Bibliography All years 20242023202220212019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751973197219711970196919681967196619651964196319621960195919581957195619551954195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341932193119301929192719261924192319221921192019181916191519131912191119100000 All types Journal ArticlesBooksBook ChaptersBook SectionsMiscellaneousOnlinePhD Theses All tags Africaalpine anthropologyapplied anthropologyAustraliaAustriabibliographybibliography about Malinowskibiographybook reviewbook review by MalinowskiChinacolonialismcorrespondenceeconomicsethnographyFeminismfunctionalismgenderhistoryhistory of anthropologyintroduced by MalinowskikinshipkulaLatin Americalinguisticsmagic and religionMalinowskiMassonmaterial cultureMelanesiaMexicomovie reviewNew GuineaOceaniaphilosophyPolandPolynesiapost mortempsychologyPsychology / Human Sexualityrebellionreview of Malinowski's bookreview of Masson's bookRites and ceremonies--Macedonia.Social anthropologySocial Science / Anthropology / GeneralSocial workSouth Tyrolstory of familyTrobriand IslandsTrobriandswork about Malinowskiwork about Massonwork by Malinowskiwork by Masson All authors (translation), Francesca Bettocchi (translation), Justin Izzo (translation), Maria Lord Abrahamian, L H Adams, Julie Aldrich, Charles Roberts Alvarez, Oscar Fernández Angioni, Giulio Ardener, Edwin Austen, Leo Baker, Richard St Barbe Baker, Stuart Baker, Victoria J Barlow, Kathleen Barth, Fredrik Bartmanski, Dominik Barton, F R Bascom, William Bashkow, Ira Battaglia, Debbora Bauer, Janet Beattie, J H M Bell, Joshua A Benedict, Burton Bennett, Tony Benson, Vincent Beran, Harry Berman, Bruce Birkalan-Gedik, Hande Bodemann, Michal Y Bolton, Lissant Bonshek, Elizabeth Boon, James Borš, Vanja Bradfield, R M Brown, Hannah Brozi, Krzysztof J Bruffault, Robert Brunton, Ron Buckley, Peter Burkard, Franz-Peterdatl Burke, Patrick Burrowes, Carl Patrick Burt, Ben Burton, John W Burton, Orsolya Arva Cadzow, Allisoni Camps, Joan Bestard Canby, Joel S Clifford, James Cochrane, Susan Cocks, Paul Colajanni, Antonino Cole, John W Coleman, Leo Comaroff, Jean Comaroff, John L Conley, John M Cook, Scott Cooley, Timothy J Corriveau, Louis Crain, Jay B Creedy, (Frederick) F Cunnison, Ian Cuscoy, Luis Diego Damon, Frederick H Darrah, Allan C Dauber, Kenneth Davis, John Debaene, Vincent Dehouve, Daniele Della Rocca, Marina Drucker-Brown, Susan Durham, Eunice Ribeiro Edge-Partington, J Egloff, Brian J Ellen, Roy Engelking, Anna Fardon, Richard Fei, Xiaotong Firth, John Rupert Firth, Raymond Fisher, Donald Foks, Freddy Forge, Anthony Fortune, Reo Frederiksen, Bodil Folkede la Fuente, Julio Galli, Matilde Callari Gallus, Alexander Gaona, Héctor Tejera Gay y Blasco, Paloma Geertz, Clifford Geismar, Haidy Gell, Alfred Gellner, Ernest Gifford, Edward W Gijswijt-Hofstra, M Gingrich, Andre Ginsberg, Morris Ginzburg, Carlo Gluckman, Max Gluckman, Max Gnecchi-Ruscone, Anna Paini Elisabetta Goldenweiser, Alexander Goldstein, Leon J Gonzalez, Roberto J Goode, William J Goody, Jack Gordon, Robert J. Gosden, Chris Greenfield, Sidney M Gregg, Dorothy Gross, Feliks Guala, Chito Guldin, Gregory Eliyu Haberland, Hartmut Hage, Per Hammond, Melinda Harary, Frank Harding, Thomas G Harrison, Simon Harwood, Frances Hasan, Ruqaiya Hays, H R Hirsch, Eric Hoebel, Adamson E Hogbin, Ian (Herbert Ian) H Holdsworth, Chris Homans, George C Hosp, Inga Hsu, Francis L K Hutnyk, John Jacorzynski, Witold James, Brent Jarvie, I C Jarvie, Ian Charles Jean, Guiart Jolly, Margaret Kaberry, Phyllis Kaesler, Dirk Kapolka, Gerard T Kasmani, Omar Keck, Frédéric Keesing, Roger Kenyatta, Jomo Kiepe, Juliane Kilani, Mondher Kluckhohn, Clyde Knoll, Eva-Maria Kolankiewicz-Lundberg, Marta Konishi, Shino Korta, Kepa Krzyżanowski, Ludwik Kubica, Grażyna Kuklick, Henrika Kuper, Adam Kurtz, Stanley Nde L'Estoile, Benoît Langendoen, Terence D Lanzinger, Margareth Laracy, Hugh Larson, Frances Leach, Edmund Leach, Jerry Lee, Demetracopoulou D Lepani, Katherine Lewis, Herbert S Liebersohn, Harry Liep, John Lips, Julius (Julius Ernst) E Lipset, David Livolsi, Marino Lombard, Jacques Longo, Gioia Di Cristofaro Lorentz, Friedrich Lowrie, Claire Luckmann, Thomas Luhmann, Niklas Lydon, Jane Lydon, Jane Lyons, Andrew P Lyons, Harriet MacAulay, Stewart MacCarthy, Michelle Macintyre, Martha Mair, Lucy Malinowski, Bronislaw Manderson, Lenore Mannheim, KarlValeria Ribeiro Corossacz Marco Bassi, Antonio De Lauri Martínez, Julia Martiny, Federica Marwedel, Peter Maryanski, Alexandra R Masson, Elsie Matera, Marc Mathur, Chandana Mathur, K S Mauss, Marcel May, (Ronald James) R J Meeker, Michael E Meger, Zbigniew Métraux, A Mey, Jacob Milenković, Miloš Mills, David Mohia-Navet, Montagu, Ashley M F Montagu, Ashley Montague, Susan Morgain, Rachel Morton, Christopher Mosko, Mark S Mucha, Janusz Munn, Nancy D Murdock, George Peter Nadel, Sigfried Nader, Laura Niehaus, Isak Noss, Philip A Nugent, Maria O'Barr, William M O'Hanlon, Michael Obrebski, Joseph Olszewska-Dyoniziak, Barbara Ortiz, Fernando Ou, Jay C Paluch, Andrzej Panoff, Michel Papanek, Hanna Parisi, Rosa Parkin, Robert Payne, Harry C Pels, Peter Persson, Johnny Pickles, Anthony J Piddington, Ralph Pipatti, Otto Polanyi, Karl Posern-Zieliński, Aleksander Powdermaker, Hortense Powell, H A Pulman, Bertrand Quanchi, Max Radcliffe-Brown, A R Raison, Timothy Rapport, Nigel Rapport, Nigel Reed, Adam Reich, Wilhelm Rentoul, Alex Rex, Richards, Audrey I Richards, David Richardson, Shelley Rivera, Patrick S Roldán, Arturo Alvarez Rosengren, Karl Erik Rubel, Paula GAnna; Jasionowicz Saignes, Stanislaw Salvucci, DanielaDaniela; Tauber Salvucci, Elisabeth; Zinn Satriani, Luigi Lombardi M Saville, William James Viritahitemauvai Schapera, Isaac Scheper-Hughes, Nancy Schmidt, Bernd Schneider, Arnd Schneider, Jane Schöttler, Peter Schwaiger, Holger Schwiedland, Eugene Scott, Michael W Seagle, William Selleck, R J W Senft, Gunter Shack, William A Shellam, Tiffany Shepherd, William C Shweder, Richard A Sider, Karen Blu Sillitoe, Paul Silverman, Sydel Siniscalchi, Valeria Skalník, Peter Smith, Grafton Elliot Smith, Nathaniel Sobrero, Alberto Mde Souza, Mauricio Rodrigues Spencer, Baldwin Spinden, Herbert Joseph Spiro, Melford E Sprenger, Guido Średniawa, Bronisław Stacul, Jaro Stade, Ronald Stewart, Charles Stewart, Michael Stocking, Jr George W Stone, Dan Strathern, Marilyn Street, Alice Strenski, Ivan Stuart, Rebecca M. Studiecentrum, Afrika Suolinna, Kirsti Swiderski, Richard M Sylvain, Renée Symmons-Symonolewicz, Konstantin Symonolewicz, Konstantin Szymanski, Al Tambiah, Stanley Jeyaraja Tauber, Elisabeth Taylor, John P Thomas, Nicholas Thompson, Caitlin W Thompson, Christina A Thompson, Laura Thornton, Robert Jde la Torre, Sergio Jarillo Troy, Timothy Turner, Jonathan H Tuzin, Donald Uberoi, Singh J P Ulrich, Lucy Urry, James Valdés, María Varga, Lucie Varga, Lucy Vermeulen, Han F Viazzo, Pier Paolo Vila, Anna Piella Vonarx, Nicolas Wax, Murray L Wayne, Helena Weber, Charles W Weiner, Annette B Weiss, Gerald Welsch, Robert Louis Werblowsky, Zwi R J Werbner, Pninavon Wiese, Leopold Wilkis, Ariel Williams, Elgin Wilson-Haffenden, Wincławski, Włodzimierz Winzeler, Robert L Witkiewicz, Wolf, Eric R Wright, Terence V Yarrow, Thomas Young, Michael W Zerilli, Filippo M Ziegler, Rolf Zinn, Dorothy All users dsalvucci Show all2012 Corriveau, LouisGame theory and the kula Journal Article In: Rationality and Society, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 106–128, 2012, ISSN: 1043-4631.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@article{corriveau_game_2012, title = {Game theory and the kula}, author = {Louis Corriveau}, doi = {10.1177/1043463111434700}, issn = {1043-4631}, year = {2012}, date = {2012-01-01}, journal = {Rationality and Society}, volume = {24}, number = {1}, pages = {106--128}, abstract = {The paper expounds a non-cooperative game that can be interpreted as a model of the system of kula that was described by Bronislaw Malinowski in his Argonauts of the Western Pacific. The game of kula is an infinite-horizon game with an arbitrary, but fixed, number n of players. It generates pure norms of direct reciprocity, pure norms of indirect reciprocity, and mixed norms whereby a player who deviates is punished both by the individual who has been harmed and by a third party.}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThe paper expounds a non-cooperative game that can be interpreted as a model of the system of kula that was described by Bronislaw Malinowski in his Argonauts of the Western Pacific. The game of kula is an infinite-horizon game with an arbitrary, but fixed, number n of players. It generates pure norms of direct reciprocity, pure norms of indirect reciprocity, and mixed norms whereby a player who deviates is punished both by the individual who has been harmed and by a third party.Closedoi:10.1177/1043463111434700Close2011 Beran, HarryDo kula canoes of the Massim region of Papua New Guinea have a bow, a stern, and prowboards? Miscellaneous 2011.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, material culture, New Guinea@misc{beran_kula_2011, title = {Do kula canoes of the Massim region of Papua New Guinea have a bow, a stern, and prowboards?}, author = {Harry Beran}, url = {}, year = {2011}, date = {2011-01-01}, urldate = {2017-09-05}, keywords = {kula, material culture, New Guinea}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {misc} } Close[...]Close Liebersohn, HarryThe return of the gift : European history of a global idea / Harry Liebersohn Book Cambridge University Press, New York, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-107-00218-0.BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@book{liebersohn_return_2011, title = {The return of the gift : European history of a global idea / Harry Liebersohn}, author = {Harry Liebersohn}, isbn = {978-1-107-00218-0}, year = {2011}, date = {2011-01-01}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {New York}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close2008 Ziegler, RolfWhat makes the Kula go round? Journal Article In: Social Networks, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 107–126, 2008, ISSN: 0378-8733.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@article{ziegler_what_2008, title = {What makes the Kula go round?}, author = {Rolf Ziegler}, doi = {10.1016/j.socnet.2007.10.001}, issn = {0378-8733}, year = {2008}, date = {2008-01-01}, journal = {Social Networks}, volume = {30}, number = {2}, pages = {107--126}, abstract = {The Kula ring described by Bronislaw Malinowski is a system of the ceremonial exchange of gifts among a number of tribal societies inhabiting various island groups in the region east of Papua New Guinea. Two ceremonial gifts continually circulate in opposite directions: necklaces clockwise and armshells counterclockwise. After a brief description of the social system of Kula exchange, a game-theoretic interpretation of the ceremonial exchange as a signaling system for peaceful relationships among potentially hostile communities, with inbuilt checks against cheating, is given. A simulation model of the starting mechanism is presented to account for the emergence and stability of the observed pattern of circular exchange of the two ceremonial gifts. Distinguishing among different “historical” phases in the development leads to a decisive improvement of the model. The article closes with a discussion of the limits and future directions of research.}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThe Kula ring described by Bronislaw Malinowski is a system of the ceremonial exchange of gifts among a number of tribal societies inhabiting various island groups in the region east of Papua New Guinea. Two ceremonial gifts continually circulate in opposite directions: necklaces clockwise and armshells counterclockwise. After a brief description of the social system of Kula exchange, a game-theoretic interpretation of the ceremonial exchange as a signaling system for peaceful relationships among potentially hostile communities, with inbuilt checks against cheating, is given. A simulation model of the starting mechanism is presented to account for the emergence and stability of the observed pattern of circular exchange of the two ceremonial gifts. Distinguishing among different “historical” phases in the development leads to a decisive improvement of the model. The article closes with a discussion of the limits and future directions of research.Closedoi:10.1016/j.socnet.2007.10.001Close2007 Ziegler, RolfThe Kula ring of Bronislaw Malinowski a simulation model of the co-evolution of an economic and ceremonical exchange system ; vorgelegt in der Sitzung vom 12. Dezember 2003 Book Beck, MÓnchen, 2007, ISBN: 978-3-7696-1641-5.BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@book{ziegler_kula_2007, title = {The Kula ring of Bronislaw Malinowski a simulation model of the co-evolution of an economic and ceremonical exchange system ; vorgelegt in der Sitzung vom 12. Dezember 2003}, author = {Rolf Ziegler}, isbn = {978-3-7696-1641-5}, year = {2007}, date = {2007-01-01}, publisher = {Beck}, address = {MÓnchen}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close2002 Damon, Frederick HKula Valuables Journal Article In: L'Homme, vol. No 162, no. 2, pp. 107–136, 2002, ISSN: 0439-4216.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, Melanesia@article{damon_kula_2002, title = {Kula Valuables}, author = {Frederick H Damon}, url = {–kula-valuables.htm}, issn = {0439-4216}, year = {2002}, date = {2002-01-01}, urldate = {2017-09-05}, journal = {L'Homme}, volume = {No 162}, number = {2}, pages = {107--136}, abstract = {This article shows how the production of kula valuables and, through their circulation, the naming of persons becomes the preeminent form of wealth for the people of Muyuw, Woodlark Island, in the northeast corner of the Kula Ring in Papua New Guinea. The first half of the argument describes the circulation forms of the kula in the context of the last thirty years of exchange theory as it has been reformulated through the reading of Karl Marx. The second half of the article describes the metonymic and metaphoric transformations entailed by persons naming valuables and becoming named through their circulation throughout the regional system that is the kula.}, keywords = {kula, Melanesia}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThis article shows how the production of kula valuables and, through their circulation, the naming of persons becomes the preeminent form of wealth for the people of Muyuw, Woodlark Island, in the northeast corner of the Kula Ring in Papua New Guinea. The first half of the argument describes the circulation forms of the kula in the context of the last thirty years of exchange theory as it has been reformulated through the reading of Karl Marx. The second half of the article describes the metonymic and metaphoric transformations entailed by persons naming valuables and becoming named through their circulation throughout the regional system that is the kula.Close–kula-valuables.htmClose1992 Harrison, SimonRitual as Intellectual Property Journal Article In: Man, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 225–244, 1992, ISSN: 0025-1496.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@article{harrison_ritual_1992, title = {Ritual as Intellectual Property}, author = {Simon Harrison}, doi = {10.2307/2804052}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1992}, date = {1992-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {27}, number = {2}, pages = {225--244}, abstract = {This article discusses the existence of property rights in ritual symbolism, focusing particularly on disputes over these rights. A universe of such right is comparable in certain respects to a prestige economy such as the Kula system. They both manifest the same conception of property as a symbolic representation of persons. Both involve contests for the control of high-status forms of property, between political actors competing for prestige and legitimacy. Some illustrations are given of the uses of this perspective in analysing processes of change in ritual systems.}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseThis article discusses the existence of property rights in ritual symbolism, focusing particularly on disputes over these rights. A universe of such right is comparable in certain respects to a prestige economy such as the Kula system. They both manifest the same conception of property as a symbolic representation of persons. Both involve contests for the control of high-status forms of property, between political actors competing for prestige and legitimacy. Some illustrations are given of the uses of this perspective in analysing processes of change in ritual systems.Closedoi:10.2307/2804052Close Davis, JohnExchange / John Davis Book Open University Press, Buckingham, 1992, ISBN: 978-0-335-15583-5 978-0-335-15584-2.BibTeX | Tags: kula@book{davis_exchange_1992, title = {Exchange / John Davis}, author = {John Davis}, isbn = {978-0-335-15583-5 978-0-335-15584-2}, year = {1992}, date = {1992-01-01}, publisher = {Open University Press}, address = {Buckingham}, series = {Concepts in the social sciences}, keywords = {kula}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close1990 Liep, JohnGift exchange and the construction of identity Journal Article In: Culture and history in the Pacific, pp. 164–183, 1990.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@article{liep_gift_1990, title = {Gift exchange and the construction of identity}, author = {John Liep}, url = {}, year = {1990}, date = {1990-01-01}, journal = {Culture and history in the Pacific}, pages = {164--183}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Close[...]Close Damon, Frederick HFrom Muyuw to the Trobriands: transformations along the northern side of the Kula Ring Book University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 1990, ISBN: 978-0-8165-1191-4.BibTeX | Tags: kula, Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@book{damon_muyuw_1990, title = {From Muyuw to the Trobriands: transformations along the northern side of the Kula Ring}, author = {Frederick H Damon}, isbn = {978-0-8165-1191-4}, year = {1990}, date = {1990-01-01}, publisher = {University of Arizona Press}, address = {Tucson}, keywords = {kula, Melanesia, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Munn, Nancy DConstructing Regional Worlds in Experience: Kula Exchange, Witchcraft and Gawan Local Events Journal Article In: Man, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 1–17, 1990, ISSN: 0025-1496.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@article{munn_constructing_1990, title = {Constructing Regional Worlds in Experience: Kula Exchange, Witchcraft and Gawan Local Events}, author = {Nancy D Munn}, doi = {10.2307/2804106}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1990}, date = {1990-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {25}, number = {1}, pages = {1--17}, abstract = {Focusing on certain cultural practices in which spatiotemporally distanced events become meaning horizons of an actor's immediate situation or 'present', this article uses a single case to explore some aspects of the construction of a regional, lived world. The case derives from an inter-island kula transaction in the northeast Massim region of Papua New Guinea, and shows how, through witchcraft assumptions, Gawans incorporated this event into later local Gawan events and relations, variously infusing the latter with translocal meanings. In analysing some of the ways in which events were brought into connexion (and renewed connexion) with each other over a six-year period, I suggest a particular theoretical framework for viewing such micro-historical, symbolic processes.}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseFocusing on certain cultural practices in which spatiotemporally distanced events become meaning horizons of an actor's immediate situation or 'present', this article uses a single case to explore some aspects of the construction of a regional, lived world. The case derives from an inter-island kula transaction in the northeast Massim region of Papua New Guinea, and shows how, through witchcraft assumptions, Gawans incorporated this event into later local Gawan events and relations, variously infusing the latter with translocal meanings. In analysing some of the ways in which events were brought into connexion (and renewed connexion) with each other over a six-year period, I suggest a particular theoretical framework for viewing such micro-historical, symbolic processes.Closedoi:10.2307/2804106Close1989 Damon, Frederick H; Wagner, Roy (Ed.)Death rituals and life in the societies of the kula ring Book Northern Illinois University Press, DeKalb, 1989, ISBN: 978-0-87580-151-3 978-0-87580-546-7.BibTeX | Tags: kula, Melanesia@book{damon_death_1989, title = {Death rituals and life in the societies of the kula ring}, editor = {Frederick H Damon and Roy Wagner}, isbn = {978-0-87580-151-3 978-0-87580-546-7}, year = {1989}, date = {1989-01-01}, publisher = {Northern Illinois University Press}, address = {DeKalb}, keywords = {kula, Melanesia}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close1987 Keesing, RogerNew lessons from old shells: changing perspectives on the Kula Book 1987.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@book{keesing_new_1987, title = {New lessons from old shells: changing perspectives on the Kula}, author = {Roger Keesing}, url = {}, year = {1987}, date = {1987-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-11}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close[...]Close1986 Meeker, Michael E; Barlow, Kathleen; Lipset, DavidCulture, Exchange, and Gender: Lessons from the Murik Journal Article In: Cultural Anthropology, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 6–73, 1986, ISSN: 0886-7356.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, Trobriands@article{meeker_culture_1986, title = {Culture, Exchange, and Gender: Lessons from the Murik}, author = {Michael E Meeker and Kathleen Barlow and David Lipset}, doi = {10.2307/656323}, issn = {0886-7356}, year = {1986}, date = {1986-01-01}, journal = {Cultural Anthropology}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {6--73}, keywords = {kula, Trobriands}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/656323Close Hage, Per; Harary, Frank; James, BrentWealth and Hierarchy in the Kula Ring Journal Article In: American Anthropologist, vol. 88, no. 1, pp. 108–115, 1986, ISSN: 0002-7294.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, Melanesia@article{hage_wealth_1986, title = {Wealth and Hierarchy in the Kula Ring}, author = {Per Hage and Frank Harary and Brent James}, doi = {10.2307/679282}, issn = {0002-7294}, year = {1986}, date = {1986-01-01}, journal = {American Anthropologist}, volume = {88}, number = {1}, pages = {108--115}, keywords = {kula, Melanesia}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.2307/679282Close1985 Shack, William AThe Kula : a Bronislaw Malinowski centennial exhibition Book Berkeley, Calif. : Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology, 1985, ISBN: 978-0-936127-00-2.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@book{shack_kula_1985, title = {The Kula : a Bronislaw Malinowski centennial exhibition}, author = {William A Shack}, url = {}, isbn = {978-0-936127-00-2}, year = {1985}, date = {1985-01-01}, publisher = {Berkeley, Calif. : Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Harding, Thomas GMore on the Kula: Ethnography, history, and theory Journal Article In: Reviews in Anthropology, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 158–165, 1985, ISSN: 0093-8157.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@article{harding_more_1985, title = {More on the Kula: Ethnography, history, and theory}, author = {Thomas G Harding}, doi = {10.1080/00988157.1985.9977726}, issn = {0093-8157}, year = {1985}, date = {1985-01-01}, journal = {Reviews in Anthropology}, volume = {12}, number = {2}, pages = {158--165}, abstract = {Leach, Jerry W., and Edmund Leach, eds. The Kula, New Perspectives on Massim Exchange. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. xii + 577 pp. including plates, bibliography, index. $79.50 cloth. Macintyre, Martha. The Kula, A Bibliography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. vi + 90 pp. including author index, appendix. $19.95 cloth.}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseLeach, Jerry W., and Edmund Leach, eds. The Kula, New Perspectives on Massim Exchange. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. xii + 577 pp. including plates, bibliography, index. $79.50 cloth. Macintyre, Martha. The Kula, A Bibliography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. vi + 90 pp. including author index, appendix. $19.95 cloth.Closedoi:10.1080/00988157.1985.9977726Close1983 Leach, Jerry; Leach, Edmund (Ed.)The Kula: new perspectives on Massim exchange Book Cambridge University Press, Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York, 1983, ISBN: 978-0-521-23202-9.BibTeX | Tags: kula, Melanesia, work about Malinowski@book{leach_kula:_1983, title = {The Kula: new perspectives on Massim exchange}, editor = {Jerry Leach and Edmund Leach}, isbn = {978-0-521-23202-9}, year = {1983}, date = {1983-01-01}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York}, keywords = {kula, Melanesia, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Macintyre, MarthaThe kula: a bibliography Book Cambridge University Press, Cambridge ; New York, 1983, ISBN: 978-0-521-23203-6.BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@book{macintyre_kula:_1983, title = {The kula: a bibliography}, author = {Martha Macintyre}, isbn = {978-0-521-23203-6}, year = {1983}, date = {1983-01-01}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge ; New York}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Persson, JohnnyCyclical Change and Circular Exchange: A Re-Examination of the KULA Ring Journal Article In: Oceania, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 32–47, 1983, ISSN: 1834-4461.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@article{persson_cyclical_1983, title = {Cyclical Change and Circular Exchange: A Re-Examination of the KULA Ring}, author = {Johnny Persson}, doi = {10.1002/j.1834-4461.1983.tb02016.x}, issn = {1834-4461}, year = {1983}, date = {1983-01-01}, journal = {Oceania}, volume = {54}, number = {1}, pages = {32--47}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1002/j.1834-4461.1983.tb02016.xClose Weiner, Annette BÁ World Of Made Is Not A World Of Born': Doing Kula In Kiriwina Book Section In: The Kula : New Perspectives On Massim Exchange, pp. 147–170, Cambridge University Press, 1983, ISBN: 978-0-521-23202-9.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, Trobriands, work about Malinowski@incollection{weiner_a_1983, title = {Á World Of Made Is Not A World Of Born': Doing Kula In Kiriwina}, author = {Annette B Weiner}, url = {}, isbn = {978-0-521-23202-9}, year = {1983}, date = {1983-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-12}, booktitle = {The Kula : New Perspectives On Massim Exchange}, pages = {147--170}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, abstract = {In this paper Weiner examines the functional role of the Kula on Kiriwina Island, analyzing the processes of transformation underlying internal change. The article contains information on the organization of control and use rights to land by the DALA (lineage), the distribution of yams and other forms of women's wealth (e.g., bundles of banana leaves and skirts), the circulation of men's valuables in the form of axe blades (BEKU), the methods of transacting Kula on Kiriwina, and the power structure on the island, with particular reference to the chiefs.}, keywords = {kula, Trobriands, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {incollection} } CloseIn this paper Weiner examines the functional role of the Kula on Kiriwina Island, analyzing the processes of transformation underlying internal change. The article contains information on the organization of control and use rights to land by the DALA (lineage), the distribution of yams and other forms of women's wealth (e.g., bundles of banana leaves and skirts), the circulation of men's valuables in the form of axe blades (BEKU), the methods of transacting Kula on Kiriwina, and the power structure on the island, with particular reference to the chiefs.Close Damon, Frederick HCalendars and Calendrical Rites on the Northern side of the Kula Ring Journal Article In: Oceania, vol. 52, no. 3, pp. 221–239, 1982, ISSN: 1834-4461.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, Melanesia, work about Malinowski@article{damon_calendars_1982, title = {Calendars and Calendrical Rites on the Northern side of the Kula Ring}, author = {Frederick H Damon}, doi = {10.1002/j.1834-4461.1982.tb01496.x}, issn = {1834-4461}, year = {1982}, date = {1982-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-09}, journal = {Oceania}, volume = {52}, number = {3}, pages = {221--239}, keywords = {kula, Melanesia, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1002/j.1834-4461.1982.tb01496.xClose1980 Damon, Frederick HThe Kula and Generalised Exchange: Considering Some Unconsidered Aspects of the Elementary Structures of Kinship Journal Article In: Man, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 267–292, 1980, ISSN: 0025-1496.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: kinship, kula, Melanesia@article{damon_kula_1980, title = {The Kula and Generalised Exchange: Considering Some Unconsidered Aspects of the Elementary Structures of Kinship}, author = {Frederick H Damon}, doi = {10.2307/2801671}, issn = {0025-1496}, year = {1980}, date = {1980-01-01}, journal = {Man}, volume = {15}, number = {2}, pages = {267--292}, abstract = {As anthropologists are reading Marx, sociologists are beginning to read Levi-Strauss. Based on an analysis of the Kula, this article attempts to place Levi-Strauss's first major work in light of neomarxist thought. It is suggested that 'kinship' for Levi-Strauss occupies a place in some kinds of societies analogous to that of 'capital' in capitalist society according to Marx. But using data from the Kula it is shown that such a perspective ignores the question of how 'production' articulates with 'circulation'. Although certain aspects of the Kula may be comprehended in terms of generalised and restricted exchange, the postulated contradiction in generalised exchange does not account for the Kula's dynamics. 'Ownership', derived from the sphere of production, not 'reciprocity', accounts for the Kula's dynamics.}, keywords = {kinship, kula, Melanesia}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } CloseAs anthropologists are reading Marx, sociologists are beginning to read Levi-Strauss. Based on an analysis of the Kula, this article attempts to place Levi-Strauss's first major work in light of neomarxist thought. It is suggested that 'kinship' for Levi-Strauss occupies a place in some kinds of societies analogous to that of 'capital' in capitalist society according to Marx. But using data from the Kula it is shown that such a perspective ignores the question of how 'production' articulates with 'circulation'. Although certain aspects of the Kula may be comprehended in terms of generalised and restricted exchange, the postulated contradiction in generalised exchange does not account for the Kula's dynamics. 'Ownership', derived from the sphere of production, not 'reciprocity', accounts for the Kula's dynamics.Closedoi:10.2307/2801671Close1978 Sillitoe, PaulExchange in melanesian society Journal Article In: Ethnos, vol. 43, no. 1-2, pp. 7–29, 1978, ISSN: 0014-1844.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, Melanesia, work about Malinowski@article{sillitoe_exchange_1978, title = {Exchange in melanesian society}, author = {Paul Sillitoe}, doi = {10.1080/00141844.1978.9981145}, issn = {0014-1844}, year = {1978}, date = {1978-01-01}, journal = {Ethnos}, volume = {43}, number = {1-2}, pages = {7--29}, keywords = {kula, Melanesia, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1080/00141844.1978.9981145Close Egloff, Brian JThe Kula Before Malinowski: A Changing Configuration Journal Article In: Mankind, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 429–435, 1978, ISSN: 1835-9310.Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@article{egloff_kula_1978, title = {The Kula Before Malinowski: A Changing Configuration}, author = {Brian J Egloff}, doi = {10.1111/j.1835-9310.1978.tb00671.x}, issn = {1835-9310}, year = {1978}, date = {1978-01-01}, journal = {Mankind}, volume = {11}, number = {3}, pages = {429--435}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {article} } Closedoi:10.1111/j.1835-9310.1978.tb00671.xClose1967 Harding, Thomas GVoyagers of the Vitiaz Strait; a study of a New Guinea trade system Book University of Washington Press, Seattle, 1967.BibTeX | Tags: kula, Melanesia, work about Malinowski@book{harding_voyagers_1967, title = {Voyagers of the Vitiaz Strait; a study of a New Guinea trade system}, author = {Thomas G Harding}, year = {1967}, date = {1967-01-01}, publisher = {University of Washington Press}, address = {Seattle}, keywords = {kula, Melanesia, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close1962 Uberoi, Singh J PPolitics of the Kula ring; an analysis of the findings of Bronislaw Malinowski Book Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1962.BibTeX | Tags: kula, work about Malinowski@book{uberoi_politics_1962, title = {Politics of the Kula ring; an analysis of the findings of Bronislaw Malinowski}, author = {Singh J P Uberoi}, year = {1962}, date = {1962-01-01}, publisher = {Manchester University Press}, address = {Manchester}, keywords = {kula, work about Malinowski}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close1957 Polanyi, KarlThe great transformation Book 1st Beacon paperback ed., Beacon Press, Boston, 1957.Links | BibTeX | Tags: economics, history, kula, Trobriands@book{polanyi_great_1957, title = {The great transformation}, author = {Karl Polanyi}, url = {}, year = {1957}, date = {1957-01-01}, publisher = {Beacon Press}, address = {Boston}, edition = {1st Beacon paperback ed.}, keywords = {economics, history, kula, Trobriands}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } Close Mauss, MarcelEssai sur le don. Forme et raison de l'échange dans les sociétés archaïques Book Un document produit en version numérique par Jean-Marie Tremblay, 1923.Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: kula@book{mauss_essai_1923, title = {Essai sur le don. Forme et raison de l'échange dans les sociétés archaïques}, author = {Marcel Mauss}, url = {}, year = {1923}, date = {1923-01-01}, urldate = {2017-08-30}, edition = {Un document produit en version numérique par Jean-Marie Tremblay}, series = {l'Année Sociologique}, abstract = {Une bibliothèque numérique unique et originale dans le monde francophone en sciences sociales et humaines, développée en collaboration avec l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, fondée et dirigée par Jean-Marie Tremblay, bénévole, professeur de sociologie au département des sciences humaines du Cégep de Chicoutimi.}, keywords = {kula}, pubstate = {published}, tppubtype = {book} } CloseUne bibliothèque numérique unique et originale dans le monde francophone en sciences sociales et humaines, développée en collaboration avec l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, fondée et dirigée par Jean-Marie Tremblay, bénévole, professeur de sociologie au département des sciences humaines du Cégep de Chicoutimi.Close[...]Close