Bibliography All years 20242023202220212019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751973197219711970196919681967196619651964196319621960195919581957195619551954195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341932193119301929192719261924192319221921192019181916191519131912191119100000 All types Journal ArticlesBooksBook ChaptersBook SectionsMiscellaneousOnlinePhD Theses All tags Africaalpine anthropologyapplied anthropologyAustraliaAustriabibliographybibliography about Malinowskibiographybook reviewbook review by MalinowskiChinacolonialismcorrespondenceeconomicsethnographyFeminismfunctionalismgenderhistoryhistory of anthropologyintroduced by MalinowskikinshipkulaLatin Americalinguisticsmagic and religionMalinowskiMassonmaterial cultureMelanesiaMexicomovie reviewNew GuineaOceaniaphilosophyPolandPolynesiapost mortempsychologyPsychology / Human Sexualityrebellionreview of Malinowski's bookreview of Masson's bookRites and ceremonies--Macedonia.Social anthropologySocial Science / Anthropology / GeneralSocial workSouth Tyrolstory of familyTrobriand IslandsTrobriandswork about Malinowskiwork about Massonwork by Malinowskiwork by Masson All authors (translation), Francesca Bettocchi (translation), Justin Izzo (translation), Maria Lord Abrahamian, L H Adams, Julie Aldrich, Charles Roberts Alvarez, Oscar Fernández Angioni, Giulio Ardener, Edwin Austen, Leo Baker, Richard St Barbe Baker, Stuart Baker, Victoria J Barlow, Kathleen Barth, Fredrik Bartmanski, Dominik Barton, F R Bascom, William Bashkow, Ira Battaglia, Debbora Bauer, Janet Beattie, J H M Bell, Joshua A Benedict, Burton Bennett, Tony Benson, Vincent Beran, Harry Berman, Bruce Birkalan-Gedik, Hande Bodemann, Michal Y Bolton, Lissant Bonshek, Elizabeth Boon, James Borš, Vanja Bradfield, R M Brown, Hannah Brozi, Krzysztof J Bruffault, Robert Brunton, Ron Buckley, Peter Burkard, Franz-Peterdatl Burke, Patrick Burrowes, Carl Patrick Burt, Ben Burton, John W Burton, Orsolya Arva Cadzow, Allisoni Camps, Joan Bestard Canby, Joel S Clifford, James Cochrane, Susan Cocks, Paul Colajanni, Antonino Cole, John W Coleman, Leo Comaroff, Jean Comaroff, John L Conley, John M Cook, Scott Cooley, Timothy J Corriveau, Louis Crain, Jay B Creedy, (Frederick) F Cunnison, Ian Cuscoy, Luis Diego Damon, Frederick H Darrah, Allan C Dauber, Kenneth Davis, John Debaene, Vincent Dehouve, Daniele Della Rocca, Marina Drucker-Brown, Susan Durham, Eunice Ribeiro Edge-Partington, J Egloff, Brian J Ellen, Roy Engelking, Anna Fardon, Richard Fei, Xiaotong Firth, John Rupert Firth, Raymond Fisher, Donald Foks, Freddy Forge, Anthony Fortune, Reo Frederiksen, Bodil Folkede la Fuente, Julio Galli, Matilde Callari Gallus, Alexander Gaona, Héctor Tejera Gay y Blasco, Paloma Geertz, Clifford Geismar, Haidy Gell, Alfred Gellner, Ernest Gifford, Edward W Gijswijt-Hofstra, M Gingrich, Andre Ginsberg, Morris Ginzburg, Carlo Gluckman, Max Gluckman, Max Gnecchi-Ruscone, Anna Paini Elisabetta Goldenweiser, Alexander Goldstein, Leon J Gonzalez, Roberto J Goode, William J Goody, Jack Gordon, Robert J. Gosden, Chris Greenfield, Sidney M Gregg, Dorothy Gross, Feliks Guala, Chito Guldin, Gregory Eliyu Haberland, Hartmut Hage, Per Hammond, Melinda Harary, Frank Harding, Thomas G Harrison, Simon Harwood, Frances Hasan, Ruqaiya Hays, H R Hirsch, Eric Hoebel, Adamson E Hogbin, Ian (Herbert Ian) H Holdsworth, Chris Homans, George C Hosp, Inga Hsu, Francis L K Hutnyk, John Jacorzynski, Witold James, Brent Jarvie, I C Jarvie, Ian Charles Jean, Guiart Jolly, Margaret Kaberry, Phyllis Kaesler, Dirk Kapolka, Gerard T Kasmani, Omar Keck, Frédéric Keesing, Roger Kenyatta, Jomo Kiepe, Juliane Kilani, Mondher Kluckhohn, Clyde Knoll, Eva-Maria Kolankiewicz-Lundberg, Marta Konishi, Shino Korta, Kepa Krzyżanowski, Ludwik Kubica, Grażyna Kuklick, Henrika Kuper, Adam Kurtz, Stanley Nde L'Estoile, Benoît Langendoen, Terence D Lanzinger, Margareth Laracy, Hugh Larson, Frances Leach, Edmund Leach, Jerry Lee, Demetracopoulou D Lepani, Katherine Lewis, Herbert S Liebersohn, Harry Liep, John Lips, Julius (Julius Ernst) E Lipset, David Livolsi, Marino Lombard, Jacques Longo, Gioia Di Cristofaro Lorentz, Friedrich Lowrie, Claire Luckmann, Thomas Luhmann, Niklas Lydon, Jane Lydon, Jane Lyons, Andrew P Lyons, Harriet MacAulay, Stewart MacCarthy, Michelle Macintyre, Martha Mair, Lucy Malinowski, Bronislaw Manderson, Lenore Mannheim, KarlValeria Ribeiro Corossacz Marco Bassi, Antonio De Lauri Martínez, Julia Martiny, Federica Marwedel, Peter Maryanski, Alexandra R Masson, Elsie Matera, Marc Mathur, Chandana Mathur, K S Mauss, Marcel May, (Ronald James) R J Meeker, Michael E Meger, Zbigniew Métraux, A Mey, Jacob Milenković, Miloš Mills, David Mohia-Navet, Montagu, Ashley M F Montagu, Ashley Montague, Susan Morgain, Rachel Morton, Christopher Mosko, Mark S Mucha, Janusz Munn, Nancy D Murdock, George Peter Nadel, Sigfried Nader, Laura Niehaus, Isak Noss, Philip A Nugent, Maria O'Barr, William M O'Hanlon, Michael Obrebski, Joseph Olszewska-Dyoniziak, Barbara Ortiz, Fernando Ou, Jay C Paluch, Andrzej Panoff, Michel Papanek, Hanna Parisi, Rosa Parkin, Robert Payne, Harry C Pels, Peter Persson, Johnny Pickles, Anthony J Piddington, Ralph Pipatti, Otto Polanyi, Karl Posern-Zieliński, Aleksander Powdermaker, Hortense Powell, H A Pulman, Bertrand Quanchi, Max Radcliffe-Brown, A R Raison, Timothy Rapport, Nigel Rapport, Nigel Reed, Adam Reich, Wilhelm Rentoul, Alex Rex, Richards, Audrey I Richards, David Richardson, Shelley Rivera, Patrick S Roldán, Arturo Alvarez Rosengren, Karl Erik Rubel, Paula GAnna; Jasionowicz Saignes, Stanislaw Salvucci, DanielaDaniela; Tauber Salvucci, Elisabeth; Zinn Satriani, Luigi Lombardi M Saville, William James Viritahitemauvai Schapera, Isaac Scheper-Hughes, Nancy Schmidt, Bernd Schneider, Arnd Schneider, Jane Schöttler, Peter Schwaiger, Holger Schwiedland, Eugene Scott, Michael W Seagle, William Selleck, R J W Senft, Gunter Shack, William A Shellam, Tiffany Shepherd, William C Shweder, Richard A Sider, Karen Blu Sillitoe, Paul Silverman, Sydel Siniscalchi, Valeria Skalník, Peter Smith, Grafton Elliot Smith, Nathaniel Sobrero, Alberto Mde Souza, Mauricio Rodrigues Spencer, Baldwin Spinden, Herbert Joseph Spiro, Melford E Sprenger, Guido Średniawa, Bronisław Stacul, Jaro Stade, Ronald Stewart, Charles Stewart, Michael Stocking, Jr George W Stone, Dan Strathern, Marilyn Street, Alice Strenski, Ivan Stuart, Rebecca M. Studiecentrum, Afrika Suolinna, Kirsti Swiderski, Richard M Sylvain, Renée Symmons-Symonolewicz, Konstantin Symonolewicz, Konstantin Szymanski, Al Tambiah, Stanley Jeyaraja Tauber, Elisabeth Taylor, John P Thomas, Nicholas Thompson, Caitlin W Thompson, Christina A Thompson, Laura Thornton, Robert Jde la Torre, Sergio Jarillo Troy, Timothy Turner, Jonathan H Tuzin, Donald Uberoi, Singh J P Ulrich, Lucy Urry, James Valdés, María Varga, Lucie Varga, Lucy Vermeulen, Han F Viazzo, Pier Paolo Vila, Anna Piella Vonarx, Nicolas Wax, Murray L Wayne, Helena Weber, Charles W Weiner, Annette B Weiss, Gerald Welsch, Robert Louis Werblowsky, Zwi R J Werbner, Pninavon Wiese, Leopold Wilkis, Ariel Williams, Elgin Wilson-Haffenden, Wincławski, Włodzimierz Winzeler, Robert L Witkiewicz, Wolf, Eric R Wright, Terence V Yarrow, Thomas Young, Michael W Zerilli, Filippo M Ziegler, Rolf Zinn, Dorothy All users dsalvucci Show all2021 Tauber, Elisabeth; Zinn, Dorothy L. (Ed.)Gender and Genre in Ethnographic Writing Book Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, ISBN: 978-3-030-71725-4.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, gender, Malinowski, Masson@book{Tauber2021, title = {Gender and Genre in Ethnographic Writing}, editor = {Elisabeth Tauber and Dorothy L. Zinn }, url = {}, doi = { 10.1007/978-3-030-71726-1}, isbn = {978-3-030-71725-4}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-06-08}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, keywords = {ethnography, gender, Malinowski, Masson}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close 10.1007/978-3-030-71726-1Close Tauber, Elisabeth; Zinn, DorothyThe Graphy in Ethnography: Reconsidering the Gender of and in the Genre Book Chapter In: Tauber, Elisabeth; Zinn, Dorothy L. (Ed.): pp. 7-44, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, gender, Malinowski, Masson@inbook{Tauber2021b, title = {The Graphy in Ethnography: Reconsidering the Gender of and in the Genre}, author = {Elisabeth Tauber and Dorothy Zinn }, editor = {Elisabeth Tauber and Dorothy L. Zinn}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-71726-1}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-06-08}, pages = {7-44}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, keywords = {ethnography, gender, Malinowski, Masson}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inbook} } Close Rapport, NigelTowards an Anthropological Appreciation of Silence as an Ethnographic Key: Homely, Instrumental, Ethical Book Chapter In: Tauber, Elisabeth; Zinn, Dorothy L. (Ed.): pp. 45-69, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography@inbook{Rapport2021, title = {Towards an Anthropological Appreciation of Silence as an Ethnographic Key: Homely, Instrumental, Ethical}, author = {Rapport, Nigel}, editor = {Elisabeth Tauber and Dorothy L. Zinn }, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-71726-1}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-06-08}, pages = {45-69}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, keywords = {ethnography}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inbook} } Close Della Rocca, MarinaFeminist Ethnography in a Women’s Shelter: Self-Reflexivity, Participation and Activism in Ethnographic Writing Book Chapter In: Tauber, Elisabeth; Zinn, Dorothy L. (Ed.): pp. 71-97, 2021.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Social work@inbook{Rocca2021, title = {Feminist Ethnography in a Women’s Shelter: Self-Reflexivity, Participation and Activism in Ethnographic Writing}, author = {Della Rocca, Marina}, editor = {Elisabeth Tauber and Dorothy L. Zinn }, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-71726-1}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-06-08}, pages = {71-97}, keywords = {ethnography, Social work}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inbook} } Close Birkalan-Gedik, HandeCan There Be Feminist Anthropology in Turkey?: Histories, Continuities, and (Dis)Connections of Gender and Genre Book Chapter In: Tauber, Elisabeth; Zinn, Dorothy L. (Ed.): pp. 99-131, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Feminism@inbook{Birkalan-Gedik2021, title = {Can There Be Feminist Anthropology in Turkey?: Histories, Continuities, and (Dis)Connections of Gender and Genre}, author = {Birkalan-Gedik, Hande}, editor = {Tauber, Elisabeth and Zinn, Dorothy L.}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-71726-1}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-06-08}, pages = {99-131}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, keywords = {ethnography, Feminism}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inbook} } Closedoi:10.1007/978-3-030-71726-1Close Gay y Blasco, PalomaUncertainty, Failure and Reciprocal Ethnography Book Chapter In: Elisabeth Tauber, Zinn (Ed.): pp. 133-161, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography@inbook{yBlasco2021, title = {Uncertainty, Failure and Reciprocal Ethnography}, author = {Gay y Blasco, Paloma}, editor = { Tauber, Elisabeth, Zinn, Dorothy L.}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-71726-1}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-06-08}, pages = {133-161}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, keywords = {ethnography}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inbook} } Closedoi:10.1007/978-3-030-71726-1Close Kasmani, OmarThin, Cruisy, Queer: Writing Through Affect Book Chapter In: Elisabeth Tauber, Zinn (Ed.): pp. 163-188, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography@inbook{Kasmani2021, title = {Thin, Cruisy, Queer: Writing Through Affect}, author = {Kasmani, Omar}, editor = {Tauber, Elisabeth, Zinn, Dorothy L.}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-71726-1}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-06-08}, pages = {163-188}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, keywords = {ethnography}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inbook} } Closedoi:10.1007/978-3-030-71726-1Close Strathern, MarilynAfterword Book Chapter In: Elisabeth Tauber, Zinn (Ed.): pp. 219-230, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Malinowski@inbook{Strathern2021, title = {Afterword}, author = {Marilyn Strathern }, editor = {Tauber, Elisabeth, Zinn, Dorothy L.}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-71726-1}, year = {2021}, date = {2021-06-08}, pages = {219-230}, publisher = {Palgrave Macmillan}, keywords = {ethnography, Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {inbook} } Closedoi:10.1007/978-3-030-71726-1Close2017 Brown, Hannah; Reed, Adam; Yarrow, ThomasIntroduction: towards an ethnography of meeting Journal Article In: Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 23, no. S1, pp. 10–26, 2017, ISSN: 1467-9655.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography@article{brown_introduction:_2017, title = {Introduction: towards an ethnography of meeting}, author = {Hannah Brown and Adam Reed and Thomas Yarrow}, url = {}, doi = {10.1111/1467-9655.12591}, issn = {1467-9655}, year = {2017}, date = {2017-01-01}, journal = {Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute}, volume = {23}, number = {S1}, pages = {10--26}, abstract = {This introductory essay describes a novel approach to meetings in relation to broader literatures within and beyond anthropology. We suggest that notwithstanding many accounts in which meetings figure, little attention has been given to the mundane forms through which these work. Seeking to develop a distinctively ethnographic focus to these quotidian and ubiquitous procedures, we outline an approach that moves attention beyond a narrow concern with just their meaning and content. We highlight some of the innovative strands that develop from this approach, describing how the negotiation of relationships ‘within’ meetings is germane to the organization of ‘external’ contexts, including in relation to time, space, organizational structure, and society. The essay offers a set of provocations for rethinking approaches to bureaucracy, organizational process, and ethos through the ethnographic lens of meeting.}, keywords = {ethnography}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThis introductory essay describes a novel approach to meetings in relation to broader literatures within and beyond anthropology. We suggest that notwithstanding many accounts in which meetings figure, little attention has been given to the mundane forms through which these work. Seeking to develop a distinctively ethnographic focus to these quotidian and ubiquitous procedures, we outline an approach that moves attention beyond a narrow concern with just their meaning and content. We highlight some of the innovative strands that develop from this approach, describing how the negotiation of relationships ‘within’ meetings is germane to the organization of ‘external’ contexts, including in relation to time, space, organizational structure, and society. The essay offers a set of provocations for rethinking approaches to bureaucracy, organizational process, and ethos through the ethnographic lens of meeting.Close Suolinna, KirstiFocusing on fieldwork: Edvard Westermarck and Hilma Granqvist – before and after Bronislaw Malinowski Journal Article In: Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 263–278, 2016, ISSN: 0582-3226, 0582-3226.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@article{suolinna_focusing_2016, title = {Focusing on fieldwork: Edvard Westermarck and Hilma Granqvist – before and after Bronislaw Malinowski}, author = {Kirsti Suolinna}, url = {}, issn = {0582-3226, 0582-3226}, year = {2016}, date = {2016-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-14}, journal = {Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis}, volume = {17}, number = {2}, pages = {263--278}, abstract = {DOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.}, keywords = {ethnography, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseDOAJ is an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.Close Cook, Scott; Young, Michael WMalinowski, Herskovits, and the Controversy over Economics in Anthropology Journal Article In: History of Political Economy, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 657–679, 2016, ISSN: 0018-2702, 1527-1919.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: economics, ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{cook_malinowski_2016-1, title = {Malinowski, Herskovits, and the Controversy over Economics in Anthropology}, author = {Scott Cook and Michael W Young}, doi = {10.1215/00182702-3687295}, issn = {0018-2702, 1527-1919}, year = {2016}, date = {2016-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-22}, journal = {History of Political Economy}, volume = {48}, number = {4}, pages = {657--679}, abstract = {Bronislaw Malinowski and Melville Herskovits were founding contributors to the anthropological study of economic life—Malinowski as a pioneering ethnographer in Melanesia and a late-career ethnographer in Oaxaca, Mexico, and Herskovits as the leading exponent of comparative studies. The definition of their respective approaches to the study of economic life began in the 1940s with Karl Polanyi and in the 1950s with Raymond Firth, culminating in the formalist-substantivist debate of the 1960s–1970s. Malinowski's contribution was defined as emphasizing the institutional matrix of the economy while denying the universal applicability of classical/neoclassical economics; Herskovits's was defined as promoting the applicability of economics in comparative studies. A reconsideration of Herskovits's writings shows that his advocacy of the application of economics by anthropologists had qualifications and caveats. New documentary information about Malinowski's approach reinforces his commitment to the study of economic life as an ethnographic pursuit rather than a comparative one. It further reveals his late-career openness to the use of classical/neoclassical economic principles and concepts, his familiarity with market economics, and his views on the role of theory in ethnographic economics.}, keywords = {economics, ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseBronislaw Malinowski and Melville Herskovits were founding contributors to the anthropological study of economic life—Malinowski as a pioneering ethnographer in Melanesia and a late-career ethnographer in Oaxaca, Mexico, and Herskovits as the leading exponent of comparative studies. The definition of their respective approaches to the study of economic life began in the 1940s with Karl Polanyi and in the 1950s with Raymond Firth, culminating in the formalist-substantivist debate of the 1960s–1970s. Malinowski's contribution was defined as emphasizing the institutional matrix of the economy while denying the universal applicability of classical/neoclassical economics; Herskovits's was defined as promoting the applicability of economics in comparative studies. A reconsideration of Herskovits's writings shows that his advocacy of the application of economics by anthropologists had qualifications and caveats. New documentary information about Malinowski's approach reinforces his commitment to the study of economic life as an ethnographic pursuit rather than a comparative one. It further reveals his late-career openness to the use of classical/neoclassical economic principles and concepts, his familiarity with market economics, and his views on the role of theory in ethnographic economics.Closedoi:10.1215/00182702-3687295Close2014 Debaene, Vincent; (translation), Justin IzzoFar Afield French Anthropology between Science and Literature Book Chicago University Press, 2014.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, history of anthropology@book{Debaene2014, title = {Far Afield French Anthropology between Science and Literature}, author = {Vincent Debaene and Justin Izzo (translation)}, url = {}, year = {2014}, date = {2014-01-01}, urldate = {2014-01-01}, publisher = {Chicago University Press}, keywords = {ethnography, history of anthropology}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Stewart, MichaelMysteries reside in the humblest, everyday things: collaborative anthropology in the digital age Journal Article In: Social Anthropology, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 305–321, 2013, ISSN: 1469-8676.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography@article{stewart_mysteries_2013, title = {Mysteries reside in the humblest, everyday things: collaborative anthropology in the digital age}, author = {Michael Stewart}, url = {}, doi = {10.1111/1469-8676.12041}, issn = {1469-8676}, year = {2013}, date = {2013-08-01}, journal = {Social Anthropology}, volume = {21}, number = {3}, pages = {305--321}, abstract = {MyStreet is an internet-based collaborative anthropology research project combining digital recording, Google maps and visual-ethnographic research. It aims to generate a space for a series of ‘minor’ discourses in which ‘venatic’ evidence (Carlo Ginzburg) holds sway. I examine this project and its preliminary outcomes as a revival of the spirit of Mass Observation, a British social movement of the 1930s. Though originally rejected by the Anthropological academy, Mass Observation's extraordinary vision of a democratic ‘science of ourselves’, to be realised through the creation of a popular anthropology of everyday life, remains as relevant today as it was in 1937.}, keywords = {ethnography}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseMyStreet is an internet-based collaborative anthropology research project combining digital recording, Google maps and visual-ethnographic research. It aims to generate a space for a series of ‘minor’ discourses in which ‘venatic’ evidence (Carlo Ginzburg) holds sway. I examine this project and its preliminary outcomes as a revival of the spirit of Mass Observation, a British social movement of the 1930s. Though originally rejected by the Anthropological academy, Mass Observation's extraordinary vision of a democratic ‘science of ourselves’, to be realised through the creation of a popular anthropology of everyday life, remains as relevant today as it was in 1937.Close Kuklick, HenrikaPersonal Equations: Reflections on the History of Fieldwork, with Special Reference to Sociocultural Anthropology Journal Article In: Isis, vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 1–33, 2011, ISSN: 0021-1753.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{kuklick_personal_2011, title = {Personal Equations: Reflections on the History of Fieldwork, with Special Reference to Sociocultural Anthropology}, author = {Henrika Kuklick}, doi = {10.1086/658655}, issn = {0021-1753}, year = {2011}, date = {2011-01-01}, journal = {Isis}, volume = {102}, number = {1}, pages = {1--33}, abstract = {ABSTRACT In the latter part of the nineteenth century, diverse sciences grounded in natural history made a virtue of field research that somehow tested scientists' endurance; disciplinary change derived from the premise that witnesses were made reliable by character-molding trials. The turn to the field was a function of structural transformations in various quarters, including (but hardly limited to) global politics, communications systems, and scientific institutions, and it conduced to biogeographical explanations, taxonomic schemes that admitted of heterogeneity, and affective research styles. Sociocultural anthropology, which took specialized shape at the beginning of the twentieth century, shared many properties with other field sciences, but its method—participant observation—was distinctive. Critical to the method's definition were the efforts of the British experimental psychologist-anthropologist W. H. R. Rivers, who relied on notions then widespread in Europe and the United States. The discipline's future mythic hero, Bronislaw Malinowski, embraced Rivers's model. For both men, proper fieldwork meant using the researcher's body as an instrument and entailed understanding both the anthropologist's body and the research subject's body as energy systems; this symmetry facilitated a relativist perspective. Participant observation remains central to sociocultural anthropology, but the discipline's pedagogic habits contributed to loss of memory of its energetic conceptualization.}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseABSTRACT In the latter part of the nineteenth century, diverse sciences grounded in natural history made a virtue of field research that somehow tested scientists' endurance; disciplinary change derived from the premise that witnesses were made reliable by character-molding trials. The turn to the field was a function of structural transformations in various quarters, including (but hardly limited to) global politics, communications systems, and scientific institutions, and it conduced to biogeographical explanations, taxonomic schemes that admitted of heterogeneity, and affective research styles. Sociocultural anthropology, which took specialized shape at the beginning of the twentieth century, shared many properties with other field sciences, but its method—participant observation—was distinctive. Critical to the method's definition were the efforts of the British experimental psychologist-anthropologist W. H. R. Rivers, who relied on notions then widespread in Europe and the United States. The discipline's future mythic hero, Bronislaw Malinowski, embraced Rivers's model. For both men, proper fieldwork meant using the researcher's body as an instrument and entailed understanding both the anthropologist's body and the research subject's body as energy systems; this symmetry facilitated a relativist perspective. Participant observation remains central to sociocultural anthropology, but the discipline's pedagogic habits contributed to loss of memory of its energetic conceptualization.Closedoi:10.1086/658655Close Parisi, RosaLo scheletro, la carne e il sangue: Malinowski e la magia dell'etnografo fra evocazioni, immagini e scrittura Book Aracne, Roma, 2011, ISBN: 978-88-548-4569-5.BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@book{parisi_lo_2011, title = {Lo scheletro, la carne e il sangue: Malinowski e la magia dell'etnografo fra evocazioni, immagini e scrittura}, author = {Rosa Parisi}, isbn = {978-88-548-4569-5}, year = {2011}, date = {2011-01-01}, publisher = {Aracne}, address = {Roma}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close2010 Debaene, VincentL'Adieu au voyage. L'ethnologie française entre science et littérature Book Gallimard, 2010.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, history of anthropology@book{Debaene2010, title = {L'Adieu au voyage. L'ethnologie française entre science et littérature}, author = {Vincent Debaene}, url = {}, year = {2010}, date = {2010-10-14}, urldate = {2010-10-14}, publisher = {Gallimard}, keywords = {ethnography, history of anthropology}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close[...]Close2009 Bell, Joshua A; Geismar, HaidyMaterialising Oceania: New ethnographies of things in Melanesia and Polynesia Journal Article In: The Australian Journal of Anthropology, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 3–27, 2009, ISSN: 1757-6547.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Melanesia, Polynesia, work about Malinowski@article{bell_materialising_2009, title = {Materialising Oceania: New ethnographies of things in Melanesia and Polynesia}, author = {Joshua A Bell and Haidy Geismar}, doi = {10.1111/j.1757-6547.2009.00001.x}, issn = {1757-6547}, year = {2009}, date = {2009-01-01}, journal = {The Australian Journal of Anthropology}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, pages = {3--27}, abstract = {Oceania occupies an intriguing place within anthropology’s genealogy. In the introduction to this collection of essays, we examine the role of the ethnography of Oceania in the development of our anthropological perspectives on materialisation, the dynamic process by which persons and things are inter-related. Building upon the recent resurgence of theoretical interests in things we use the term materialisation (rather than material culture or materiality) to capture the vitality of the lived processes by which ideas of objectivity and subjectivity, persons and things, minds and bodies are entangled. Taking a processual view, we advocate for an Oceanic anthropology that continues to engage with things on the ground; that asks what strategies communities use to materialise their social relations, desires and values; and that recognises how these processes remain important tools for understanding historical and contemporary Oceanic societies. Examining these locally articulated processes and forms contributes to a material (re)turn for anthropology that clarifies how we, as scholars, think about things more widely.}, keywords = {ethnography, Melanesia, Polynesia, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseOceania occupies an intriguing place within anthropology’s genealogy. In the introduction to this collection of essays, we examine the role of the ethnography of Oceania in the development of our anthropological perspectives on materialisation, the dynamic process by which persons and things are inter-related. Building upon the recent resurgence of theoretical interests in things we use the term materialisation (rather than material culture or materiality) to capture the vitality of the lived processes by which ideas of objectivity and subjectivity, persons and things, minds and bodies are entangled. Taking a processual view, we advocate for an Oceanic anthropology that continues to engage with things on the ground; that asks what strategies communities use to materialise their social relations, desires and values; and that recognises how these processes remain important tools for understanding historical and contemporary Oceanic societies. Examining these locally articulated processes and forms contributes to a material (re)turn for anthropology that clarifies how we, as scholars, think about things more widely.Closedoi:10.1111/j.1757-6547.2009.00001.xClose2008 Kolankiewicz-Lundberg, MartaBetween Science and Life: A Comparison of the Fieldwork Experiences of Bronislaw Malinowski and Kirsten Hastrup Journal Article In: The Applied Anthropologist, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 76–88, 2008.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{kolankiewicz-lundberg_between_2008, title = {Between Science and Life: A Comparison of the Fieldwork Experiences of Bronislaw Malinowski and Kirsten Hastrup}, author = {Marta Kolankiewicz-Lundberg}, url = {}, year = {2008}, date = {2008-01-01}, journal = {The Applied Anthropologist}, volume = {28}, number = {1}, pages = {76--88}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close Mohia-Navet,L'expérience de terrain Book La Découverte, Paris, 2008, ISBN: 978-2-7071-5393-7.BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@book{mohia-navet_experience_2008, title = {L'expérience de terrain}, author = {Mohia-Navet}, isbn = {978-2-7071-5393-7}, year = {2008}, date = {2008-01-01}, publisher = {La Découverte}, address = {Paris}, series = {Recherches}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close2005 Kiepe, JulianeÄsthetische Inszenierungen in der Ethnographie: Bronislaw Malinowski im Spannungsfeld der Kulturen Book P. Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 2005, ISBN: 978-3-631-52987-4.BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@book{kiepe_asthetische_2005, title = {Ästhetische Inszenierungen in der Ethnographie: Bronislaw Malinowski im Spannungsfeld der Kulturen}, author = {Juliane Kiepe}, isbn = {978-3-631-52987-4}, year = {2005}, date = {2005-01-01}, publisher = {P. Lang}, address = {Frankfurt am Main}, series = {Europäische Hochschulschriften}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close2003 Cooley, Timothy JTheorizing Fieldwork Impact: Malinowski, Peasant-Love and Friendship Journal Article In: British Journal of Ethnomusicology, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 1–17, 2003, ISSN: 0968-1221.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{cooley_theorizing_2003, title = {Theorizing Fieldwork Impact: Malinowski, Peasant-Love and Friendship}, author = {Timothy J Cooley}, doi = {10.2307/30036866}, issn = {0968-1221}, year = {2003}, date = {2003-01-01}, journal = {British Journal of Ethnomusicology}, volume = {12}, number = {1}, pages = {1--17}, abstract = {In this introductory essay I toggle between my own fieldwork experiences and the historical legacies that I encounter in the field, especially that of Malinowski, who in his youth was a frequent visitor to the Polish mountain region that I study nearly a century later. I propose that Malinowski was influenced by a Slavic "peasant-love" model of ethnography that shares much with the more current "friendship" model. Though I believe friendship model field-work is unsurpassed, its relationship to peasant-love fieldwork causes me to wonder if it too is motivated by ideologies that will be judged harshly by our intellectual descendants.}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseIn this introductory essay I toggle between my own fieldwork experiences and the historical legacies that I encounter in the field, especially that of Malinowski, who in his youth was a frequent visitor to the Polish mountain region that I study nearly a century later. I propose that Malinowski was influenced by a Slavic "peasant-love" model of ethnography that shares much with the more current "friendship" model. Though I believe friendship model field-work is unsurpassed, its relationship to peasant-love fieldwork causes me to wonder if it too is motivated by ideologies that will be judged harshly by our intellectual descendants.Closedoi:10.2307/30036866Close2002 Burton, John W; Thompson, Caitlin WNanook and the Kirwinians: Deception, Authenticity, and the Birth of Modern Ethnographic Representation Journal Article In: Film History, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 74–86, 2002, ISSN: 0892-2160.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{burton_nanook_2002, title = {Nanook and the Kirwinians: Deception, Authenticity, and the Birth of Modern Ethnographic Representation}, author = {John W Burton and Caitlin W Thompson}, doi = {10.2307/3815582}, issn = {0892-2160}, year = {2002}, date = {2002-01-01}, journal = {Film History}, volume = {14}, number = {1}, pages = {74--86}, keywords = {ethnography, Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/3815582Close Roldán, Arturo AlvarezWriting ethnography. Malinowski's fieldnotes on Baloma Journal Article In: Social Anthropology, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 377–393, 2002, ISSN: 1469-8676.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{roldan_writing_2002, title = {Writing ethnography. Malinowski's fieldnotes on Baloma}, author = {Arturo Alvarez Roldán}, doi = {10.1111/j.1469-8676.2002.tb00065.x}, issn = {1469-8676}, year = {2002}, date = {2002-01-01}, journal = {Social Anthropology}, volume = {10}, number = {3}, pages = {377--393}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1111/j.1469-8676.2002.tb00065.xClose2000 Mosko, Mark SInalienable Ethnography: Keeping-While-Giving and the Trobriand Case Journal Article In: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 377–396, 2000, ISSN: 1359-0987.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{mosko_inalienable_2000, title = {Inalienable Ethnography: Keeping-While-Giving and the Trobriand Case}, author = {Mark S Mosko}, doi = {10.2307/2661081}, issn = {1359-0987}, year = {2000}, date = {2000-01-01}, journal = {The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute}, volume = {6}, number = {3}, pages = {377--396}, abstract = {In Inalienable possessions, Annette Weiner (1992) focuses on the paradox of `keeping-while-giving' rather than the `norm of reciprocity' as the central issue of social life, drawing heavily on Trobriand examples. In this article, key elements of Weiner's theory are contrasted with prevailing views of Melanesian personhood and agency and with canonical Western notions of exchange, and her use of the Trobriand materials is juxtaposed with previously published ethnographic accounts of the same practices. It is argued that Weiner's ethnographic illustrations do not lend support to her theory of inalienable possessions; that her conceptual framework is at considerable variance with well-founded understandings of Melanesian sociality; and that the paradox of keeping-while-giving is more appropriately seen as deriving from Western presuppositions of individual boundedness, subjectivity, possession, ownership, and hierarchy, and the need to establish permanence in an entropic world.}, keywords = {ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseIn Inalienable possessions, Annette Weiner (1992) focuses on the paradox of `keeping-while-giving' rather than the `norm of reciprocity' as the central issue of social life, drawing heavily on Trobriand examples. In this article, key elements of Weiner's theory are contrasted with prevailing views of Melanesian personhood and agency and with canonical Western notions of exchange, and her use of the Trobriand materials is juxtaposed with previously published ethnographic accounts of the same practices. It is argued that Weiner's ethnographic illustrations do not lend support to her theory of inalienable possessions; that her conceptual framework is at considerable variance with well-founded understandings of Melanesian sociality; and that the paradox of keeping-while-giving is more appropriately seen as deriving from Western presuppositions of individual boundedness, subjectivity, possession, ownership, and hierarchy, and the need to establish permanence in an entropic world.Closedoi:10.2307/2661081Close1998 Young, Michael WMalinowski's Kiriwina: fieldwork photography, 1915-1918 Book University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1998, ISBN: 978-0-226-87650-4.Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@book{young_malinowskis_1998, title = {Malinowski's Kiriwina: fieldwork photography, 1915-1918}, author = {Michael W Young}, isbn = {978-0-226-87650-4}, year = {1998}, date = {1998-01-01}, publisher = {University of Chicago Press}, address = {Chicago}, abstract = {Kiriwina, the largest of the Trobriand Islands in eastern Papua New Guinea, is anthropology's "sacred place." It was here that Bronislaw Malinowski conducted the path-breaking fieldwork that enabled him to revolutionize British social anthropology. And it was here that he developed one of anthropology's most important tools: photography. Malinowski's Kiriwina presents nearly two hundred of Malinowski's previously unpublished photographs of the Islanders among whom he lived between 1915 and 1918. The images are more than embellishments of his ethnography; they are a recreation in striking detail of a distant world. Michael Young, an anthropologist and Malinowski's authorized biographer, has selected the photographs based on one of Malinowski's unpublished studies of the region, and the plan of that abandoned project has helped structure this book.}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseKiriwina, the largest of the Trobriand Islands in eastern Papua New Guinea, is anthropology's "sacred place." It was here that Bronislaw Malinowski conducted the path-breaking fieldwork that enabled him to revolutionize British social anthropology. And it was here that he developed one of anthropology's most important tools: photography. Malinowski's Kiriwina presents nearly two hundred of Malinowski's previously unpublished photographs of the Islanders among whom he lived between 1915 and 1918. The images are more than embellishments of his ethnography; they are a recreation in striking detail of a distant world. Michael Young, an anthropologist and Malinowski's authorized biographer, has selected the photographs based on one of Malinowski's unpublished studies of the region, and the plan of that abandoned project has helped structure this book.Close1996 Berman, BruceEthnography as Politics, Politics as Ethnography: Kenyatta, Malinowski, and the Making of Facing Mount Kenya Journal Article In: Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 313–344, 1996, ISSN: 0008-3968.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{berman_ethnography_1996, title = {Ethnography as Politics, Politics as Ethnography: Kenyatta, Malinowski, and the Making of Facing Mount Kenya}, author = {Bruce Berman}, doi = {10.2307/485804}, issn = {0008-3968}, year = {1996}, date = {1996-01-01}, journal = {Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue Canadienne des Études Africaines}, volume = {30}, number = {3}, pages = {313--344}, abstract = {Dès son premier voyage en Grande Bretagne, en 1929, Jomo Kenyatta a suivi un chemin complexe, passant d'un groupe de patrons politiques et intellectuels à un autre, allant des missionnaires et impérialistes à tendance libérale aux communistes et autres éléments de la gauche britannique, s'acharnant à découvrir le moyen le plus efficace de représenter (de décrire et de défendre) les intérêts des Kikuyu, gens de sa tribu, auprès des autorités impériales. Sa quête de "l'argument irrévocable" semble avoir pris fin quand il a rencontré Bronislaw Malinowski et commencé des études d'anthropologie sociale à la London School of Economics. L'anthropologie fonctionnaliste a donné à Kenyatta le moyen de décrire le Kikuyu, en s'appuyant sur l'autorité de la science; les Kikuyu sont alors apparus comme une société homogène et intégrée, digne de recevoir le respect des Anglais et de faire entendre leurs griefs. Sa thèse a servi de fondement à Facing Mount Kenya, monographie classique, ouvrage politique autant qu'anthropologique. Dans cet ouvrage, Kenyatta a essayé sans succès de résoudre la contradiction entre sa description fonctionnaliste des Kikuyu, sa condamnation du colonialisme and sa défense d'un processus de modernisation conservatrice. Il reste cependant l'expression significative des dilemmes politiques, intellectuels, et personnels profonds des intellectuels africains pendant la période coloniale.}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseDès son premier voyage en Grande Bretagne, en 1929, Jomo Kenyatta a suivi un chemin complexe, passant d'un groupe de patrons politiques et intellectuels à un autre, allant des missionnaires et impérialistes à tendance libérale aux communistes et autres éléments de la gauche britannique, s'acharnant à découvrir le moyen le plus efficace de représenter (de décrire et de défendre) les intérêts des Kikuyu, gens de sa tribu, auprès des autorités impériales. Sa quête de "l'argument irrévocable" semble avoir pris fin quand il a rencontré Bronislaw Malinowski et commencé des études d'anthropologie sociale à la London School of Economics. L'anthropologie fonctionnaliste a donné à Kenyatta le moyen de décrire le Kikuyu, en s'appuyant sur l'autorité de la science; les Kikuyu sont alors apparus comme une société homogène et intégrée, digne de recevoir le respect des Anglais et de faire entendre leurs griefs. Sa thèse a servi de fondement à Facing Mount Kenya, monographie classique, ouvrage politique autant qu'anthropologique. Dans cet ouvrage, Kenyatta a essayé sans succès de résoudre la contradiction entre sa description fonctionnaliste des Kikuyu, sa condamnation du colonialisme and sa défense d'un processus de modernisation conservatrice. Il reste cependant l'expression significative des dilemmes politiques, intellectuels, et personnels profonds des intellectuels africains pendant la période coloniale.Closedoi:10.2307/485804Close1995 Dauber, KennethBureaucratizing the Ethnographer's Magic Journal Article In: Current Anthropology, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 75–95, 1995, ISSN: 0011-3204.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{dauber_bureaucratizing_1995, title = {Bureaucratizing the Ethnographer's Magic}, author = {Kenneth Dauber}, doi = {10.2307/2744224}, issn = {0011-3204}, year = {1995}, date = {1995-01-01}, journal = {Current Anthropology}, volume = {36}, number = {1}, pages = {75--95}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2744224Close Roldán, Arturo AlvarezMalinowski and the origins of the ethnographic method Book Section In: Fieldwork and footnotes : studies in the history of European anthropology / edited by Han F. Vermeulen and Arturo Alvarez Roldan, pp. 113–128, Routledge, London; New York, 1995.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@incollection{roldan_malinowski_1995, title = {Malinowski and the origins of the ethnographic method}, author = {Arturo Alvarez Roldán}, url = {}, year = {1995}, date = {1995-01-01}, booktitle = {Fieldwork and footnotes : studies in the history of European anthropology / edited by Han F. Vermeulen and Arturo Alvarez Roldan}, pages = {113--128}, publisher = {Routledge}, address = {London; New York}, edition = {EASA}, keywords = {ethnography, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {incollection} } Close[...]Close1994 Buckley, PeterOBSERVING THE OTHER: REFLECTIONS ON ANTHROPOLOGICAL FIELDWORK Journal Article In: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 613–634, 1994, ISSN: 0003-0651.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, psychology, work about Malinowski@article{buckley_observing_1994, title = {OBSERVING THE OTHER: REFLECTIONS ON ANTHROPOLOGICAL FIELDWORK}, author = {Peter Buckley}, doi = {10.1177/000306519404200212}, issn = {0003-0651}, year = {1994}, date = {1994-01-01}, journal = {Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association}, volume = {42}, number = {2}, pages = {613--634}, abstract = {Aspects of anthropological fieldwork are examined from a psychoanalytic viewpoint using two sources: (1) Malinowski's A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term, a fieldwork journal he kept in New Guinea and the Trobriand Islands "as a means of self-analysis"; (2) the analysis of an anthropologist both before and after she returned from the field. Malinowski's Diary, written in a virtually free-associative form, illustrates how fieldwork stimulates derivatives of significant early infantile conflicts. The patient's analysis revealed the unconscious meaning of, and motivation for, fieldwork for this particular individual. Based on these data, it is postulated that during fieldwork a new, emotionally charged object relationship, with its concomitant transference responses, may be unconsciously established by the anthropologist with the alien society being studied., "But the wilderness had found him out early—I think it had whispered to him things about himself which he did not know, things of which he had no conception till he took counsel with this great solitude—and the whisper had proved irresistibly fascinating."—J. Conrad—Heart of Darkness}, keywords = {ethnography, psychology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseAspects of anthropological fieldwork are examined from a psychoanalytic viewpoint using two sources: (1) Malinowski's A Diary in the Strict Sense of the Term, a fieldwork journal he kept in New Guinea and the Trobriand Islands "as a means of self-analysis"; (2) the analysis of an anthropologist both before and after she returned from the field. Malinowski's Diary, written in a virtually free-associative form, illustrates how fieldwork stimulates derivatives of significant early infantile conflicts. The patient's analysis revealed the unconscious meaning of, and motivation for, fieldwork for this particular individual. Based on these data, it is postulated that during fieldwork a new, emotionally charged object relationship, with its concomitant transference responses, may be unconsciously established by the anthropologist with the alien society being studied., "But the wilderness had found him out early—I think it had whispered to him things about himself which he did not know, things of which he had no conception till he took counsel with this great solitude—and the whisper had proved irresistibly fascinating."—J. Conrad—Heart of DarknessClosedoi:10.1177/000306519404200212Close Stocking, Jr George WColonial Situations: Essays on the Contextualization of Ethnographic Knowledge Book University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1994, ISBN: 978-0-299-13124-1.BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@book{stocking_colonial_1994, title = {Colonial Situations: Essays on the Contextualization of Ethnographic Knowledge}, author = {Jr George W Stocking}, isbn = {978-0-299-13124-1}, year = {1994}, date = {1994-01-01}, publisher = {University of Wisconsin Press}, address = {Madison}, series = {History of Anthropology Ser. Vol. 7}, keywords = {ethnography, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Roldán, Arturo AlvarezLa invención del método etnográfico : reflexiones sobre el trabajo de campo de Malinowski en Melanesia Journal Article In: Antropología : revista de pensamiento antropológico y estudios etnográficos. Madrid : Asociación Madrileña de Antropología, vol. 7, pp. 83–100, 1994, ISSN: 1131-5814.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{roldan_invencion_1994, title = {La invención del método etnográfico : reflexiones sobre el trabajo de campo de Malinowski en Melanesia}, author = {Arturo Alvarez Roldán}, url = { aalvarez/observadorcultural/Documentos/Alvarez_1995_esp.pdf}, issn = {1131-5814}, year = {1994}, date = {1994-01-01}, journal = {Antropología : revista de pensamiento antropológico y estudios etnográficos. Madrid : Asociación Madrileña de Antropología}, volume = {7}, pages = {83--100}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close aalvarez/observadorcultural/Documentos/Alvarez_1995_esp.pdfClose1988 Comaroff, Jean; Comaroff, John L; Schapera, IsaacOn the Founding Fathers, Fieldwork and Functionalism: A Conversation with Isaac Schapera Journal Article In: American Ethnologist, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 554–565, 1988, ISSN: 0094-0496.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@article{comaroff_founding_1988, title = {On the Founding Fathers, Fieldwork and Functionalism: A Conversation with Isaac Schapera}, author = {Jean Comaroff and John L Comaroff and Isaac Schapera}, doi = {10.2307/645758}, issn = {0094-0496}, year = {1988}, date = {1988-01-01}, journal = {American Ethnologist}, volume = {15}, number = {3}, pages = {554--565}, keywords = {ethnography, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/645758Close1987 Scheper-Hughes, NancyThe Best of Two Worlds, the Worst of Two Worlds: Reflections on Culture and Field Work among the Rural Irish and Pueblo Indians Journal Article In: Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 56–75, 1987, ISSN: 0010-4175.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography@article{scheper-hughes_best_1987, title = {The Best of Two Worlds, the Worst of Two Worlds: Reflections on Culture and Field Work among the Rural Irish and Pueblo Indians}, author = {Nancy Scheper-Hughes}, doi = {10.2307/178780}, issn = {0010-4175}, year = {1987}, date = {1987-01-01}, journal = {Comparative Studies in Society and History}, volume = {29}, number = {1}, pages = {56--75}, keywords = {ethnography}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/178780Close Young, Michael WThe Ethnographer As Hero: the imponderabilia of Malinowski's everyday life in Mailu Journal Article In: Canberra Anthropology, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 32–50, 1987, ISSN: 0314-9099.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{young_ethnographer_1987, title = {The Ethnographer As Hero: the imponderabilia of Malinowski's everyday life in Mailu}, author = {Michael W Young}, doi = {10.1080/03149098609508521}, issn = {0314-9099}, year = {1987}, date = {1987-01-01}, journal = {Canberra Anthropology}, volume = {10}, number = {2}, pages = {32--50}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1080/03149098609508521Close Kilani, MondherL'anthropologie de terrain et le terrain de l'anthropologie. Observation, description et textualisation en anthropologie Journal Article In: Réseaux, vol. 5, no. 27, pp. 39–78, 1987.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{kilani_anthropologie_1987, title = {L'anthropologie de terrain et le terrain de l'anthropologie. Observation, description et textualisation en anthropologie}, author = {Mondher Kilani}, doi = {10.3406/reso.1987.1321}, year = {1987}, date = {1987-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-12}, journal = {Réseaux}, volume = {5}, number = {27}, pages = {39--78}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.3406/reso.1987.1321Close Baker, Victoria JPitching a tent in the native village; Malinowski and participant observation Journal Article In: Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, vol. 143, no. 1, pp. 14–24, 1987, ISSN: 2213-4379.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{baker_pitching_1987, title = {Pitching a tent in the native village; Malinowski and participant observation}, author = {Victoria J Baker}, doi = {10.1163/22134379-90003339}, issn = {2213-4379}, year = {1987}, date = {1987-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-09}, journal = {Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia}, volume = {143}, number = {1}, pages = {14--24}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1163/22134379-90003339Close1985 Clifford, JamesDe l'ethnographie comme fiction. Conrad et Malinowski Journal Article In: Études rurales, vol. 97, no. 1, pp. 47–67, 1985.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{clifford_ethnographie_1985, title = {De l'ethnographie comme fiction. Conrad et Malinowski}, author = {James Clifford}, doi = {10.3406/rural.1985.3059}, year = {1985}, date = {1985-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-12}, journal = {Études rurales}, volume = {97}, number = {1}, pages = {47--67}, abstract = {Cet article se propose d'analyser la notion de « subjectivité ethnographique », qui renvoie à celle d'observation participante et, par conséquent, à la position de tout observateur à l'intérieur de systèmes linguistiques et culturels différents. Les expériences similaires de Joseph Conrad et de Bronislaw Malinowski — émigrés « cosmopolites » aux prises avec une identité britannique et, en tant qu'écrivains, aux prises avec l'univers symbolique anglo-saxon — sont envisagées ici comme des paradigmes. Le caractère construit, pour tout dire « fictif », de leur identité et de leurs représentations de l'ordre culturel est mis en évidence au terme d'une comparaison entre le Journal de Malinowski (et ses Argonautes) et Cœur des ténèbres de Conrad. Les perspectives actuelles de l'écriture ethnographique sont in fine esquissées à partir de considérations sur les limites historiques de l'ironie ethnographique et sur le concept anthropologique de culture, et leur horizon, ramené aux notions mêmes de langage.}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseCet article se propose d'analyser la notion de « subjectivité ethnographique », qui renvoie à celle d'observation participante et, par conséquent, à la position de tout observateur à l'intérieur de systèmes linguistiques et culturels différents. Les expériences similaires de Joseph Conrad et de Bronislaw Malinowski — émigrés « cosmopolites » aux prises avec une identité britannique et, en tant qu'écrivains, aux prises avec l'univers symbolique anglo-saxon — sont envisagées ici comme des paradigmes. Le caractère construit, pour tout dire « fictif », de leur identité et de leurs représentations de l'ordre culturel est mis en évidence au terme d'une comparaison entre le Journal de Malinowski (et ses Argonautes) et Cœur des ténèbres de Conrad. Les perspectives actuelles de l'écriture ethnographique sont in fine esquissées à partir de considérations sur les limites historiques de l'ironie ethnographique et sur le concept anthropologique de culture, et leur horizon, ramené aux notions mêmes de langage.Closedoi:10.3406/rural.1985.3059Close Thornton, Robert J'Imagine Yourself Set Down...': Mach, Frazer, Conrad, Malinowski and the Role of Imagination in Ethnography Journal Article In: Anthropology Today, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 7–14, 1985, ISSN: 0268-540X.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{thornton_imagine_1985, title = {'Imagine Yourself Set Down...': Mach, Frazer, Conrad, Malinowski and the Role of Imagination in Ethnography}, author = {Robert J Thornton}, doi = {10.2307/3032822}, issn = {0268-540X}, year = {1985}, date = {1985-01-01}, journal = {Anthropology Today}, volume = {1}, number = {5}, pages = {7--14}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/3032822Close1984 Young, Michael WThe Intensive Study of a Restricted Area, Or, Why Did Malinowski Go to the Trobriand Islands? Journal Article In: Oceania, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 1–26, 1984, ISSN: 1834-4461.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{young_intensive_1984, title = {The Intensive Study of a Restricted Area, Or, Why Did Malinowski Go to the Trobriand Islands?}, author = {Michael W Young}, doi = {10.1002/j.1834-4461.1984.tb02032.x}, issn = {1834-4461}, year = {1984}, date = {1984-01-01}, journal = {Oceania}, volume = {55}, number = {1}, pages = {1--26}, keywords = {ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1002/j.1834-4461.1984.tb02032.xClose Weiner, Annette B; Damon, Frederick HProblems in Trobriand Ethnography Journal Article In: Man, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 666–670, 1984, ISSN: 0025-1496.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@article{weiner_problems_1984, title = {Problems in Trobriand Ethnography}, author = {Annette B Weiner and Frederick H Damon}, doi = {10.2307/2802333}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1984}, date = {1984-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {19}, number = {4}, pages = {666--670}, keywords = {ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2802333Close1983 Clifford, JamesOn Ethnographic Authority Journal Article In: Representations, no. 2, pp. 118–146, 1983, ISSN: 0734-6018.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{clifford_ethnographic_1983, title = {On Ethnographic Authority}, author = {James Clifford}, doi = {10.2307/2928386}, issn = {0734-6018}, year = {1983}, date = {1983-01-01}, journal = {Representations}, number = {2}, pages = {118--146}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/2928386Close Stocking, Jr George WObservers Observed: Essays on Ethnographic Fieldwork, edited by George W. Stocking, Jr., volume 1 of series Book University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1983, ISBN: 978-0-299-09454-6 978-0-299-09453-9.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@book{stocking_observers_1983, title = {Observers Observed: Essays on Ethnographic Fieldwork, edited by George W. Stocking, Jr., volume 1 of series}, author = {Jr George W Stocking}, url = {}, isbn = {978-0-299-09454-6 978-0-299-09453-9}, year = {1983}, date = {1983-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-12}, publisher = {University of Wisconsin Press}, address = {Madison}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Burton, John WThe Ghost of Malinowski in the Southern Sudan: Evans-Pritchard and Ethnographic Fieldwork Journal Article In: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 127, no. 4, pp. 278–289, 1983, ISSN: 0003-049X.Links | BibTeX | Tags: Africa, ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{burton_ghost_1983, title = {The Ghost of Malinowski in the Southern Sudan: Evans-Pritchard and Ethnographic Fieldwork}, author = {John W Burton}, doi = {10.2307/986275}, issn = {0003-049X}, year = {1983}, date = {1983-01-01}, journal = {Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society}, volume = {127}, number = {4}, pages = {278--289}, keywords = {Africa, ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/986275Close1979 Hsu, Francis L KThe Cultural Problem of the Cultural Anthropologist Journal Article In: American Anthropologist, vol. 81, no. 3, pp. 517–532, 1979, ISSN: 0002-7294.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{hsu_cultural_1979, title = {The Cultural Problem of the Cultural Anthropologist}, author = {Francis L K Hsu}, doi = {10.2307/675774}, issn = {0002-7294}, year = {1979}, date = {1979-01-01}, journal = {American Anthropologist}, volume = {81}, number = {3}, pages = {517--532}, abstract = {An intensive analysis of Malinowski's diary reveals an ethnocentrism hitherto unnoticed in our discipline. Ethnocentrism is common to all societies and cultures, but what anthropologists have so far failed to understand is the very basic distinction between positive ethnocentrism and neutral ethnocentrism. Malinowski, being rooted in white European society and culture where positive enthocentrism prevails, suffered from some peculiar defects in perception of non- Western behavior that vitiated some of his theories, such as those on religion and culture change. This paper shows that some of his shortcomings are still with us today and indicates what we can do to remedy them.}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseAn intensive analysis of Malinowski's diary reveals an ethnocentrism hitherto unnoticed in our discipline. Ethnocentrism is common to all societies and cultures, but what anthropologists have so far failed to understand is the very basic distinction between positive ethnocentrism and neutral ethnocentrism. Malinowski, being rooted in white European society and culture where positive enthocentrism prevails, suffered from some peculiar defects in perception of non- Western behavior that vitiated some of his theories, such as those on religion and culture change. This paper shows that some of his shortcomings are still with us today and indicates what we can do to remedy them.Closedoi:10.2307/675774Close Young, Michael WThe ethnography of Malinowski: the Trobriand Islands 1915-18 Book Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, Boston, 1979, ISBN: 978-0-7100-0013-2.Abstract | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@book{young_ethnography_1979, title = {The ethnography of Malinowski: the Trobriand Islands 1915-18}, author = {Michael W Young}, isbn = {978-0-7100-0013-2}, year = {1979}, date = {1979-01-01}, publisher = {Routledge & Kegan Paul}, address = {London, Boston}, abstract = {ISBN : 0710001002 (pbk.) ; Includes index ; Bibliography: pages 243-247, Material Type: 図書, Holding Agent: 国立国会図書館}, keywords = {ethnography, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseISBN : 0710001002 (pbk.) ; Includes index ; Bibliography: pages 243-247, Material Type: 図書, Holding Agent: 国立国会図書館Close1978 Durham, Eunice RibeiroA reconstituictextasciitildeao da realidade : um estudo sobre a obra etnografica de Bronislaw Malinowski / Eunice Ribeiro Durham Book Editora Atica, Stextasciitildeao Paulo, 1978.BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@book{durham_reconstituictextasciitildeao_1978, title = {A reconstituictextasciitildeao da realidade : um estudo sobre a obra etnografica de Bronislaw Malinowski / Eunice Ribeiro Durham}, author = {Eunice Ribeiro Durham}, year = {1978}, date = {1978-01-01}, publisher = {Editora Atica}, address = {Stextasciitildeao Paulo}, series = {Colectextasciitildeao Ensaios ; 54}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Bodemann, Michal YA Problem of Sociological Praxis: The Case for Interventive Observation in Field Work Journal Article In: Theory and Society, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 387–420, 1978, ISSN: 0304-2421.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@article{bodemann_problem_1978, title = {A Problem of Sociological Praxis: The Case for Interventive Observation in Field Work}, author = {Michal Y Bodemann}, doi = {10.2307/656992}, issn = {0304-2421}, year = {1978}, date = {1978-01-01}, journal = {Theory and Society}, volume = {5}, number = {3}, pages = {387--420}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/656992Close1972 Urry, James"Notes and Queries on Anthropology" and the Development of Field Methods in British Anthropology, 1870-1920 Journal Article In: Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, no. 1972, pp. 45–57, 1972, ISSN: 0080-4169.Links | BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski@article{urry_notes_1972, title = {"Notes and Queries on Anthropology" and the Development of Field Methods in British Anthropology, 1870-1920}, author = {James Urry}, doi = {10.2307/3031732}, issn = {0080-4169}, year = {1972}, date = {1972-01-01}, journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland}, number = {1972}, pages = {45--57}, keywords = {ethnography, history of anthropology, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/3031732Close1966 Powdermaker, HortenseStranger and friend; the way of an anthropologist Book 1st ed., W. W. Norton, New York, 1966.BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@book{powdermaker_stranger_1966, title = {Stranger and friend; the way of an anthropologist}, author = {Hortense Powdermaker}, year = {1966}, date = {1966-01-01}, publisher = {W. W. Norton}, address = {New York}, edition = {1st ed.}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close1957 Kaberry, PhyllisMalinowski’s Contribution to Fieldwork Methods and the Writing of Ethnography Book Section In: Man and Culture: An Evaluation of the Work of Bronislaw Malinowski, ed. Raymond Firth, pp. 71–91, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1957.BibTeX | Tags: ethnography, work about Malinowski@incollection{kaberry_malinowskis_1957, title = {Malinowski’s Contribution to Fieldwork Methods and the Writing of Ethnography}, author = {Phyllis Kaberry}, year = {1957}, date = {1957-01-01}, booktitle = {Man and Culture: An Evaluation of the Work of Bronislaw Malinowski, ed. Raymond Firth}, pages = {71--91}, publisher = {Routledge and Kegan Paul}, address = {London}, keywords = {ethnography, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {incollection} } Close