contemporary Pacific, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 583–585, 2014, ISSN: 1527-9464.Links | BibTeX | Tags: movie review, work about Malinowski@article{lipset_savage_2014, title = {Savage Memory: How Do We Remember Our Dead? Directed by Zachary Stuart and Kelly Thomson (review)}, author = {David Lipset}, doi = {10.1353/cp.2014.0028}, issn = {1527-9464}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-14}, journal = {The Contemporary Pacific}, volume = {26}, number = {2}, pages = {583--585}, keywords = {movie review, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1353/cp.2014.0028Close Borš, VanjaBronisław Malinowski: Deus ex machina of anthropology Journal Article In: Holon, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 97–113, 2014.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: work about Malinowski@article{bors_bronislaw_2014, title = {Bronisław Malinowski: Deus ex machina of anthropology}, author = {Vanja Borš}, url = {}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, journal = {Holon}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {97--113}, abstract = {The purpose of this, popularizing, work is to look back and present fundamental, but also some lesser known, biographical information about the one of the most famous anthropologists, Bronisław Malinowski, and do so in the context of commemorating 130 years from his birth. Therefore, this work primarily traces his education, influences, research and educational activity. The essential contributions of Malinowski to anthropology, that is, his concept of functionalism and participant observation, are briefly presented as well.}, keywords = {work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThe purpose of this, popularizing, work is to look back and present fundamental, but also some lesser known, biographical information about the one of the most famous anthropologists, Bronisław Malinowski, and do so in the context of commemorating 130 years from his birth. Therefore, this work primarily traces his education, influences, research and educational activity. The essential contributions of Malinowski to anthropology, that is, his concept of functionalism and participant observation, are briefly presented as well.Close[...]Close Gijswijt-Hofstra, M; Studiecentrum, AfrikaAmong the Mende in Sierra Leone: the letters from Sjoerd Hofstra (1934-36) Miscellaneous 2014.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Africa, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@misc{gijswijt-hofstra_among_2014, title = {Among the Mende in Sierra Leone: the letters from Sjoerd Hofstra (1934-36)}, author = {M Gijswijt-Hofstra and Afrika Studiecentrum}, url = {}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, urldate = {2017-10-24}, journal = {}, abstract = {This book offers a unique look behind the scenes of anthropological fieldwork amongst the Mende in Sierra Leone in the mid-1930s. The Dutch anthropologist and sociologist Sjoerd Hofstra (1898-1983), Rockefeller research fellow of the International Institute of African Languages and Cultures and one of Bronislaw Malinowski's three 'Mandarins' (as were also Meyer Fortes and S. Frederick Nadel), reports in long, bi-weekly letters to his adoptive mother about his experiences with the Mende. During his first stay in Sierra Leone (January 1934 - March 1935), Hofstra got blackwater fever, a complication of malaria tropica. His second stay (May - September 1936) came to an untimely end because he again developed symptoms of blackwater fever and was advised to return to Europe. Because of this his fieldwork remained unfinished, and Hofstra never got round to publishing the planned book on the Mende. However, Hofstra published four articles on the Mende in English, photocopies of which are included in this book. Next to these articles Hofstra's letters to his adoptive mother contain valuable first-hand information about his fieldwork. His daughter, cultural and social historian Marijke Gijswijt-Hofstra, has edited and translated these letters, while also including contextual information.}, keywords = {Africa, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {misc} } CloseThis book offers a unique look behind the scenes of anthropological fieldwork amongst the Mende in Sierra Leone in the mid-1930s. The Dutch anthropologist and sociologist Sjoerd Hofstra (1898-1983), Rockefeller research fellow of the International Institute of African Languages and Cultures and one of Bronislaw Malinowski's three 'Mandarins' (as were also Meyer Fortes and S. Frederick Nadel), reports in long, bi-weekly letters to his adoptive mother about his experiences with the Mende. During his first stay in Sierra Leone (January 1934 - March 1935), Hofstra got blackwater fever, a complication of malaria tropica. His second stay (May - September 1936) came to an untimely end because he again developed symptoms of blackwater fever and was advised to return to Europe. Because of this his fieldwork remained unfinished, and Hofstra never got round to publishing the planned book on the Mende. However, Hofstra published four articles on the Mende in English, photocopies of which are included in this book. Next to these articles Hofstra's letters to his adoptive mother contain valuable first-hand information about his fieldwork. His daughter, cultural and social historian Marijke Gijswijt-Hofstra, has edited and translated these letters, while also including contextual information.Close Alvarez, Oscar FernándezMalinowski and the New Humanism Journal Article In: History of the Human Sciences, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 70–87, 2013, ISSN: 0952-6951.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: biography, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski, work about Masson@article{alvarez_malinowski_2013, title = {Malinowski and the New Humanism}, author = {Oscar Fernández Alvarez}, doi = {10.1177/0952695113480974}, issn = {0952-6951}, year = {2013}, date = {2013-01-01}, journal = {History of the Human Sciences}, volume = {26}, number = {2}, pages = {70--87}, abstract = {In this article Bronislaw Malinowski’s ideas on humanism are analysed with reference to unpublished texts and drafts, published texts such as A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term, his personal letters to his wife Elsie Masson and articles in which his ideals were reflected. An attempt will also be made to set Malinowski’s proposal for the New Humanism in its scientific and cultural context along with the work of other great thinkers and humanists of his day. Finally, it is suggested that Malinowski’s ideas in this field, despite the passage of time, are still relevant to social anthropology and, at the very least, still inspire new thoughts.}, keywords = {biography, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski, work about Masson}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseIn this article Bronislaw Malinowski’s ideas on humanism are analysed with reference to unpublished texts and drafts, published texts such as A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term, his personal letters to his wife Elsie Masson and articles in which his ideals were reflected. An attempt will also be made to set Malinowski’s proposal for the New Humanism in its scientific and cultural context along with the work of other great thinkers and humanists of his day. Finally, it is suggested that Malinowski’s ideas in this field, despite the passage of time, are still relevant to social anthropology and, at the very least, still inspire new thoughts.Closedoi:10.1177/0952695113480974Close2012 Bartmanski, DominikHow to become an iconic social thinker: The intellectual pursuits of Malinowski and Foucault Journal Article In: European Journal of Social Theory, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 427–453, 2012, ISSN: 1368-4310.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@article{bartmanski_how_2012, title = {How to become an iconic social thinker: The intellectual pursuits of Malinowski and Foucault}, author = {Dominik Bartmanski}, doi = {10.1177/1368431011423577}, issn = {1368-4310}, year = {2012}, date = {2012-01-01}, journal = {European Journal of Social Theory}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {427--453}, abstract = {The present article develops a new approach to intellectual history and sociology of knowledge. Its point of departure is to investigate the conditions under which social thinkers assume the iconic reputation. What does it take to become ‘a founding father’ of a humanistic discipline? How do social thinkers achieve the status of a trans-disciplinary star? Why some intellectuals attract tremendous attention and ‘go down in history’ despite personal and professional failures, while others enjoy only limited recognition or simply sink into oblivion, even if they have met all the standards of their day? Quite a few sociologists have tackled this elusive issue. Pierre Bourdieu, Michele Lamont and Randall Collins are among those who fleshed out strong explanatory frameworks. This project adds to this body of knowledge by emphasizing cultural factors that these authors downplayed in their seminal accounts, despite being aware of their significance. By showing why these underdeveloped aspects of their works need to be incorporated into the debate and how this can be achieved, this article introduces a new theorization of the iconic, lasting intellectual reputation substantiated by evidence from the lifeworks of Bronisław Malinowski and Michel Foucault. As such, it aims, minimally, to make sociology of knowledge decisively ‘cultural’. Maximally, it seeks to demonstrate that the iconic success of intellectual intervention in social theory depends on carefully performed and contingently mediated engagement with the binary systems of symbolic classification.}, keywords = {history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThe present article develops a new approach to intellectual history and sociology of knowledge. Its point of departure is to investigate the conditions under which social thinkers assume the iconic reputation. What does it take to become ‘a founding father’ of a humanistic discipline? How do social thinkers achieve the status of a trans-disciplinary star? Why some intellectuals attract tremendous attention and ‘go down in history’ despite personal and professional failures, while others enjoy only limited recognition or simply sink into oblivion, even if they have met all the standards of their day? Quite a few sociologists have tackled this elusive issue. Pierre Bourdieu, Michele Lamont and Randall Collins are among those who fleshed out strong explanatory frameworks. This project adds to this body of knowledge by emphasizing cultural factors that these authors downplayed in their seminal accounts, despite being aware of their significance. By showing why these underdeveloped aspects of their works need to be incorporated into the debate and how this can be achieved, this article introduces a new theorization of the iconic, lasting intellectual reputation substantiated by evidence from the lifeworks of Bronisław Malinowski and Michel Foucault. As such, it aims, minimally, to make sociology of knowledge decisively ‘cultural’. Maximally, it seeks to demonstrate that the iconic success of intellectual intervention in social theory depends on carefully performed and contingently mediated engagement with the binary systems of symbolic classification.Closedoi:10.1177/1368431011423577Close Corriveau, LouisGame theory and the kula Journal Article In: Rationality and Society, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 106–128, 2012, ISSN: 1043-4631.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@article{corriveau_game_2012, title = {Game theory and the kula}, author = {Louis Corriveau}, doi = {10.1177/1043463111434700}, issn = {1043-4631}, year = {2012}, date = {2012-01-01}, journal = {Rationality and Society}, volume = {24}, number = {1}, pages = {106--128}, abstract = {The paper expounds a non-cooperative game that can be interpreted as a model of the system of kula that was described by Bronislaw Malinowski in his Argonauts of the Western Pacific. The game of kula is an infinite-horizon game with an arbitrary, but fixed, number n of players. It generates pure norms of direct reciprocity, pure norms of indirect reciprocity, and mixed norms whereby a player who deviates is punished both by the individual who has been harmed and by a third party.}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThe paper expounds a non-cooperative game that can be interpreted as a model of the system of kula that was described by Bronislaw Malinowski in his Argonauts of the Western Pacific. The game of kula is an infinite-horizon game with an arbitrary, but fixed, number n of players. It generates pure norms of direct reciprocity, pure norms of indirect reciprocity, and mixed norms whereby a player who deviates is punished both by the individual who has been harmed and by a third party.Closedoi:10.1177/1043463111434700Close Meger, ZbigniewWhat binds Bronisław Malinowski with social networks? Journal Article In: EduAction : Electronic Education Magazine, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 27–32, 2012, ISSN: 2081-870X.Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: work about Malinowski@article{meger_what_2012, title = {What binds Bronisław Malinowski with social networks?}, author = {Zbigniew Meger}, issn = {2081-870X}, year = {2012}, date = {2012-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-14}, journal = {EduAction : Electronic Education Magazine}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, pages = {27--32}, abstract = {DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.}, keywords = {work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseDOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.Close Lepani, KatherineIslands of love, islands of risk : culture and HIV in the Trobriands / Katherine Lepani Book Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, 2012, ISBN: 978-0-8265-1874-3 978-0-8265-1875-0.BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands, work about Malinowski@book{lepani_islands_2012, title = {Islands of love, islands of risk : culture and HIV in the Trobriands / Katherine Lepani}, author = {Katherine Lepani}, isbn = {978-0-8265-1874-3 978-0-8265-1875-0}, year = {2012}, date = {2012-01-01}, publisher = {Vanderbilt University Press}, address = {Nashville}, keywords = {Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close2011 Kuklick, HenrikaPersonal Equations: Reflections on the History of Fieldwork, with Special Reference to Sociocultural Anthropology Journal Article In: Isis, vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 1–33, 2011, ISSN: 0021-1753.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{kuklick_personal_2011, title = {Personal Equations: Reflections on the History of Fieldwork, with Special Reference to Sociocultural Anthropology}, author = {Henrika Kuklick}, doi = {10.1086/658655}, issn = {0021-1753}, year = {2011}, date = {2011-01-01}, journal = {Isis}, volume = {102}, number = {1}, pages = {1--33}, abstract = {ABSTRACT In the latter part of the nineteenth century, diverse sciences grounded in natural history made a virtue of field research that somehow tested scientists' endurance; disciplinary change derived from the premise that witnesses were made reliable by character-molding trials. The turn to the field was a function of structural transformations in various quarters, including (but hardly limited to) global politics, communications systems, and scientific institutions, and it conduced to biogeographical explanations, taxonomic schemes that admitted of heterogeneity, and affective research styles. Sociocultural anthropology, which took specialized shape at the beginning of the twentieth century, shared many properties with other field sciences, but its method—participant observation—was distinctive. Critical to the method's definition were the efforts of the British experimental psychologist-anthropologist W. H. R. Rivers, who relied on notions then widespread in Europe and the United States. The discipline's future mythic hero, Bronislaw Malinowski, embraced Rivers's model. For both men, proper fieldwork meant using the researcher's body as an instrument and entailed understanding both the anthropologist's body and the research subject's body as energy systems; this symmetry facilitated a relativist perspective. Participant observation remains central to sociocultural anthropology, but the discipline's pedagogic habits contributed to loss of memory of its energetic conceptualization.}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseABSTRACT In the latter part of the nineteenth century, diverse sciences grounded in natural history made a virtue of field research that somehow tested scientists' endurance; disciplinary change derived from the premise that witnesses were made reliable by character-molding trials. The turn to the field was a function of structural transformations in various quarters, including (but hardly limited to) global politics, communications systems, and scientific institutions, and it conduced to biogeographical explanations, taxonomic schemes that admitted of heterogeneity, and affective research styles. Sociocultural anthropology, which took specialized shape at the beginning of the twentieth century, shared many properties with other field sciences, but its method—participant observation—was distinctive. Critical to the method's definition were the efforts of the British experimental psychologist-anthropologist W. H. R. Rivers, who relied on notions then widespread in Europe and the United States. The discipline's future mythic hero, Bronislaw Malinowski, embraced Rivers's model. For both men, proper fieldwork meant using the researcher's body as an instrument and entailed understanding both the anthropologist's body and the research subject's body as energy systems; this symmetry facilitated a relativist perspective. Participant observation remains central to sociocultural anthropology, but the discipline's pedagogic habits contributed to loss of memory of its energetic conceptualization.Closedoi:10.1086/658655Close Young, Michael WMalinowski last word on the anthropological approach to language Journal Article In: Pragmatics. International Pragmatics Association, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 1–22, 2011.BibTeX | Tags: linguistics, work about Malinowski@article{young_malinowski_2011, title = {Malinowski last word on the anthropological approach to language}, author = {Michael W Young}, year = {2011}, date = {2011-01-01}, journal = {Pragmatics. International Pragmatics Association}, volume = {21}, number = {1}, pages = {1--22}, keywords = {linguistics, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close Parisi, RosaLo scheletro, la carne e il sangue: Malinowski e la magia dell'etnografo fra evocazioni, immagini e scrittura Book Aracne, Roma, 2011, ISBN: 978-88-548-4569-5.BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@book{parisi_lo_2011, title = {Lo scheletro, la carne e il sangue: Malinowski e la magia dell'etnografo fra evocazioni, immagini e scrittura}, author = {Rosa Parisi}, isbn = {978-88-548-4569-5}, year = {2011}, date = {2011-01-01}, publisher = {Aracne}, address = {Roma}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Liebersohn, HarryThe return of the gift : European history of a global idea / Harry Liebersohn Book Cambridge University Press, New York, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-107-00218-0.BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@book{liebersohn_return_2011, title = {The return of the gift : European history of a global idea / Harry Liebersohn}, author = {Harry Liebersohn}, isbn = {978-1-107-00218-0}, year = {2011}, date = {2011-01-01}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {New York}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Pels, PeterGlobal 'experts' and 'African' minds: Tanganyika anthropology as public and secret service, 1925-61 Journal Article In: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 788–810, 2011, ISSN: 1359-0987.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: applied anthropology, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@article{pels_global_2011, title = {Global 'experts' and 'African' minds: Tanganyika anthropology as public and secret service, 1925-61}, author = {Peter Pels}, doi = {10.2307/41350755}, issn = {1359-0987}, year = {2011}, date = {2011-01-01}, journal = {The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute}, volume = {17}, number = {4}, pages = {788--810}, abstract = {Whereas many historians of British anthropology worried themselves about the complicity of anthropologists with colonial rule, and have tried to demonstrate a fundamental contradiction and gap between academic anthropologists and colonial administrators, a study of the professionalization of anthropology in Tanganyika Territory between 1930 and i960 can show that the ethnographic tradition of Tanganyika indirect rule slowly attuned itself to classical academic anthropology, just as classical academic anthropology increasingly adopted the agenda of indirect rule. The setting up of a Government Sociology department by the Tanganyika government after 1945 epitomized this rapprochement, but also reveals another, rarely studied, type of tension between academics and administrators: their different attitudes towards publicity and secrecy, both in relation to the international critics of the British colonial empire, and in relation to the African audiences that administrators, more than anthropologists, had to reckon with. Nombreux sont les historiens de l'anthropologie britannique qui se sont inquiété de la complicité des anthropologues avec la domination coloniale et ont tenté de mettre en lumière une contradiction fondamentale entre anthropologues académiques et administrateurs coloniaux. Une étude portant sur la professionnalisation de l'anthropologie dans le Territoire du Tanganyika entre 1930 et i960 montre pourtant que la tradition ethnographique du gouvernement indirect au Tanganyika s'est progressivement alignée sur l'anthropologie académique classique, en même temps que celle-ci se saisissait de plus en plus des thèmes du gouvernement indirect. La mise en place d'un département de Sociologie gouvernementale par le gouvernement du Tanganyika après 1945 marque l'apogée de ce rapprochement mais révèle en même temps un autre type de tension, rarement étudié, entre chercheurs et administrateurs : une attitude différente vis-à-vis de la publicité et du secret, qu'il s'agisse des critiques internationales de l'empire colonial britannique ou des relations avec les cercles d'opinion africains avec lesquels les administrateurs, bien plus que les anthropologues, devaient composer.}, keywords = {applied anthropology, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseWhereas many historians of British anthropology worried themselves about the complicity of anthropologists with colonial rule, and have tried to demonstrate a fundamental contradiction and gap between academic anthropologists and colonial administrators, a study of the professionalization of anthropology in Tanganyika Territory between 1930 and i960 can show that the ethnographic tradition of Tanganyika indirect rule slowly attuned itself to classical academic anthropology, just as classical academic anthropology increasingly adopted the agenda of indirect rule. The setting up of a Government Sociology department by the Tanganyika government after 1945 epitomized this rapprochement, but also reveals another, rarely studied, type of tension between academics and administrators: their different attitudes towards publicity and secrecy, both in relation to the international critics of the British colonial empire, and in relation to the African audiences that administrators, more than anthropologists, had to reckon with. Nombreux sont les historiens de l'anthropologie britannique qui se sont inquiété de la complicité des anthropologues avec la domination coloniale et ont tenté de mettre en lumière une contradiction fondamentale entre anthropologues académiques et administrateurs coloniaux. Une étude portant sur la professionnalisation de l'anthropologie dans le Territoire du Tanganyika entre 1930 et i960 montre pourtant que la tradition ethnographique du gouvernement indirect au Tanganyika s'est progressivement alignée sur l'anthropologie académique classique, en même temps que celle-ci se saisissait de plus en plus des thèmes du gouvernement indirect. La mise en place d'un département de Sociologie gouvernementale par le gouvernement du Tanganyika après 1945 marque l'apogée de ce rapprochement mais révèle en même temps un autre type de tension, rarement étudié, entre chercheurs et administrateurs : une attitude différente vis-à-vis de la publicité et du secret, qu'il s'agisse des critiques internationales de l'empire colonial britannique ou des relations avec les cercles d'opinion africains avec lesquels les administrateurs, bien plus que les anthropologues, devaient composer.Closedoi:10.2307/41350755Close Larson, Frances“Did He Ever Darn His Stockings?” Beatrice Blackwood and the Ethnographic Authority of Bronislaw Malinowski Journal Article In: History and Anthropology, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 75–92, 2011, ISSN: 0275-7206.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: work about Malinowski@article{larson_did_2011, title = {“Did He Ever Darn His Stockings?” Beatrice Blackwood and the Ethnographic Authority of Bronislaw Malinowski}, author = {Frances Larson}, url = {}, doi = {10.1080/02757206.2010.487869}, issn = {0275-7206}, year = {2011}, date = {2011-01-01}, journal = {History and Anthropology}, volume = {22}, number = {1}, pages = {75--92}, abstract = {Beatrice Blackwood (1889–1975) undertook fieldwork during a time of great change in British anthropology. This paper assesses the influence of Bronislaw Malinowksi on her research. Blackwood trained as a “generalist” at Oxford and worked in the anatomy department at the Oxford University Museum during the 1920s. My focus is on her 1929–1930 fieldwork in the Solomon Islands when she embarked on anthropological research in the intensive mode. Malinowski’s books, in particular, served to frame her expectations of herself as a successful fieldworker, but these expectations sat uncomfortably with her obligations to her Oxford superiors, Robert R. Marett, Arthur Thomson and Henry Balfour. This paper sets Blackwood’s aspirations in the field in the context of her education and work at the University of Oxford.}, keywords = {work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseBeatrice Blackwood (1889–1975) undertook fieldwork during a time of great change in British anthropology. This paper assesses the influence of Bronislaw Malinowksi on her research. Blackwood trained as a “generalist” at Oxford and worked in the anatomy department at the Oxford University Museum during the 1920s. My focus is on her 1929–1930 fieldwork in the Solomon Islands when she embarked on anthropological research in the intensive mode. Malinowski’s books, in particular, served to frame her expectations of herself as a successful fieldworker, but these expectations sat uncomfortably with her obligations to her Oxford superiors, Robert R. Marett, Arthur Thomson and Henry Balfour. This paper sets Blackwood’s aspirations in the field in the context of her education and work at the University of Oxford.Close Vonarx, NicolasDe Bronislaw Malinowski à Virginia Henderson: révélation sur l'origine anthropologique d'un modèle de soins infirmiers Journal Article In: Aporia The nursing Journal, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 19–28, 2010.Links | BibTeX | Tags: applied anthropology, work about Malinowski@article{vonarx_bronislaw_2010, title = {De Bronislaw Malinowski à Virginia Henderson: révélation sur l'origine anthropologique d'un modèle de soins infirmiers}, author = {Nicolas Vonarx}, url = {}, year = {2010}, date = {2010-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-14}, journal = {Aporia The nursing Journal}, volume = {2}, number = {4}, pages = {19--28}, keywords = {applied anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close Matera, MarcColonial Subjects: Black Intellectuals and the Development of Colonial Studies in Britain Journal Article In: Journal of British Studies, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 388–418, 2010, ISSN: 0021-9371.Links | BibTeX | Tags: history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@article{matera_colonial_2010, title = {Colonial Subjects: Black Intellectuals and the Development of Colonial Studies in Britain}, author = {Marc Matera}, doi = {10.2307/23265207}, issn = {0021-9371}, year = {2010}, date = {2010-01-01}, journal = {Journal of British Studies}, volume = {49}, number = {2}, pages = {388--418}, keywords = {history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/23265207Close2009 Mosko, Mark SThe Fractal Yam: Botanical Imagery and Human Agency in the Trobriands Journal Article In: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 679–700, 2009, ISSN: 1359-0987.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{mosko_fractal_2009, title = {The Fractal Yam: Botanical Imagery and Human Agency in the Trobriands}, author = {Mark S Mosko}, doi = {10.2307/40541749}, issn = {1359-0987}, year = {2009}, date = {2009-01-01}, journal = {The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {679--700}, abstract = {Anthropologists have long appreciated that animals are 'good to think'. In this essay I ponder whether plants might be good to think too, and particularly whether there is any sense in asking if plants (along with animals) might also be 'good to act'. The botanical metaphor of 'base', 'body', and 'tip' animates the origin structures of many if not most societies of the Austronesian world. Less attention has been directed at indigenous elaborations in other socio-cultural domains of the region. Based on recent fieldwork, I outline such ramifications in Trobriand culture, drawing upon the notions of fractal recursion and self-similarity from chaos theory wherein emergent 'tips' yield 'fruit' which become the condition or 'base' for further production and transformation. Accordingly, the base-body-tip-fruit metaphor serves as a cultural template or scenario for social action, shedding new interpretative light on many topics of long-standing anthropological interest (e. g. yam propagation, display, and exchange, kula, mortuary celebration, age categories, fame) as well as more recent theoretical interests. /// Les anthropologues ont compris il y a longtemps déjà que les animaux sont "bons à penser". Dans cet essai, l'auteur se demande si les plantes sont elles aussi bonnes à penser, et en particulier s'il vaut la peine de se demander si les plantes (comme les animaux) pourraient être "bonnes à agir". La métaphore botanique de "base", "corps" et "tête" anime les structures originelles de beaucoup de sociétés du monde austronésien, sinon toutes. On s'est moins intéressé aux élaborations indigènes de la région dans d'autres domaines socioculturels. Sur la base d'un récent travail de terrain, l'auteur retrace ces ramifications dans la culture trobriandaise, utilisant les notions de récursivité fractale et d'autosimilitude de la théorie du chaos, selon lesquelles les "têtes" donnent des "fruits" qui deviennent la condition ou "base" d'une nouvelle production et transformation. En conséquence, la métaphore base-corps-tête-fruit sert de modèle culturel ou de scénario d'action sociale, jetant un nouvel éclairage interprétatif sur de nombreux sujets qui intéressent depuis longtemps les anthropologues (tels que la propagation, la présentation et l'échange des ignames, la kula, les célébrations mortuaires, les classes d'âge, la renommée), mais aussi sur de nouvelles questions théoriques plus récentes.}, keywords = {Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseAnthropologists have long appreciated that animals are 'good to think'. In this essay I ponder whether plants might be good to think too, and particularly whether there is any sense in asking if plants (along with animals) might also be 'good to act'. The botanical metaphor of 'base', 'body', and 'tip' animates the origin structures of many if not most societies of the Austronesian world. Less attention has been directed at indigenous elaborations in other socio-cultural domains of the region. Based on recent fieldwork, I outline such ramifications in Trobriand culture, drawing upon the notions of fractal recursion and self-similarity from chaos theory wherein emergent 'tips' yield 'fruit' which become the condition or 'base' for further production and transformation. Accordingly, the base-body-tip-fruit metaphor serves as a cultural template or scenario for social action, shedding new interpretative light on many topics of long-standing anthropological interest (e. g. yam propagation, display, and exchange, kula, mortuary celebration, age categories, fame) as well as more recent theoretical interests. /// Les anthropologues ont compris il y a longtemps déjà que les animaux sont "bons à penser". Dans cet essai, l'auteur se demande si les plantes sont elles aussi bonnes à penser, et en particulier s'il vaut la peine de se demander si les plantes (comme les animaux) pourraient être "bonnes à agir". La métaphore botanique de "base", "corps" et "tête" anime les structures originelles de beaucoup de sociétés du monde austronésien, sinon toutes. On s'est moins intéressé aux élaborations indigènes de la région dans d'autres domaines socioculturels. Sur la base d'un récent travail de terrain, l'auteur retrace ces ramifications dans la culture trobriandaise, utilisant les notions de récursivité fractale et d'autosimilitude de la théorie du chaos, selon lesquelles les "têtes" donnent des "fruits" qui deviennent la condition ou "base" d'une nouvelle production et transformation. En conséquence, la métaphore base-corps-tête-fruit sert de modèle culturel ou de scénario d'action sociale, jetant un nouvel éclairage interprétatif sur de nombreux sujets qui intéressent depuis longtemps les anthropologues (tels que la propagation, la présentation et l'échange des ignames, la kula, les célébrations mortuaires, les classes d'âge, la renommée), mais aussi sur de nouvelles questions théoriques plus récentes.Closedoi:10.2307/40541749Close Bell, Joshua A; Geismar, HaidyMaterialising Oceania: New ethnographies of things in Melanesia and Polynesia Journal Article In: The Australian Journal of Anthropology, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 3–27, 2009, ISSN: 1757-6547.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Melanesia, Polynesia, work about Malinowski@article{bell_materialising_2009, title = {Materialising Oceania: New ethnographies of things in Melanesia and Polynesia}, author = {Joshua A Bell and Haidy Geismar}, doi = {10.1111/j.1757-6547.2009.00001.x}, issn = {1757-6547}, year = {2009}, date = {2009-01-01}, journal = {The Australian Journal of Anthropology}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {3--27}, abstract = {Oceania occupies an intriguing place within anthropology’s genealogy. In the introduction to this collection of essays, we examine the role of the ethnography of Oceania in the development of our anthropological perspectives on materialisation, the dynamic process by which persons and things are inter-related. Building upon the recent resurgence of theoretical interests in things we use the term materialisation (rather than material culture or materiality) to capture the vitality of the lived processes by which ideas of objectivity and subjectivity, persons and things, minds and bodies are entangled. Taking a processual view, we advocate for an Oceanic anthropology that continues to engage with things on the ground; that asks what strategies communities use to materialise their social relations, desires and values; and that recognises how these processes remain important tools for understanding historical and contemporary Oceanic societies. Examining these locally articulated processes and forms contributes to a material (re)turn for anthropology that clarifies how we, as scholars, think about things more widely.}, keywords = {ethnography, Melanesia, Polynesia, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseOceania occupies an intriguing place within anthropology’s genealogy. In the introduction to this collection of essays, we examine the role of the ethnography of Oceania in the development of our anthropological perspectives on materialisation, the dynamic process by which persons and things are inter-related. Building upon the recent resurgence of theoretical interests in things we use the term materialisation (rather than material culture or materiality) to capture the vitality of the lived processes by which ideas of objectivity and subjectivity, persons and things, minds and bodies are entangled. Taking a processual view, we advocate for an Oceanic anthropology that continues to engage with things on the ground; that asks what strategies communities use to materialise their social relations, desires and values; and that recognises how these processes remain important tools for understanding historical and contemporary Oceanic societies. Examining these locally articulated processes and forms contributes to a material (re)turn for anthropology that clarifies how we, as scholars, think about things more widely.Closedoi:10.1111/j.1757-6547.2009.00001.xClose2008 Korta, KepaMalinowski and pragmatics Journal Article In: Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 40, no. 10, pp. 1645–1660, 2008, ISSN: 0378-2166.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: linguistics, work about Malinowski@article{korta_malinowski_2008, title = {Malinowski and pragmatics}, author = {Kepa Korta}, doi = {10.1016/j.pragma.2007.12.006}, issn = {0378-2166}, year = {2008}, date = {2008-01-01}, journal = {Journal of Pragmatics}, volume = {40}, number = {10}, pages = {1645--1660}, abstract = {The aim of this paper is to study the grounds of Robert H. Robins’ claim (Robins, 1967, fourth edition) that much of contemporary pragmatics was anticipated by the great anthropologist and anthropological linguist called Bronislaw Malinowski. He describes Austin's work on speech acts as “following the steps of Malinowski in his dictum: ‘Speech is a mode of action, not a countersign of thought’.” We want to assess the force of that claim.}, keywords = {linguistics, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThe aim of this paper is to study the grounds of Robert H. Robins’ claim (Robins, 1967, fourth edition) that much of contemporary pragmatics was anticipated by the great anthropologist and anthropological linguist called Bronislaw Malinowski. He describes Austin's work on speech acts as “following the steps of Malinowski in his dictum: ‘Speech is a mode of action, not a countersign of thought’.” We want to assess the force of that claim.Closedoi:10.1016/j.pragma.2007.12.006Close Kolankiewicz-Lundberg, MartaBetween Science and Life: A Comparison of the Fieldwork Experiences of Bronislaw Malinowski and Kirsten Hastrup Journal Article In: The Applied Anthropologist, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 76–88, 2008.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{kolankiewicz-lundberg_between_2008, title = {Between Science and Life: A Comparison of the Fieldwork Experiences of Bronislaw Malinowski and Kirsten Hastrup}, author = {Marta Kolankiewicz-Lundberg}, url = {}, year = {2008}, date = {2008-01-01}, journal = {The Applied Anthropologist}, volume = {28}, number = {1}, pages = {76--88}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close Ziegler, RolfWhat makes the Kula go round? Journal Article In: Social Networks, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 107–126, 2008, ISSN: 0378-8733.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@article{ziegler_what_2008, title = {What makes the Kula go round?}, author = {Rolf Ziegler}, doi = {10.1016/j.socnet.2007.10.001}, issn = {0378-8733}, year = {2008}, date = {2008-01-01}, journal = {Social Networks}, volume = {30}, number = {2}, pages = {107--126}, abstract = {The Kula ring described by Bronislaw Malinowski is a system of the ceremonial exchange of gifts among a number of tribal societies inhabiting various island groups in the region east of Papua New Guinea. Two ceremonial gifts continually circulate in opposite directions: necklaces clockwise and armshells counterclockwise. After a brief description of the social system of Kula exchange, a game-theoretic interpretation of the ceremonial exchange as a signaling system for peaceful relationships among potentially hostile communities, with inbuilt checks against cheating, is given. A simulation model of the starting mechanism is presented to account for the emergence and stability of the observed pattern of circular exchange of the two ceremonial gifts. Distinguishing among different “historical” phases in the development leads to a decisive improvement of the model. The article closes with a discussion of the limits and future directions of research.}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThe Kula ring described by Bronislaw Malinowski is a system of the ceremonial exchange of gifts among a number of tribal societies inhabiting various island groups in the region east of Papua New Guinea. Two ceremonial gifts continually circulate in opposite directions: necklaces clockwise and armshells counterclockwise. After a brief description of the social system of Kula exchange, a game-theoretic interpretation of the ceremonial exchange as a signaling system for peaceful relationships among potentially hostile communities, with inbuilt checks against cheating, is given. A simulation model of the starting mechanism is presented to account for the emergence and stability of the observed pattern of circular exchange of the two ceremonial gifts. Distinguishing among different “historical” phases in the development leads to a decisive improvement of the model. The article closes with a discussion of the limits and future directions of research.Closedoi:10.1016/j.socnet.2007.10.001Close Mohia-Navet,L'expérience de terrain Book La Découverte, Paris, 2008, ISBN: 978-2-7071-5393-7.BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@book{mohia-navet_experience_2008, title = {L'expérience de terrain}, author = {Mohia-Navet}, isbn = {978-2-7071-5393-7}, year = {2008}, date = {2008-01-01}, publisher = {La Découverte}, address = {Paris}, series = {Recherches}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Werbner, PninaAnthropology and the new cosmopolitanism : rooted, feminist and vernacular perspectives / edited by Pnina Werbner Book Berg, Oxford ; New York, 2008, ISBN: 978-1-84788-197-7 978-1-84788-198-4.Links | BibTeX | Tags: history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@book{werbner_anthropology_2008, title = {Anthropology and the new cosmopolitanism : rooted, feminist and vernacular perspectives / edited by Pnina Werbner}, author = {Pnina Werbner}, url = {}, isbn = {978-1-84788-197-7 978-1-84788-198-4}, year = {2008}, date = {2008-01-01}, publisher = {Berg}, address = {Oxford ; New York}, series = {AṠÅ. monographs ; 45}, keywords = {history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Frederiksen, Bodil FolkeJomo Kenyatta, Marie Bonaparte and Bronislaw Malinowski on Clitoridectomy and Female Sexuality Journal Article In: History Workshop Journal, no. 65, pp. 23–48, 2008, ISSN: 1363-3554.Links | BibTeX | Tags: history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@article{frederiksen_jomo_2008, title = {Jomo Kenyatta, Marie Bonaparte and Bronislaw Malinowski on Clitoridectomy and Female Sexuality}, author = {Bodil Folke Frederiksen}, url = {}, issn = {1363-3554}, year = {2008}, date = {2008-01-01}, journal = {History Workshop Journal}, number = {65}, pages = {23--48}, keywords = {history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close Senft, GunterBronislaw Malinowski and Linguistic Pragmatics : Lodz Papers in Pragmatics Book 2007.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: linguistics, work about Malinowski@book{senft_bronislaw_2007, title = {Bronislaw Malinowski and Linguistic Pragmatics : Lodz Papers in Pragmatics}, author = {Gunter Senft}, url = {–1/v10016-007-0006-7/v10016-007-0006-7.xml}, year = {2007}, date = {2007-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-13}, abstract = {Bronislaw Malinowski and Linguistic PragmaticsIn 1923 Bronislaw Malinowski repeated his claim for an "Ethnolinguistic theory" which he enforced 1920 in his first linguistic paper and which became the guideline for his "ethnographic theory of language." In 1997 the linguist William Foley published his monograph "Anthropological Linguistics—An Introduction"; and in the same year the anthropologist Alessandro Duranti published his monograph "Linguistic Anthropology." It seems that with the publication of these two standard textbooks the interdisciplinary field of "ethnolinguistics" has finally gained its due importance within the disciplines of anthropology and linguistics. Bill Foley states in his textbook that "the boundary between pragmatics and anthropological linguistics or sociolinguistics is impossible to draw at present." So if we recognize Bronislaw Malinowski not only as one of the founders of modern social anthropology but also as one of the founding fathers of anthropological linguistics, we should have a closer look at Malinowski's importance for pragmatics in general. This paper presents Malinowski's contributions to the ethnographic theory of language, assesses his role as an apologist of anthropological linguistics, and discusses his influence (not only) on (new) developments in linguistic pragmatics.}, keywords = {linguistics, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseBronislaw Malinowski and Linguistic PragmaticsIn 1923 Bronislaw Malinowski repeated his claim for an "Ethnolinguistic theory" which he enforced 1920 in his first linguistic paper and which became the guideline for his "ethnographic theory of language." In 1997 the linguist William Foley published his monograph "Anthropological Linguistics—An Introduction"; and in the same year the anthropologist Alessandro Duranti published his monograph "Linguistic Anthropology." It seems that with the publication of these two standard textbooks the interdisciplinary field of "ethnolinguistics" has finally gained its due importance within the disciplines of anthropology and linguistics. Bill Foley states in his textbook that "the boundary between pragmatics and anthropological linguistics or sociolinguistics is impossible to draw at present." So if we recognize Bronislaw Malinowski not only as one of the founders of modern social anthropology but also as one of the founding fathers of anthropological linguistics, we should have a closer look at Malinowski's importance for pragmatics in general. This paper presents Malinowski's contributions to the ethnographic theory of language, assesses his role as an apologist of anthropological linguistics, and discusses his influence (not only) on (new) developments in linguistic pragmatics.Close–1/v10016-007-0006-7/v10016-0[...]Close Ziegler, RolfThe Kula ring of Bronislaw Malinowski a simulation model of the co-evolution of an economic and ceremonical exchange system ; vorgelegt in der Sitzung vom 12. Dezember 2003 Book Beck, MÓnchen, 2007, ISBN: 978-3-7696-1641-5.BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@book{ziegler_kula_2007, title = {The Kula ring of Bronislaw Malinowski a simulation model of the co-evolution of an economic and ceremonical exchange system ; vorgelegt in der Sitzung vom 12. Dezember 2003}, author = {Rolf Ziegler}, isbn = {978-3-7696-1641-5}, year = {2007}, date = {2007-01-01}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {MÓnchen}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Burton, John W; Burton, Orsolya ArvaSome Reflections on Anthropology's Missionary Positions Journal Article In: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 209–217, 2007, ISSN: 1359-0987.Links | BibTeX | Tags: history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@article{burton_reflections_2007, title = {Some Reflections on Anthropology's Missionary Positions}, author = {John W Burton and Orsolya Arva Burton}, doi = {10.2307/4622908}, issn = {1359-0987}, year = {2007}, date = {2007-01-01}, journal = {The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, pages = {209--217}, keywords = {history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/4622908Close288 entries « ‹ 1 of 6 › »