Bibliography All years 20242023202220212019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751973197219711970196919681967196619651964196319621960195919581957195619551954195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341932193119301929192719261924192319221921192019181916191519131912191119100000 All types Journal ArticlesBooksBook ChaptersBook SectionsMiscellaneousOnlinePhD Theses All tags Africaalpine anthropologyapplied anthropologyAustraliaAustriabibliographybibliography about Malinowskibiographybook reviewbook review by MalinowskiChinacolonialismcorrespondenceeconomicsethnographyFeminismfunctionalismgenderhistoryhistory of anthropologyintroduced by MalinowskikinshipkulaLatin Americalinguisticsmagic and religionMalinowskiMassonmaterial cultureMelanesiaMexicomovie reviewNew GuineaOceaniaphilosophyPolandPolynesiapost mortempsychologyPsychology / Human Sexualityrebellionreview of Malinowski's bookreview of Masson's bookRites and ceremonies--Macedonia.Social anthropologySocial Science / Anthropology / GeneralSocial workSouth Tyrolstory of familyTrobriand IslandsTrobriandswork about Malinowskiwork about Massonwork by Malinowskiwork by Masson All authors (translation), Francesca Bettocchi (translation), Justin Izzo (translation), Maria Lord Abrahamian, L H Adams, Julie Aldrich, Charles Roberts Alvarez, Oscar Fernández Angioni, Giulio Ardener, Edwin Austen, Leo Baker, Richard St Barbe Baker, Stuart Baker, Victoria J Barlow, Kathleen Barth, Fredrik Bartmanski, Dominik Barton, F R Bascom, William Bashkow, Ira Battaglia, Debbora Bauer, Janet Beattie, J H M Bell, Joshua A Benedict, Burton Bennett, Tony Benson, Vincent Beran, Harry Berman, Bruce Birkalan-Gedik, Hande Bodemann, Michal Y Bolton, Lissant Bonshek, Elizabeth Boon, James Borš, Vanja Bradfield, R M Brown, Hannah Brozi, Krzysztof J Bruffault, Robert Brunton, Ron Buckley, Peter Burkard, Franz-Peterdatl Burke, Patrick Burrowes, Carl Patrick Burt, Ben Burton, John W Burton, Orsolya Arva Cadzow, Allisoni Camps, Joan Bestard Canby, Joel S Clifford, James Cochrane, Susan Cocks, Paul Colajanni, Antonino Cole, John W Coleman, Leo Comaroff, Jean Comaroff, John L Conley, John M Cook, Scott Cooley, Timothy J Corriveau, Louis Crain, Jay B Creedy, (Frederick) F Cunnison, Ian Cuscoy, Luis Diego Damon, Frederick H Darrah, Allan C Dauber, Kenneth Davis, John Debaene, Vincent Dehouve, Daniele Della Rocca, Marina Drucker-Brown, Susan Durham, Eunice Ribeiro Edge-Partington, J Egloff, Brian J Ellen, Roy Engelking, Anna Fardon, Richard Fei, Xiaotong Firth, John Rupert Firth, Raymond Fisher, Donald Foks, Freddy Forge, Anthony Fortune, Reo Frederiksen, Bodil Folkede la Fuente, Julio Galli, Matilde Callari Gallus, Alexander Gaona, Héctor Tejera Gay y Blasco, Paloma Geertz, Clifford Geismar, Haidy Gell, Alfred Gellner, Ernest Gifford, Edward W Gijswijt-Hofstra, M Gingrich, Andre Ginsberg, Morris Ginzburg, Carlo Gluckman, Max Gluckman, Max Gnecchi-Ruscone, Anna Paini Elisabetta Goldenweiser, Alexander Goldstein, Leon J Gonzalez, Roberto J Goode, William J Goody, Jack Gordon, Robert J. Gosden, Chris Greenfield, Sidney M Gregg, Dorothy Gross, Feliks Guala, Chito Guldin, Gregory Eliyu Haberland, Hartmut Hage, Per Hammond, Melinda Harary, Frank Harding, Thomas G Harrison, Simon Harwood, Frances Hasan, Ruqaiya Hays, H R Hirsch, Eric Hoebel, Adamson E Hogbin, Ian (Herbert Ian) H Holdsworth, Chris Homans, George C Hosp, Inga Hsu, Francis L K Hutnyk, John Jacorzynski, Witold James, Brent Jarvie, I C Jarvie, Ian Charles Jean, Guiart Jolly, Margaret Kaberry, Phyllis Kaesler, Dirk Kapolka, Gerard T Kasmani, Omar Keck, Frédéric Keesing, Roger Kenyatta, Jomo Kiepe, Juliane Kilani, Mondher Kluckhohn, Clyde Knoll, Eva-Maria Kolankiewicz-Lundberg, Marta Konishi, Shino Korta, Kepa Krzyżanowski, Ludwik Kubica, Grażyna Kuklick, Henrika Kuper, Adam Kurtz, Stanley Nde L'Estoile, Benoît Langendoen, Terence D Lanzinger, Margareth Laracy, Hugh Larson, Frances Leach, Edmund Leach, Jerry Lee, Demetracopoulou D Lepani, Katherine Lewis, Herbert S Liebersohn, Harry Liep, John Lips, Julius (Julius Ernst) E Lipset, David Livolsi, Marino Lombard, Jacques Longo, Gioia Di Cristofaro Lorentz, Friedrich Lowrie, Claire Luckmann, Thomas Luhmann, Niklas Lydon, Jane Lydon, Jane Lyons, Andrew P Lyons, Harriet MacAulay, Stewart MacCarthy, Michelle Macintyre, Martha Mair, Lucy Malinowski, Bronislaw Manderson, Lenore Mannheim, KarlValeria Ribeiro Corossacz Marco Bassi, Antonio De Lauri Martínez, Julia Martiny, Federica Marwedel, Peter Maryanski, Alexandra R Masson, Elsie Matera, Marc Mathur, Chandana Mathur, K S Mauss, Marcel May, (Ronald James) R J Meeker, Michael E Meger, Zbigniew Métraux, A Mey, Jacob Milenković, Miloš Mills, David Mohia-Navet, Montagu, Ashley M F Montagu, Ashley Montague, Susan Morgain, Rachel Morton, Christopher Mosko, Mark S Mucha, Janusz Munn, Nancy D Murdock, George Peter Nadel, Sigfried Nader, Laura Niehaus, Isak Noss, Philip A Nugent, Maria O'Barr, William M O'Hanlon, Michael Obrebski, Joseph Olszewska-Dyoniziak, Barbara Ortiz, Fernando Ou, Jay C Paluch, Andrzej Panoff, Michel Papanek, Hanna Parisi, Rosa Parkin, Robert Payne, Harry C Pels, Peter Persson, Johnny Pickles, Anthony J Piddington, Ralph Pipatti, Otto Polanyi, Karl Posern-Zieliński, Aleksander Powdermaker, Hortense Powell, H A Pulman, Bertrand Quanchi, Max Radcliffe-Brown, A R Raison, Timothy Rapport, Nigel Rapport, Nigel Reed, Adam Reich, Wilhelm Rentoul, Alex Rex, Richards, Audrey I Richards, David Richardson, Shelley Rivera, Patrick S Roldán, Arturo Alvarez Rosengren, Karl Erik Rubel, Paula GAnna; Jasionowicz Saignes, Stanislaw Salvucci, DanielaDaniela; Tauber Salvucci, Elisabeth; Zinn Satriani, Luigi Lombardi M Saville, William James Viritahitemauvai Schapera, Isaac Scheper-Hughes, Nancy Schmidt, Bernd Schneider, Arnd Schneider, Jane Schöttler, Peter Schwaiger, Holger Schwiedland, Eugene Scott, Michael W Seagle, William Selleck, R J W Senft, Gunter Shack, William A Shellam, Tiffany Shepherd, William C Shweder, Richard A Sider, Karen Blu Sillitoe, Paul Silverman, Sydel Siniscalchi, Valeria Skalník, Peter Smith, Grafton Elliot Smith, Nathaniel Sobrero, Alberto Mde Souza, Mauricio Rodrigues Spencer, Baldwin Spinden, Herbert Joseph Spiro, Melford E Sprenger, Guido Średniawa, Bronisław Stacul, Jaro Stade, Ronald Stewart, Charles Stewart, Michael Stocking, Jr George W Stone, Dan Strathern, Marilyn Street, Alice Strenski, Ivan Stuart, Rebecca M. Studiecentrum, Afrika Suolinna, Kirsti Swiderski, Richard M Sylvain, Renée Symmons-Symonolewicz, Konstantin Symonolewicz, Konstantin Szymanski, Al Tambiah, Stanley Jeyaraja Tauber, Elisabeth Taylor, John P Thomas, Nicholas Thompson, Caitlin W Thompson, Christina A Thompson, Laura Thornton, Robert Jde la Torre, Sergio Jarillo Troy, Timothy Turner, Jonathan H Tuzin, Donald Uberoi, Singh J P Ulrich, Lucy Urry, James Valdés, María Varga, Lucie Varga, Lucy Vermeulen, Han F Viazzo, Pier Paolo Vila, Anna Piella Vonarx, Nicolas Wax, Murray L Wayne, Helena Weber, Charles W Weiner, Annette B Weiss, Gerald Welsch, Robert Louis Werblowsky, Zwi R J Werbner, Pninavon Wiese, Leopold Wilkis, Ariel Williams, Elgin Wilson-Haffenden, Wincławski, Włodzimierz Winzeler, Robert L Witkiewicz, Wolf, Eric R Wright, Terence V Yarrow, Thomas Young, Michael W Zerilli, Filippo M Ziegler, Rolf Zinn, Dorothy All users dsalvucci Show all55 entries « ‹ 1 of 2 › » 2016 Shellam, Tiffany; Nugent, Maria; Konishi, Shino; Cadzow, AllisonBrokers and boundaries: Colonial exploration in Indigenous territory Book ANU Press, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-76046-011-2.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: history, Trobriands@book{shellam_brokers_2016, title = {Brokers and boundaries: Colonial exploration in Indigenous territory}, author = {Tiffany Shellam and Maria Nugent and Shino Konishi and Allison Cadzow}, url = {}, isbn = {978-1-76046-011-2}, year = {2016}, date = {2016-01-01}, publisher = {ANU Press}, abstract = {Colonial exploration continues, all too often, to be rendered as heroic narratives of solitary, intrepid explorers and adventurers. This edited collection contributes to scholarship that is challenging that persistent mythology. With a focus on Indigenous brokers, such as guides, assistants and mediators, it highlights the ways in which nineteenth-century exploration in Australia and New Guinea was a collective and socially complex enterprise. Many of the authors provide biographically rich studies that carefully examine and speculate about Indigenous brokers’ motivations, commitments and desires. All of the chapters in the collection are attentive to the specific local circumstances as well as broader colonial contexts in which exploration and encounters occurred.}, keywords = {history, Trobriands}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseColonial exploration continues, all too often, to be rendered as heroic narratives of solitary, intrepid explorers and adventurers. This edited collection contributes to scholarship that is challenging that persistent mythology. With a focus on Indigenous brokers, such as guides, assistants and mediators, it highlights the ways in which nineteenth-century exploration in Australia and New Guinea was a collective and socially complex enterprise. Many of the authors provide biographically rich studies that carefully examine and speculate about Indigenous brokers’ motivations, commitments and desires. All of the chapters in the collection are attentive to the specific local circumstances as well as broader colonial contexts in which exploration and encounters occurred.Close MacCarthy, MichelleThe morality of mweki: Performing sexuality in the ‘Islands of Love’ Journal Article In: The Australian Journal of Anthropology, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 149–167, 2016, ISSN: 1757-6547.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands@article{maccarthy_morality_2016, title = {The morality of mweki: Performing sexuality in the ‘Islands of Love’}, author = {Michelle MacCarthy}, url = {}, doi = {10.1111/taja.12191}, issn = {1757-6547}, year = {2016}, date = {2016-01-01}, journal = {The Australian Journal of Anthropology}, volume = {27}, number = {2}, pages = {149--167}, abstract = {Trobriand dance is a key cultural expression and a means of communicating subjectivity in a number of ways: it expresses aspects of kinship, gender, morality, and ideas about modernity and primitivity. In a region with a long history of Christian missions, coupled with a recent ‘Revival’ brought about by the arrival of Pentecostal forms of worship, certain dances come to be key markers of particular moral positions. Primary among these is the Tapioca Dance, famed far beyond the Trobriands, but problematic in local discourses and practice. This paper examines the ways in which such dances make sexuality public, and why this is such a concern for ‘Revived’ (and other) Christian Trobriand Islanders.}, keywords = {Trobriands}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseTrobriand dance is a key cultural expression and a means of communicating subjectivity in a number of ways: it expresses aspects of kinship, gender, morality, and ideas about modernity and primitivity. In a region with a long history of Christian missions, coupled with a recent ‘Revival’ brought about by the arrival of Pentecostal forms of worship, certain dances come to be key markers of particular moral positions. Primary among these is the Tapioca Dance, famed far beyond the Trobriands, but problematic in local discourses and practice. This paper examines the ways in which such dances make sexuality public, and why this is such a concern for ‘Revived’ (and other) Christian Trobriand Islanders.Close Mosko, Mark SMalinowski magical puzzles: Towards a new theory of magic and procreation in Trobriand society Journal Article In: HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1–47, 2014, ISSN: 2049-1115.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: kinship, magic and religion, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{mosko_malinowski_2014, title = {Malinowski magical puzzles: Towards a new theory of magic and procreation in Trobriand society}, author = {Mark S Mosko}, doi = {10.14318/hau4.1.001}, issn = {2049-1115}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-13}, journal = {HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory}, volume = {4}, number = {1}, pages = {1--47}, abstract = {Malinowski’s classic accounts of Trobriand sociality have left anthropology with many lasting conundrums. This two-part article examines two such puzzles revolving around contradictory reports over the agencies involved in magical chants (megwa). On the one hand, consistent with his pragmatic and functionalist theories of language and culture, Malinowski claimed that, although ancestral baloma and other spirits are typically invoked in most spells, those incantations’ efficaciousness derived instead from the power of the enunciated words. On the other, as part of his evidence in support of Islanders’ “ignorance of physiological paternity,” he conceded that spells intended to produce pregnancy in village women were instead expressly aimed at eliciting appropriate ritual actions from baloma spirits as agents of conception and birth. On the basis of ethnographic data recently gathered at Omarakana village interpreted through specific adaptations of the “New Melanesian Ethnography” and Tambiah’s earlier “participation” theory of ritual practice, I argue that for Trobrianders the magical power of words is the power of spirits, and vice versa. This insight has important implications for classic and contemporary debates over the nature of “magic,” controversies over paternity and so-called “virgin birth,” theories of personhood and agency, and the character of dala “matrilineage” relations.}, keywords = {kinship, magic and religion, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseMalinowski’s classic accounts of Trobriand sociality have left anthropology with many lasting conundrums. This two-part article examines two such puzzles revolving around contradictory reports over the agencies involved in magical chants (megwa). On the one hand, consistent with his pragmatic and functionalist theories of language and culture, Malinowski claimed that, although ancestral baloma and other spirits are typically invoked in most spells, those incantations’ efficaciousness derived instead from the power of the enunciated words. On the other, as part of his evidence in support of Islanders’ “ignorance of physiological paternity,” he conceded that spells intended to produce pregnancy in village women were instead expressly aimed at eliciting appropriate ritual actions from baloma spirits as agents of conception and birth. On the basis of ethnographic data recently gathered at Omarakana village interpreted through specific adaptations of the “New Melanesian Ethnography” and Tambiah’s earlier “participation” theory of ritual practice, I argue that for Trobrianders the magical power of words is the power of spirits, and vice versa. This insight has important implications for classic and contemporary debates over the nature of “magic,” controversies over paternity and so-called “virgin birth,” theories of personhood and agency, and the character of dala “matrilineage” relations.Closedoi:10.14318/hau4.1.001Close2013de la Torre, Sergio JarilloCarving the spirits of the wood: an enquiry into Trobriand materialisations PhD Thesis University of Cambridge, 2013.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands@phdthesis{torre_carving_2013, title = {Carving the spirits of the wood: an enquiry into Trobriand materialisations}, author = {Sergio Jarillo de la Torre}, url = {}, year = {2013}, date = {2013-01-01}, urldate = {2017-09-05}, school = {University of Cambridge}, abstract = {This thesis is a study of the role of material forms as mediators of cross-cultural encounters in the Trobriand Islands. It is based on eighteen months of ethnographic research in Kiriwina and other parts of the Massim region, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. The dissertation analyses previously overlooked material expressions in the form of woodcarvings for sale (tokwalu) to outsiders. Throughout the thesis, I demonstrate how Trobrianders conceive tokwalu as symbolic and material tools for the apprehension of what is becoming an increasingly de-territorialised universe. Woodcarvings are deployed as instruments of indigenous analysis and native agency in an attempt to establish and control the local-translocal flows that shape social life in the Massim. Despite early contact and their ongoing engagement with the wider world, the Trobriand Islands are commonly portrayed as a place where cultural resilience and the continuity of traditional models of livelihood prevail over social change. Yet like elsewhere in Melanesia, Trobrianders face the transformations effected by dynamic processes of cultural, social and economic globalisation impinging upon their region. Overpopulation, food security issues and the partial collapse of traditional hierarchical structures have elicited the assemblage of new relational networks to negotiate these transformations. Tokwalu are not fixed signposts in a predefined system of meaning but changing materialisations of contrasting images and intentions within these networks. They bring together traditional symbols and modern elements in an effort to remain commensurate with what outsiders expect from local carvings and what local carvers expect from outsiders. Vehicles of desires and aspirations, woodcarvings project Trobriand personhood and appropriate alterity as an ideal, modern other. Ultimately, towkalu are empowering artefacts for locals. They allow them to buy food, get healthcare, obtain education, increase their social prestige, enhance their mobility and fulfil customary and new obligations. This research places this native view of tokwalu at its centre to posit the necessity of considering material assemblages as processes of indigenous analysis and action in Melanesia, without which our understanding of these processes remains severely curtailed.}, keywords = {Trobriands}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {phdthesis} } CloseThis thesis is a study of the role of material forms as mediators of cross-cultural encounters in the Trobriand Islands. It is based on eighteen months of ethnographic research in Kiriwina and other parts of the Massim region, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea. The dissertation analyses previously overlooked material expressions in the form of woodcarvings for sale (tokwalu) to outsiders. Throughout the thesis, I demonstrate how Trobrianders conceive tokwalu as symbolic and material tools for the apprehension of what is becoming an increasingly de-territorialised universe. Woodcarvings are deployed as instruments of indigenous analysis and native agency in an attempt to establish and control the local-translocal flows that shape social life in the Massim. Despite early contact and their ongoing engagement with the wider world, the Trobriand Islands are commonly portrayed as a place where cultural resilience and the continuity of traditional models of livelihood prevail over social change. Yet like elsewhere in Melanesia, Trobrianders face the transformations effected by dynamic processes of cultural, social and economic globalisation impinging upon their region. Overpopulation, food security issues and the partial collapse of traditional hierarchical structures have elicited the assemblage of new relational networks to negotiate these transformations. Tokwalu are not fixed signposts in a predefined system of meaning but changing materialisations of contrasting images and intentions within these networks. They bring together traditional symbols and modern elements in an effort to remain commensurate with what outsiders expect from local carvings and what local carvers expect from outsiders. Vehicles of desires and aspirations, woodcarvings project Trobriand personhood and appropriate alterity as an ideal, modern other. Ultimately, towkalu are empowering artefacts for locals. They allow them to buy food, get healthcare, obtain education, increase their social prestige, enhance their mobility and fulfil customary and new obligations. This research places this native view of tokwalu at its centre to posit the necessity of considering material assemblages as processes of indigenous analysis and action in Melanesia, without which our understanding of these processes remains severely curtailed.Close Lepani, KatherineIslands of love, islands of risk : culture and HIV in the Trobriands / Katherine Lepani Book Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, 2012, ISBN: 978-0-8265-1874-3 978-0-8265-1875-0.BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands, work about Malinowski@book{lepani_islands_2012, title = {Islands of love, islands of risk : culture and HIV in the Trobriands / Katherine Lepani}, author = {Katherine Lepani}, isbn = {978-0-8265-1874-3 978-0-8265-1875-0}, year = {2012}, date = {2012-01-01}, publisher = {Vanderbilt University Press}, address = {Nashville}, keywords = {Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close2011 Beran, HarryThe Iconography of the War Shields of the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea: An Interpretation Recorded by Malinowski and Explained by Paramount Chief Pulayasi Journal Article In: Pacific Arts. New Series, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 33–45, 2011.Links | BibTeX | Tags: material culture, Trobriands@article{beran_iconography_2011, title = {The Iconography of the War Shields of the Trobriand Islands of Papua New Guinea: An Interpretation Recorded by Malinowski and Explained by Paramount Chief Pulayasi}, author = {Harry Beran}, url = {}, year = {2011}, date = {2011-01-01}, urldate = {2017-09-04}, journal = {Pacific Arts. New Series}, volume = {11}, number = {2}, pages = {33--45}, keywords = {material culture, Trobriands}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close Darrah, Allan C; Crain, Jay BA Trobriand/Massim Bibliography. Seventh Edition Book 2011.Links | BibTeX | Tags: bibliography, Trobriands@book{darrah_trobriand/massim_2011, title = {A Trobriand/Massim Bibliography. Seventh Edition}, author = {Allan C Darrah and Jay B Crain}, url = {}, year = {2011}, date = {2011-01-01}, keywords = {bibliography, Trobriands}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Mosko, Mark SThe Fractal Yam: Botanical Imagery and Human Agency in the Trobriands Journal Article In: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 679–700, 2009, ISSN: 1359-0987.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{mosko_fractal_2009, title = {The Fractal Yam: Botanical Imagery and Human Agency in the Trobriands}, author = {Mark S Mosko}, doi = {10.2307/40541749}, issn = {1359-0987}, year = {2009}, date = {2009-01-01}, journal = {The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute}, volume = {15}, number = {4}, pages = {679--700}, abstract = {Anthropologists have long appreciated that animals are 'good to think'. In this essay I ponder whether plants might be good to think too, and particularly whether there is any sense in asking if plants (along with animals) might also be 'good to act'. The botanical metaphor of 'base', 'body', and 'tip' animates the origin structures of many if not most societies of the Austronesian world. Less attention has been directed at indigenous elaborations in other socio-cultural domains of the region. Based on recent fieldwork, I outline such ramifications in Trobriand culture, drawing upon the notions of fractal recursion and self-similarity from chaos theory wherein emergent 'tips' yield 'fruit' which become the condition or 'base' for further production and transformation. Accordingly, the base-body-tip-fruit metaphor serves as a cultural template or scenario for social action, shedding new interpretative light on many topics of long-standing anthropological interest (e. g. yam propagation, display, and exchange, kula, mortuary celebration, age categories, fame) as well as more recent theoretical interests. /// Les anthropologues ont compris il y a longtemps déjà que les animaux sont "bons à penser". Dans cet essai, l'auteur se demande si les plantes sont elles aussi bonnes à penser, et en particulier s'il vaut la peine de se demander si les plantes (comme les animaux) pourraient être "bonnes à agir". La métaphore botanique de "base", "corps" et "tête" anime les structures originelles de beaucoup de sociétés du monde austronésien, sinon toutes. On s'est moins intéressé aux élaborations indigènes de la région dans d'autres domaines socioculturels. Sur la base d'un récent travail de terrain, l'auteur retrace ces ramifications dans la culture trobriandaise, utilisant les notions de récursivité fractale et d'autosimilitude de la théorie du chaos, selon lesquelles les "têtes" donnent des "fruits" qui deviennent la condition ou "base" d'une nouvelle production et transformation. En conséquence, la métaphore base-corps-tête-fruit sert de modèle culturel ou de scénario d'action sociale, jetant un nouvel éclairage interprétatif sur de nombreux sujets qui intéressent depuis longtemps les anthropologues (tels que la propagation, la présentation et l'échange des ignames, la kula, les célébrations mortuaires, les classes d'âge, la renommée), mais aussi sur de nouvelles questions théoriques plus récentes.}, keywords = {Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseAnthropologists have long appreciated that animals are 'good to think'. In this essay I ponder whether plants might be good to think too, and particularly whether there is any sense in asking if plants (along with animals) might also be 'good to act'. The botanical metaphor of 'base', 'body', and 'tip' animates the origin structures of many if not most societies of the Austronesian world. Less attention has been directed at indigenous elaborations in other socio-cultural domains of the region. Based on recent fieldwork, I outline such ramifications in Trobriand culture, drawing upon the notions of fractal recursion and self-similarity from chaos theory wherein emergent 'tips' yield 'fruit' which become the condition or 'base' for further production and transformation. Accordingly, the base-body-tip-fruit metaphor serves as a cultural template or scenario for social action, shedding new interpretative light on many topics of long-standing anthropological interest (e. g. yam propagation, display, and exchange, kula, mortuary celebration, age categories, fame) as well as more recent theoretical interests. /// Les anthropologues ont compris il y a longtemps déjà que les animaux sont "bons à penser". Dans cet essai, l'auteur se demande si les plantes sont elles aussi bonnes à penser, et en particulier s'il vaut la peine de se demander si les plantes (comme les animaux) pourraient être "bonnes à agir". La métaphore botanique de "base", "corps" et "tête" anime les structures originelles de beaucoup de sociétés du monde austronésien, sinon toutes. On s'est moins intéressé aux élaborations indigènes de la région dans d'autres domaines socioculturels. Sur la base d'un récent travail de terrain, l'auteur retrace ces ramifications dans la culture trobriandaise, utilisant les notions de récursivité fractale et d'autosimilitude de la théorie du chaos, selon lesquelles les "têtes" donnent des "fruits" qui deviennent la condition ou "base" d'une nouvelle production et transformation. En conséquence, la métaphore base-corps-tête-fruit sert de modèle culturel ou de scénario d'action sociale, jetant un nouvel éclairage interprétatif sur de nombreux sujets qui intéressent depuis longtemps les anthropologues (tels que la propagation, la présentation et l'échange des ignames, la kula, les célébrations mortuaires, les classes d'âge, la renommée), mais aussi sur de nouvelles questions théoriques plus récentes.Closedoi:10.2307/40541749Close2003 Pulman, BertrandMalinowski et la liberté sexuelle des Trobriandais Journal Article In: L’Homme. Revue française d’anthropologie, no. 166, pp. 7–30, 2003, ISSN: 0439-4216.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{pulman_malinowski_2003, title = {Malinowski et la liberté sexuelle des Trobriandais}, author = {Bertrand Pulman}, doi = {10.4000/lhomme.216}, issn = {0439-4216}, year = {2003}, date = {2003-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-14}, journal = {L’Homme. Revue française d’anthropologie}, number = {166}, pages = {7--30}, abstract = {Les considérations relatives à la vie sexuelle occupent une place très importante dans les publications de Malinowski sur les Trobriandais. Or, il s’est lui-même trouvé, durant son séjour en Océanie, dans une situation libidinale particulière qui ne fut pas sans interférer avec son travail scientifique. Malinowski affirme notamment, à plusieurs reprises, qu’il régnerait aux Trobriand une très grande liberté en matière de sexualité faisant nettement contraste avec la situation des sociétés occidentales. Pourtant, la documentation publiée par Malinowski lui-même infirme largement cette affirmation. Dès lors, il importe de mesurer combien le travail de Malinowski porte la marque d’un rapport transférentiel non élucidé à ses data.}, keywords = {Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseLes considérations relatives à la vie sexuelle occupent une place très importante dans les publications de Malinowski sur les Trobriandais. Or, il s’est lui-même trouvé, durant son séjour en Océanie, dans une situation libidinale particulière qui ne fut pas sans interférer avec son travail scientifique. Malinowski affirme notamment, à plusieurs reprises, qu’il régnerait aux Trobriand une très grande liberté en matière de sexualité faisant nettement contraste avec la situation des sociétés occidentales. Pourtant, la documentation publiée par Malinowski lui-même infirme largement cette affirmation. Dès lors, il importe de mesurer combien le travail de Malinowski porte la marque d’un rapport transférentiel non élucidé à ses data.Closedoi:10.4000/lhomme.216Close2002 Burton, John W; Thompson, Caitlin WNanook and the Kirwinians: Deception, Authenticity, and the Birth of Modern Ethnographic Representation Journal Article In: Film History, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 74–86, 2002, ISSN: 0892-2160.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{burton_nanook_2002, title = {Nanook and the Kirwinians: Deception, Authenticity, and the Birth of Modern Ethnographic Representation}, author = {John W Burton and Caitlin W Thompson}, doi = {10.2307/3815582}, issn = {0892-2160}, year = {2002}, date = {2002-01-01}, journal = {Film History}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, pages = {74--86}, keywords = {ethnography, Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/3815582Close2000 Mosko, Mark SInalienable Ethnography: Keeping-While-Giving and the Trobriand Case Journal Article In: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 377–396, 2000, ISSN: 1359-0987.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{mosko_inalienable_2000, title = {Inalienable Ethnography: Keeping-While-Giving and the Trobriand Case}, author = {Mark S Mosko}, doi = {10.2307/2661081}, issn = {1359-0987}, year = {2000}, date = {2000-01-01}, journal = {The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {377--396}, abstract = {In Inalienable possessions, Annette Weiner (1992) focuses on the paradox of `keeping-while-giving' rather than the `norm of reciprocity' as the central issue of social life, drawing heavily on Trobriand examples. In this article, key elements of Weiner's theory are contrasted with prevailing views of Melanesian personhood and agency and with canonical Western notions of exchange, and her use of the Trobriand materials is juxtaposed with previously published ethnographic accounts of the same practices. It is argued that Weiner's ethnographic illustrations do not lend support to her theory of inalienable possessions; that her conceptual framework is at considerable variance with well-founded understandings of Melanesian sociality; and that the paradox of keeping-while-giving is more appropriately seen as deriving from Western presuppositions of individual boundedness, subjectivity, possession, ownership, and hierarchy, and the need to establish permanence in an entropic world.}, keywords = {ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseIn Inalienable possessions, Annette Weiner (1992) focuses on the paradox of `keeping-while-giving' rather than the `norm of reciprocity' as the central issue of social life, drawing heavily on Trobriand examples. In this article, key elements of Weiner's theory are contrasted with prevailing views of Melanesian personhood and agency and with canonical Western notions of exchange, and her use of the Trobriand materials is juxtaposed with previously published ethnographic accounts of the same practices. It is argued that Weiner's ethnographic illustrations do not lend support to her theory of inalienable possessions; that her conceptual framework is at considerable variance with well-founded understandings of Melanesian sociality; and that the paradox of keeping-while-giving is more appropriately seen as deriving from Western presuppositions of individual boundedness, subjectivity, possession, ownership, and hierarchy, and the need to establish permanence in an entropic world.Closedoi:10.2307/2661081Close1995 Mosko, Mark SRethinking Trobriand Chieftainship Journal Article In: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 763–785, 1995, ISSN: 1359-0987.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{mosko_rethinking_1995, title = {Rethinking Trobriand Chieftainship}, author = {Mark S Mosko}, doi = {10.2307/3034960}, issn = {1359-0987}, year = {1995}, date = {1995-01-01}, journal = {The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute}, volume = {1}, number = {4}, pages = {763--785}, abstract = {This article develops a new perspective on Trobriand chieftainship and local leadership in light of recently developed theories of personhood, sociality and historical agency for the Pacific. The first section surveys the diverse and contradictory ways in which the Trobriand case has been incorporated in anthropological models of Pacific sociopolitical and taxonomic variation, historical change and evolution. The second section reinterprets classic and contemporary ethnographic accounts and posits that Trobriand leaders and chiefs, and the knowledge and agency on which they rely, have been constituted in historical times quite differently from the ways they have been ultimately represented in anthropologists' models. It is argued that chiefs and hamlet readers stand as metaphorical fathers to their constituencies; specifically that their agency is analogous to the `feeding' and `forming' contributions by fathers in procreation, infant care, the provision of food, the bestowal of magic, annual yam exchange (`urigubu') and mortuary de-conception, among other contexts.}, keywords = {Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThis article develops a new perspective on Trobriand chieftainship and local leadership in light of recently developed theories of personhood, sociality and historical agency for the Pacific. The first section surveys the diverse and contradictory ways in which the Trobriand case has been incorporated in anthropological models of Pacific sociopolitical and taxonomic variation, historical change and evolution. The second section reinterprets classic and contemporary ethnographic accounts and posits that Trobriand leaders and chiefs, and the knowledge and agency on which they rely, have been constituted in historical times quite differently from the ways they have been ultimately represented in anthropologists' models. It is argued that chiefs and hamlet readers stand as metaphorical fathers to their constituencies; specifically that their agency is analogous to the `feeding' and `forming' contributions by fathers in procreation, infant care, the provision of food, the bestowal of magic, annual yam exchange (`urigubu') and mortuary de-conception, among other contexts.Closedoi:10.2307/3034960Close1993 Kurtz, Stanley NA Trobriand Complex Journal Article In: Ethos, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 79–103, 1993, ISSN: 0091-2131.Links | BibTeX | Tags: psychology, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{kurtz_trobriand_1993, title = {A Trobriand Complex}, author = {Stanley N Kurtz}, doi = {10.2307/640291}, issn = {0091-2131}, year = {1993}, date = {1993-01-01}, journal = {Ethos}, volume = {21}, number = {1}, pages = {79--103}, keywords = {psychology, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/640291Close1992 Spiro, Melford EOedipus Redux Journal Article In: Ethos, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 358–376, 1992, ISSN: 0091-2131.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kinship, psychology, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{spiro_oedipus_1992, title = {Oedipus Redux}, author = {Melford E Spiro}, doi = {10.2307/640512}, issn = {0091-2131}, year = {1992}, date = {1992-01-01}, journal = {Ethos}, volume = {20}, number = {3}, pages = {358--376}, keywords = {kinship, psychology, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/640512Close Gell, AlfredThe Technology of Enchantment and the Enchantment of Technology Book Section In: Anthropology, Art and Aesthetics, edited by Jeremy Coote and Anthony Shelton, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992.Links | BibTeX | Tags: magic and religion, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@incollection{gell_technology_1992, title = {The Technology of Enchantment and the Enchantment of Technology}, author = {Alfred Gell}, url = {}, year = {1992}, date = {1992-01-01}, booktitle = {Anthropology, Art and Aesthetics, edited by Jeremy Coote and Anthony Shelton}, publisher = {Clarendon Press}, address = {Oxford}, keywords = {magic and religion, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {incollection} } Close[...]Close1991 Kurtz, Stanley NPolysexualization: A New Approach to Oedipus in the Trobriands Journal Article In: Ethos, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 68–101, 1991, ISSN: 0091-2131.Links | BibTeX | Tags: psychology, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{kurtz_polysexualization:_1991, title = {Polysexualization: A New Approach to Oedipus in the Trobriands}, author = {Stanley N Kurtz}, doi = {10.2307/640379}, issn = {0091-2131}, year = {1991}, date = {1991-01-01}, journal = {Ethos}, volume = {19}, number = {1}, pages = {68--101}, keywords = {psychology, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/640379Close1990 Damon, Frederick HFrom Muyuw to the Trobriands: transformations along the northern side of the Kula Ring Book University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1990, ISBN: 978-0-8165-1191-4.BibTeX | Tags: kula, Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@book{damon_muyuw_1990, title = {From Muyuw to the Trobriands: transformations along the northern side of the Kula Ring}, author = {Frederick H Damon}, isbn = {978-0-8165-1191-4}, year = {1990}, date = {1990-01-01}, publisher = {University of Arizona Press}, address = {Tucson}, keywords = {kula, Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close1989 Weiner, Annette B; Schneider, JaneCloth and human experience Book Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, 1989, ISBN: 978-0-87474-986-1 978-0-87474-995-3.BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands@book{weiner_cloth_1989, title = {Cloth and human experience}, author = {Annette B Weiner and Jane Schneider}, isbn = {978-0-87474-986-1 978-0-87474-995-3}, year = {1989}, date = {1989-01-01}, publisher = {Smithsonian Institution Press}, address = {Washington}, keywords = {Trobriands}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close1987 Weiner, Annette BThe Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea Book Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1987.BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands, work about Malinowski@book{weiner_trobrianders_1987, title = {The Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea}, author = {Annette B Weiner}, year = {1987}, date = {1987-01-01}, publisher = {Holt, Rinehart and Winston}, keywords = {Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close1986 Meeker, Michael E; Barlow, Kathleen; Lipset, DavidCulture, Exchange, and Gender: Lessons from the Murik Journal Article In: Cultural Anthropology, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 6–73, 1986, ISSN: 0886-7356.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, Trobriands@article{meeker_culture_1986, title = {Culture, Exchange, and Gender: Lessons from the Murik}, author = {Michael E Meeker and Kathleen Barlow and David Lipset}, doi = {10.2307/656323}, issn = {0886-7356}, year = {1986}, date = {1986-01-01}, journal = {Cultural Anthropology}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {6--73}, keywords = {kula, Trobriands}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/656323Close1984 Young, Michael WThe Intensive Study of a Restricted Area, Or, Why Did Malinowski Go to the Trobriand Islands? Journal Article In: Oceania, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 1–26, 1984, ISSN: 1834-4461.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{young_intensive_1984, title = {The Intensive Study of a Restricted Area, Or, Why Did Malinowski Go to the Trobriand Islands?}, author = {Michael W Young}, doi = {10.1002/j.1834-4461.1984.tb02032.x}, issn = {1834-4461}, year = {1984}, date = {1984-01-01}, journal = {Oceania}, volume = {55}, number = {1}, pages = {1--26}, keywords = {ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1002/j.1834-4461.1984.tb02032.xClose Weiner, Annette B; Damon, Frederick HProblems in Trobriand Ethnography Journal Article In: Man, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 666–670, 1984, ISSN: 0025-1496.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{weiner_problems_1984, title = {Problems in Trobriand Ethnography}, author = {Annette B Weiner and Frederick H Damon}, doi = {10.2307/2802333}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1984}, date = {1984-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {19}, number = {4}, pages = {666--670}, keywords = {ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2802333Close1983 Weiner, Annette BÁ World Of Made Is Not A World Of Born': Doing Kula In Kiriwina Book Section In: The Kula : New Perspectives On Massim Exchange, pp. 147–170, Cambridge University Press, 1983, ISBN: 978-0-521-23202-9.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@incollection{weiner_a_1983, title = {Á World Of Made Is Not A World Of Born': Doing Kula In Kiriwina}, author = {Annette B Weiner}, url = {}, isbn = {978-0-521-23202-9}, year = {1983}, date = {1983-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-12}, booktitle = {The Kula : New Perspectives On Massim Exchange}, pages = {147--170}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, abstract = {In this paper Weiner examines the functional role of the Kula on Kiriwina Island, analyzing the processes of transformation underlying internal change. The article contains information on the organization of control and use rights to land by the DALA (lineage), the distribution of yams and other forms of women's wealth (e.g., bundles of banana leaves and skirts), the circulation of men's valuables in the form of axe blades (BEKU), the methods of transacting Kula on Kiriwina, and the power structure on the island, with particular reference to the chiefs.}, keywords = {kula, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {incollection} } CloseIn this paper Weiner examines the functional role of the Kula on Kiriwina Island, analyzing the processes of transformation underlying internal change. The article contains information on the organization of control and use rights to land by the DALA (lineage), the distribution of yams and other forms of women's wealth (e.g., bundles of banana leaves and skirts), the circulation of men's valuables in the form of axe blades (BEKU), the methods of transacting Kula on Kiriwina, and the power structure on the island, with particular reference to the chiefs.Close Leach, JerrySocio-Historical Conflict And The Kabisawali Movement In The Trobriand Islands Book Section In: Micronationalist Movements In Papua New Guinea, Department of Political and Social Change, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, 1982, ISBN: 978-0-908160-27-3.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands, work about Malinowski@incollection{leach_socio-historical_1982, title = {Socio-Historical Conflict And The Kabisawali Movement In The Trobriand Islands}, author = {Jerry Leach}, url = {}, isbn = {978-0-908160-27-3}, year = {1982}, date = {1982-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-11}, booktitle = {Micronationalist Movements In Papua New Guinea}, publisher = {Department of Political and Social Change, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University}, series = {Political And Social Change Monograph}, abstract = {This document is based on sixteen months of fieldwork and five months of archival research between the years 1969-1974. The specific time focus of this work, however, is from January 1972, at the beginning of the Kabisawali movement activities, and ending in September 1974, with the termination of Leach's fieldwork in the area. The paper is divided into three major portions, the first part deals with a brief account of the socio-historical factors which form the basis of the present political divisions in the Trobriand Islands; the second describes the essential features of the Kabisawali Movement and its adherents and opponents in the islands; while the third and final part discusses the controversial problem of how to interpret the Movement's leadership (p. 249).}, keywords = {Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {incollection} } CloseThis document is based on sixteen months of fieldwork and five months of archival research between the years 1969-1974. The specific time focus of this work, however, is from January 1972, at the beginning of the Kabisawali movement activities, and ending in September 1974, with the termination of Leach's fieldwork in the area. The paper is divided into three major portions, the first part deals with a brief account of the socio-historical factors which form the basis of the present political divisions in the Trobriand Islands; the second describes the essential features of the Kabisawali Movement and its adherents and opponents in the islands; while the third and final part discusses the controversial problem of how to interpret the Movement's leadership (p. 249).Close May, (Ronald James) R JThe Trobriand Experience: The Tk Reaction Book Section In: Micronationalist Movements In Papua New Guinea, pp. 291–300, Department of Political and Social Change, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University, 1982, ISBN: 978-0-908160-27-3.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: history, Trobriands@incollection{may_trobriand_1982, title = {The Trobriand Experience: The Tk Reaction}, author = {(Ronald James) R J May}, url = {}, isbn = {978-0-908160-27-3}, year = {1982}, date = {1982-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-11}, booktitle = {Micronationalist Movements In Papua New Guinea}, pages = {291--300}, publisher = {Department of Political and Social Change, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University}, series = {Political And Social Change Monograph}, abstract = {This brief article discusses the development of the Tonenei Kamokwita (TK) as an opposition group to the Kabisawali movement in the Trobriands. May compares and contrasts the developmental goals of both movements and describes the numerous areas of conflict between them. May also examines the manner in which the Kiriwina Local Government Council was dissolved under pressure by Kasaipwalova, the founder and one of the major leaders of the Kabisawali movement.}, keywords = {history, Trobriands}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {incollection} } CloseThis brief article discusses the development of the Tonenei Kamokwita (TK) as an opposition group to the Kabisawali movement in the Trobriands. May compares and contrasts the developmental goals of both movements and describes the numerous areas of conflict between them. May also examines the manner in which the Kiriwina Local Government Council was dissolved under pressure by Kasaipwalova, the founder and one of the major leaders of the Kabisawali movement.Close Spiro, Melford EOedipus in the Trobriands Book Transaction Publishers, 1982, ISBN: 978-1-4128-2992-2.Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: kinship, psychology, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@book{spiro_oedipus_1982, title = {Oedipus in the Trobriands}, author = {Melford E Spiro}, isbn = {978-1-4128-2992-2}, year = {1982}, date = {1982-01-01}, publisher = {Transaction Publishers}, abstract = {Spiro challenges the argument of Bronislaw Malinowski that the matrilineal society of the Trobriand Islands produced a psychological constellation – a matrilineal complex – different from Freud's Oedipus complex and the generalization regarding the restrictive provenance of the Oepidus complex to which it gave rise. Spiro undertakes a reanalysis of Malinowski's data and shows that there is enough to suggest the presence of a strong Oedipus complex.Melford E. Spiro is professor emeritus of anthropology at the University of California, San Diego, where he founded the Anthropology Department in 1968. His other works include Gender and Culture, Oedipus in the Trobriands, and Culture and Human Nature.}, keywords = {kinship, psychology, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseSpiro challenges the argument of Bronislaw Malinowski that the matrilineal society of the Trobriand Islands produced a psychological constellation – a matrilineal complex – different from Freud's Oedipus complex and the generalization regarding the restrictive provenance of the Oepidus complex to which it gave rise. Spiro undertakes a reanalysis of Malinowski's data and shows that there is enough to suggest the presence of a strong Oedipus complex.Melford E. Spiro is professor emeritus of anthropology at the University of California, San Diego, where he founded the Anthropology Department in 1968. His other works include Gender and Culture, Oedipus in the Trobriands, and Culture and Human Nature.Close1981 Strathern, MarilynCulture in a Netbag: The Manufacture of a Subdiscipline in Anthropology Journal Article In: Man, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 665–688, 1981, ISSN: 0025-1496.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{strathern_culture_1981, title = {Culture in a Netbag: The Manufacture of a Subdiscipline in Anthropology}, author = {Marilyn Strathern}, doi = {10.2307/2801494}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1981}, date = {1981-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {16}, number = {4}, pages = {665--688}, abstract = {A creative role is suggested for Malinowski's `straw men', and by analogy for the straw man of male bias which informs much feminist-inspired anthropology. However, their universalising seductiveness is taken to task. The idea that particular symbolic representations speak to a `universal womanness' is examined critically in relation to two Melanesian societies. The metaphor of `manufacture' points to certain implications for the relationship between anthropology and its object of study; it also underlines the suggestion that not only does womanness in these two societies have different symbolic content, but there is difference also in the techniques of symbol construction.}, keywords = {Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseA creative role is suggested for Malinowski's `straw men', and by analogy for the straw man of male bias which informs much feminist-inspired anthropology. However, their universalising seductiveness is taken to task. The idea that particular symbolic representations speak to a `universal womanness' is examined critically in relation to two Melanesian societies. The metaphor of `manufacture' points to certain implications for the relationship between anthropology and its object of study; it also underlines the suggestion that not only does womanness in these two societies have different symbolic content, but there is difference also in the techniques of symbol construction.Closedoi:10.2307/2801494Close1979 Young, Michael WThe ethnography of Malinowski: the Trobriand Islands 1915-18 Book Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, Boston, 1979, ISBN: 978-0-7100-0013-2.Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@book{young_ethnography_1979, title = {The ethnography of Malinowski: the Trobriand Islands 1915-18}, author = {Michael W Young}, isbn = {978-0-7100-0013-2}, year = {1979}, date = {1979-01-01}, publisher = {Routledge & Kegan Paul}, address = {London, Boston}, abstract = {ISBN : 0710001002 (pbk.) ; Includes index ; Bibliography: pages 243-247, Material Type: 図書, Holding Agent: 国立国会図書館}, keywords = {ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseISBN : 0710001002 (pbk.) ; Includes index ; Bibliography: pages 243-247, Material Type: 図書, Holding Agent: 国立国会図書館Close1976 Powell, H AReview of The Trobriand Experiment Journal Article In: RAIN, no. 13, pp. 3–6, 1976, ISSN: 0307-6776.Links | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{powell_review_1976, title = {Review of The Trobriand Experiment}, author = {H A Powell}, doi = {10.2307/3032619}, issn = {0307-6776}, year = {1976}, date = {1976-01-01}, journal = {RAIN}, number = {13}, pages = {3--6}, keywords = {Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/3032619Close Weiner, Annette BWomen of Value, Men of Renown: New Perspectives in Trobriand Exchange Book University of Texas Press, 1976, ISBN: 978-0-292-79019-3.Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands, work about Malinowski@book{weiner_women_1976, title = {Women of Value, Men of Renown: New Perspectives in Trobriand Exchange}, author = {Annette B Weiner}, isbn = {978-0-292-79019-3}, year = {1976}, date = {1976-01-01}, publisher = {University of Texas Press}, abstract = {This study of women, men, and exchanges of wealth in the Trobriand Islands, Papua New Guinea, makes an interesting comparison with the work of pioneer ethnographer Bronislaw Malinowski, who conducted his seminal research there between 1915 and 1918. While Malinowski and others have focused on men, dismissing "women's work" as unimportant, Weiner shows that women play a vital role in Trobriand society.}, keywords = {Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseThis study of women, men, and exchanges of wealth in the Trobriand Islands, Papua New Guinea, makes an interesting comparison with the work of pioneer ethnographer Bronislaw Malinowski, who conducted his seminal research there between 1915 and 1918. While Malinowski and others have focused on men, dismissing "women's work" as unimportant, Weiner shows that women play a vital role in Trobriand society.Close Harwood, FrancesMyth, Memory, and the Oral Tradition: Cicero in the Trobriands Journal Article In: American Anthropologist, vol. 78, no. 4, pp. 783–796, 1976, ISSN: 0002-7294.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{harwood_myth_1976, title = {Myth, Memory, and the Oral Tradition: Cicero in the Trobriands}, author = {Frances Harwood}, doi = {10.2307/675144}, issn = {0002-7294}, year = {1976}, date = {1976-01-01}, journal = {American Anthropologist}, volume = {78}, number = {4}, pages = {783--796}, abstract = {In nonliterate societies, myths are often linked to specific geographical locations. Using Malinowski's Trobriand material and taking a lead from Cicero's De oratore, it is argued that spatial location functions (1) as a mnemonic device for the recall of a corpus of myth, (2) as a structural marker dividing a corpus into separate thinkable units, and (3) as a means of restricting social change at least temporarily to specific institutions. Malinowski's instrumental theory of myth is contrasted with the cognitive theory advanced by LéviStrauss, and certain didactic functions of myth are also discussed.}, keywords = {Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseIn nonliterate societies, myths are often linked to specific geographical locations. Using Malinowski's Trobriand material and taking a lead from Cicero's De oratore, it is argued that spatial location functions (1) as a mnemonic device for the recall of a corpus of myth, (2) as a structural marker dividing a corpus into separate thinkable units, and (3) as a means of restricting social change at least temporarily to specific institutions. Malinowski's instrumental theory of myth is contrasted with the cognitive theory advanced by LéviStrauss, and certain didactic functions of myth are also discussed.Closedoi:10.2307/675144Close1975 Brunton, RonWhy do the Trobriands Have Chiefs? Journal Article In: Man, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 544–558, 1975, ISSN: 0025-1496.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{brunton_why_1975, title = {Why do the Trobriands Have Chiefs?}, author = {Ron Brunton}, doi = {10.2307/2800132}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1975}, date = {1975-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {10}, number = {4}, pages = {544--558}, abstract = {The fact that the Trobriand system of rank and chieftainship is unusual in western Melanesia has either been ignored or explained in terms of high population density and agricultural productivity. However, such explanations are unsatisfactory, as neither the population density nor the productivity is exceptional by Melanesian standards. Following Uberoi, this article argues that the key to the Trobriand political system lies in the kula exchanges. Nevertheless, Uberoi has overlooked certain peculiarities of kula in the northern Trobriands. These peculiarities, arising from environmental and social conditions, enabled the exchange system to be closed off to a degree not possible elsewhere in the Massim area. This precluded certain economic and political strategies from being undertaken, thereby limiting the range of people who could effectively compete for leadership and facilitating the development of rank and chieftainship. The article concludes with a brief examination of the applicability of the general argument to other Melanesian societies.}, keywords = {Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThe fact that the Trobriand system of rank and chieftainship is unusual in western Melanesia has either been ignored or explained in terms of high population density and agricultural productivity. However, such explanations are unsatisfactory, as neither the population density nor the productivity is exceptional by Melanesian standards. Following Uberoi, this article argues that the key to the Trobriand political system lies in the kula exchanges. Nevertheless, Uberoi has overlooked certain peculiarities of kula in the northern Trobriands. These peculiarities, arising from environmental and social conditions, enabled the exchange system to be closed off to a degree not possible elsewhere in the Massim area. This precluded certain economic and political strategies from being undertaken, thereby limiting the range of people who could effectively compete for leadership and facilitating the development of rank and chieftainship. The article concludes with a brief examination of the applicability of the general argument to other Melanesian societies.Closedoi:10.2307/2800132Close1971 Montague, SusanTrobriand Kinship and the Virgin Birth Controversy Journal Article In: Man, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 353–368, 1971, ISSN: 0025-1496.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kinship, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{montague_trobriand_1971, title = {Trobriand Kinship and the Virgin Birth Controversy}, author = {Susan Montague}, doi = {10.2307/2799026}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1971}, date = {1971-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {353--368}, keywords = {kinship, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2799026Close1968 Spiro, Melford EVirgin Birth, Parthenogenesis and Physiological Paternity: An Essay in Cultural Interpretation Journal Article In: Man, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 242–261, 1968, ISSN: 0025-1496.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kinship, psychology, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{spiro_virgin_1968, title = {Virgin Birth, Parthenogenesis and Physiological Paternity: An Essay in Cultural Interpretation}, author = {Melford E Spiro}, doi = {10.2307/2798503}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1968}, date = {1968-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {3}, number = {2}, pages = {242--261}, keywords = {kinship, psychology, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2798503Close1967 Sider, Karen BluAffinity and the Role of the Father in the Trobriands Journal Article In: Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 90–109, 1967, ISSN: 0038-4801.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kinship, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{sider_affinity_1967, title = {Affinity and the Role of the Father in the Trobriands}, author = {Karen Blu Sider}, doi = {10.1086/soutjanth.23.1.3629296}, issn = {0038-4801}, year = {1967}, date = {1967-01-01}, journal = {Southwestern Journal of Anthropology}, volume = {23}, number = {1}, pages = {90--109}, keywords = {kinship, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1086/soutjanth.23.1.3629296Close1966 Leach, EdmundVirgin Birth Journal Article In: Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, no. 1966, pp. 39–49, 1966, ISSN: 0080-4169.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kinship, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{leach_virgin_1966, title = {Virgin Birth}, author = {Edmund Leach}, doi = {10.2307/3031713}, issn = {0080-4169}, year = {1966}, date = {1966-01-01}, journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland}, number = {1966}, pages = {39--49}, keywords = {kinship, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/3031713Close1964 Fortune, ReoMalinowski and `the Chief.' Journal Article In: Man, vol. 64, pp. 90–91, 1964, ISSN: 0025-1496.Links | BibTeX | Tags: Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{fortune_malinowski_1964, title = {Malinowski and `the Chief.'}, author = {Reo Fortune}, doi = {10.2307/2797937}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1964}, date = {1964-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {64}, pages = {90--91}, keywords = {Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2797937Close Bradfield, R MMalinowski and The Chief Journal Article In: Man, vol. 64, pp. 186–186, 1964, ISSN: 0025-1496.Links | BibTeX | Tags: Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{bradfield_malinowski_1964, title = {Malinowski and The Chief}, author = {R M Bradfield}, doi = {10.2307/2796584}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1964}, date = {1964-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {64}, pages = {186--186}, keywords = {Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2796584Close1963 Cunnison, Ian; Gluckman, MaxMalinowski and the 'Chief' Journal Article In: Man, vol. 63, pp. 59–59, 1963, ISSN: 0025-1496.Links | BibTeX | Tags: Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{cunnison_malinowski_1963, title = {Malinowski and the 'Chief'}, author = {Ian Cunnison and Max Gluckman}, doi = {10.2307/2797342}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1963}, date = {1963-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {63}, pages = {59--59}, keywords = {Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2797342Close Cunnison, Ian; Gluckman, MaxConcerning Malinowski's Description of the Trobriand Paramount Chief Journal Article In: American Anthropologist, vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 1135–1135, 1963, ISSN: 0002-7294.Links | BibTeX | Tags: Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{cunnison_concerning_1963, title = {Concerning Malinowski's Description of the Trobriand Paramount Chief}, author = {Ian Cunnison and Max Gluckman}, doi = {10.2307/668596}, issn = {0002-7294}, year = {1963}, date = {1963-01-01}, journal = {American Anthropologist}, volume = {65}, number = {5}, pages = {1135--1135}, keywords = {Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/668596Close1960 Powell, H ACompetitive Leadership in Trobriand Political Organization Journal Article In: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 118–145, 1960, ISSN: 0307-3114.Links | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{powell_competitive_1960, title = {Competitive Leadership in Trobriand Political Organization}, author = {H A Powell}, doi = {10.2307/2844221}, issn = {0307-3114}, year = {1960}, date = {1960-01-01}, journal = {The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland}, volume = {90}, number = {1}, pages = {118--145}, keywords = {Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2844221Close1957 Polanyi, KarlThe great transformation Book 1st Beacon paperback ed., Beacon Press, Boston, 1957.Links | BibTeX | Tags: economics, history, kula, Trobriands@book{polanyi_great_1957, title = {The great transformation}, author = {Karl Polanyi}, url = {}, year = {1957}, date = {1957-01-01}, publisher = {Beacon Press}, address = {Boston}, edition = {1st Beacon paperback ed.}, keywords = {economics, history, kula, Trobriands}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Leach, EdmundPrimitive Calendars Journal Article In: Oceania, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 245–262, 1950, ISSN: 1834-4461.Links | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{leach_primitive_1950, title = {Primitive Calendars}, author = {Edmund Leach}, doi = {10.1002/j.1834-4461.1950.tb00164.x}, issn = {1834-4461}, year = {1950}, date = {1950-01-01}, journal = {Oceania}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {245--262}, keywords = {Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1002/j.1834-4461.1950.tb00164.xClose Austen, LeoA note on Dr. Leach's “Primitive calendars” Journal Article In: Oceania, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 333–335, 1950, ISSN: 1834-4461.Links | BibTeX | Tags: Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{austen_note_1950, title = {A note on Dr. Leach's “Primitive calendars”}, author = {Leo Austen}, doi = {10.1002/j.1834-4461.1950.tb00167.x}, issn = {1834-4461}, year = {1950}, date = {1950-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-09}, journal = {Oceania}, volume = {20}, number = {4}, pages = {333--335}, keywords = {Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1002/j.1834-4461.1950.tb00167.xClose1940 Lee, Demetracopoulou DA Primitive System of Values Journal Article In: Philosophy of Science, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 355–378, 1940, ISSN: 0031-8248.Links | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{lee_primitive_1940, title = {A Primitive System of Values}, author = {Demetracopoulou D Lee}, doi = {10.2307/184851}, issn = {0031-8248}, year = {1940}, date = {1940-01-01}, journal = {Philosophy of Science}, volume = {7}, number = {3}, pages = {355--378}, keywords = {Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/184851Close1939 Austen, LeoThe seasonal gardening calendar of Kiriwina, Trobriand Islands Journal Article In: Oceania, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 237–253, 1939, ISSN: 1834-4461.Links | BibTeX | Tags: Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{austen_seasonal_1939, title = {The seasonal gardening calendar of Kiriwina, Trobriand Islands}, author = {Leo Austen}, doi = {10.1002/j.1834-4461.1939.tb00231.x}, issn = {1834-4461}, year = {1939}, date = {1939-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-09}, journal = {Oceania}, volume = {9}, number = {3}, pages = {237--253}, keywords = {Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1002/j.1834-4461.1939.tb00231.xClose1932 Rentoul, AlexPapuans, Professors, and Platitudes Journal Article In: Man, vol. 32, pp. 274–276, 1932, ISSN: 0025-1496.Links | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{rentoul_papuans_1932, title = {Papuans, Professors, and Platitudes}, author = {Alex Rentoul}, doi = {10.2307/2789803}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1932}, date = {1932-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {32}, pages = {274--276}, keywords = {Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2789803Close1931 Rentoul, AlexPhysiological Paternity and the Trobrianders Journal Article In: Man, vol. 31, pp. 152–154, 1931, ISSN: 0025-1496.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kinship, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{rentoul_physiological_1931, title = {Physiological Paternity and the Trobrianders}, author = {Alex Rentoul}, doi = {10.2307/2791374}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1931}, date = {1931-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {31}, pages = {152--154}, keywords = {kinship, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2791374Close1927 Malinowski, BronislawLunar and Seasonal Calendar in the Trobriands. Journal Article In: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, vol. 57, pp. 203–215, 1927, ISSN: 0307-3114.Links | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands@article{malinowski_lunar_1927, title = {Lunar and Seasonal Calendar in the Trobriands.}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, doi = {10.2307/2843682}, issn = {0307-3114}, year = {1927}, date = {1927-01-01}, journal = {The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland}, volume = {57}, pages = {203--215}, keywords = {Trobriands}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2843682Close1922 Malinowski, BronislawArgonauts Of The Western Pacific Book Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1922.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Trobriands@book{malinowski_argonauts_1922, title = {Argonauts Of The Western Pacific}, author = {Bronislaw Malinowski}, url = {}, year = {1922}, date = {1922-01-01}, publisher = {Routledge and Kegan Paul}, address = {London}, abstract = {Book Source: Digital Library of India Item Malinowski, Bronislaw 2015-09-22T16:10:44Z 2015-09-22T16:10:44Z 2013/07/22 1923 dc.identifier.barcode: 07019990371218 dc.identifier.copyno: 1 dc.identifier.uri: dc.description.scannerno: 02 dc.description.scanningcentre: North Eastern States Libraries dc.description.main: 1 dc.description.tagged: 0 dc.description.totalpages: 626 dc.language.iso: English dc.publisher.digitalrepublisher: Digital Library Of India dc.publisher: E. P. Dutton And Company, London dc.rights: In Public Domain dc.source.library: Birchandra State Central Library, Tripura dc.subject.classification: Geography dc.subject.keywords: Canoes And Sailing dc.subject.keywords: Essentials Of The Kula dc.subject.keywords: Natives Of The Trobriand Islands dc.subject.keywords: Ceremonial Building Of A Waga dc.subject.keywords: Sailing On The Sea Arm Of Pilolu dc.title: Argonauts Of The Western Pacific dc.type: Print - Paper dc.type: Book dc.description.diskno: NE-DLI-TR-4384}, keywords = {Trobriands}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseBook Source: Digital Library of India Item Malinowski, Bronislaw 2015-09-22T16:10:44Z 2015-09-22T16:10:44Z 2013/07/22 1923 dc.identifier.barcode: 07019990371218 dc.identifier.copyno: 1 dc.identifier.uri: dc.description.scannerno: 02 dc.description.scanningcentre: North Eastern States Libraries dc.description.main: 1 dc.description.tagged: 0 dc.description.totalpages: 626 dc.language.iso: English dc.publisher.digitalrepublisher: Digital Library Of India dc.publisher: E. P. Dutton And Company, London dc.rights: In Public Domain dc.source.library: Birchandra State Central Library, Tripura dc.subject.classification: Geography dc.subject.keywords: Canoes And Sailing dc.subject.keywords: Essentials Of The Kula dc.subject.keywords: Natives Of The Trobriand Islands dc.subject.keywords: Ceremonial Building Of A Waga dc.subject.keywords: Sailing On The Sea Arm Of Pilolu dc.title: Argonauts Of The Western Pacific dc.type: Print - Paper dc.type: Book dc.description.diskno: NE-DLI-TR-4384Close entries « ‹ 1 of 2 › »